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(Cat above is Tigergrowl)

Losttail sat with her head down. Leafbare had past but the clan had experienced great losses. Thrushleaf and Grayshade's whitecough had worsened to greencough eventually killing both cats. But worse than that, at least to Losttail, is that Swiftmind had caught greencough which ended with her joining StarClan.

Losttail lifted her head. The sun was shining brightly across the sky, lighting up the forest around her. She sat in front of the mound of dirt where her mother was burried.
I miss you, mother.

"I miss her too." A voice sounded behind her.

Losttail looked over her should to find Tigergrowl pushing his way through the bushes. He sat down by his daughter and wrapped his tail aroud her.

"We had been mates for many moons. I remember how happy I was when she agreed to be my mate. Then the joy I felt when she said she was expecting kits."

Losttail smiled at the memories her father shared of her mother.

"We may have had only one kit but I wouldn't give you up for anything." Tigergrowl continued. "I remembered the day you were born. Neither of us had noticed your missing tail. We were both just excited and happy that you were here."

Losttail smiled at her father's words. She lowered her head again. Tigergrowl glanced at her and wrapped his tail tighter around her.

"I miss her just as much as you do but we can't grieve forever. We both have roles in our clan." He mewed." You have a prophecy. Swiftmind wouldn't want us to forget the duties we have."

Pain tugged at Losttail's heart. She knew her father was right. They both had duties to perform as a warrior and medicine cat. She tucked her head under her father's chin. Tigergrowl smiled and rested his head on top of hers.

"We may not have Swiftmind with us but we have each other." He meowed." You're not alone, Losttail. I'm still here. You still have me."

Losttail felt tears begin to fill her eyes and she buried her head deeper into her father's chest just as if she were a kit.

StarClan, Swiftmind, I need you! Please! Help me!




That night, Losttail curled up in her nest and closed her eyes. Suddenly, her mind was filled with churning shadows and shrieks that made her jump. She realized she could feel the ground underneath her paws, cold and sodden. She got up and walked, her vision clearing.

She emerged into a half-lit clearing surrounded by gray tree trunks. Fear surged through her as she looked around. I know this place. It's the Dark Forest. Why am I here?

"Hello, Losttail." Whispered a voice from somewhere behind her." I sense fear in you and your mentor. I know the look on his face all too well. It's the same way his sister looked at me when she died."

Losttail's eyes widened. He must be one of the cats that killed Berryseed's family. She spun around." Who are you? Show yourself!"

The cat's evil laughter echoed trough the gray trees." I don't think so. You don't stand a chance against the Dark Forest. We're stronger, smarter, and StarClan will crumble beneath our paws."

Losttail felt her anger boil inside her." You fox-hearted dungface! You're mousebrained if you think StarClan will ever fall to the Dark Forest!"

The voice laughed again." Just you watch!"

A bright light filled the forest. Losttail opened her eyes and found herself back in the medicine den. The mysterious cat's laughter and words echoed in her mind. She glanced over at Berryseed who was sound asleep. Her heart was still racing from her visit with the strange cat. She curled back up and after several tries she finally slept peacefully.




The next morning, Losttail woke, yawned and gave herself a stretch and padded outside the den. Immediately she could her two squeaking voices from the nursery. She recognized them as Tawnypool and Rabbitstar's kits- Patchkit and Flowerkit.

"I wish I could be out hunting with the Clan," Patchkit whined. "This is so boring!"

Flowerkit looked baffled. "No, it's not."

Patchkit rolled his pale blue eyes. "You never shut up." He made his voice higher, mimicking his sister." 'I love being in camp. It's so fun.' News flash, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!" Flowerkit spat.

Losttail smiled at the two bickering kits. She walked over and joined them."Your time will come when you both will serve you clan. You just need to be patient." She mewed.

Patchkit let his shoulders slump." But I don't want to wait four more moons."

"Well I can." Flowerkit boasted.

Losttail's eyes roamed away from the two siblings. There were only a few cats out in the clearing. Streampelt was sleeping on a rock near the warriors' den. Barkpath and Ratfang were having a discussion near the Warriors' den. Flarefur was eating away at a scrawny mouse. Desertstorm, Pebblestream And Cedarflame had just returned feom hunting. Berryseed was sitting outside their den, looking deep in thought.

After a few moments of talking with the kits, the bengal tom called out for Losttail. Losttail padded over and sat down beside him. I have to tell him about my visit with the Dark Forest cat.

"Berryseed, I need to tell you something." She began, nervously. "Last night, I woke up in the Dark Forest. There was a cat speaking to me but I couldn't see him. I think he was the cat that killed your sister."

Berryseed turned and looked at her, a hint of anger in his eyes. "Blackmoon. What did he say?"

"He said that I don't stand a chance against the Dark Forest. That StarClan will crumble underneath their paws."

Berryseed growled under his breath and Losttail could see the fur on his neck began to bristle. Berryseed rose to his paws and stalked off into their den, Losttail following. He unsheathed his claws and slashed at a bundle of herbs, sending them flying to the back of the den, scattering them everywhere. He flopped onto his side and let out along sigh.

He then turned his head to look at Losttail. "Please leave. I need to be alone."

Losttail sighed. She padded over to him and gently nuzzled his head then left the den.

"Losttail, come here please." Lightsoul called out to her.

Losttail padded over and joined the elder outside her den. Hawkear, Tawnypool, and Spidersilk were also present.

"How are you,dear?" Lightsoul asked.

Losttail smiled or at least tried to. "I'm fine."

"How is Berryseed?" meowed Spidersilk.


Losttail knew very well that that was a lie. Her mentor was not okay. Patchkit and Flowerkit raced up to them.

"What are you talking about?" Flowerkit squeaked.

"Big cat stuff, little one." Lightsoul answered.

"Well, I'm big enough to know." Patchkit mewed puffing out his chest.

Tawnypool ran her tail over her son's back. "If you are big enough then you can go get fresh kill and bring it to the queens."

"Okay!" The two kits squeaked in unison. They dashed off to the freah kill pile. Tawnypool smiled. "That will keep them busy."

Losttail watched the two bouncing kits leave. From across the clearing she could see Nighthowl beckoning her over. She excused herself from the elders den and padded over to meet him. She felt Nighthowl rub up against her when she met him. He glanced at her.

"Everything been so crazy lately that we
haven't talked in a while. How are you?" Nighthowl purred, giving her an affectionate lick on the head.

Losttail felt her heart speed up. "Honestly, I've been better."

Nighthowl let out a Small laugh." Yeah me too."

Losttail let her green eyes meet his dark blue ones. Sometimes I wish I was a warrior.

"Nighthowl, there you are." Brightring mewed padding up to them. Her light brown pelt was glowing in the sunlight that shone through the clouds.

"I'm glad I found you. You're going on a hunting patrol." The deputy meowed. "Ratfang's leading and Runningflare, Whiteleg and Snowpaw are joining you too."

Nighthowl nodded and turned back to Losttail." See you later."

He nuzzled her head one more time before he bounded away to find the patrol. Losttail made her way back to the medicine den. Inside, Berryseed was reorganizing the herbs and Losttail noticed that he was smiling.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked.

Berryseed nodded. "Yes, a lot better."

Losttail felt a wave of relief was over her at her mentor's cheerful tone. "Do I need to go herb gathering?" She asked.

"No. Nothing's damaged, just needs to be reorganized." Berryseed replied, letting out a small laugh.

Losttail smiled and closed her eyes. Thank you, StarClan.

"Berryseed! Losttail!"

Losttail and Berryseed both pricked their ears. "That sounds like Birchfur." Berryseed mewed. Losttail peered out of the den and found the pale brown warrior racing up to them. The sun had lowered in the sky and the moon was beginning to show.

"What's wrong, Birchfur?" Losttail asked.

"It's Ashleap. He says he's not feeling well." Birchfur mewed, slightly out of breath.

Losttail turned her head to ine side. "What all has he done today?"

"He went on the dawn patrol, three hunting patrols, and he just got back from the evening patrol." Birchfur replied.

Losttail went back into the den then came back out with some burnet leaves. "He might just be a little weak. Burnet leaves will help him."

She followed Birchfur to the warriors' den where Ashleap was lying on his side. She placed the burnet leaves by the ashy gray tom's mouth. "Here, Ashleap. Eat these." She mewed. Ashleap obeyed and slowly chewed the leaves.

"Rabbitstar! Brighring!"

Losttail and Birchfur peered out of then den with a few other warriors behind them. Whiteleg emerged from the gorse tunnel with Snowpaw behind her. Rabbitstar and Brighring quickly dashed across the clearing to meet them with Berryseed right behind them. Losttail could see the warrior and apprentice's bodies were covered with a few scratches.

"What happened?" Brightring asked.

"The Dark Forest." Whiteleg answered.

"They attack us!" Snowpaw exclaimed. "Runningflare's really hurt!"

Suddenly, Ratfang emerged through the gorse tunnel followed by Rogueshadow and Hareleap who carried a limp and bloody Runningflare on their backs. They laid him down at Rabbitstar's paws. Berryseed placed a paw on the warrior's neck and placed an ear to his chest. He then say up and turned to Rabbitstar. "He's dead." He meowed.

Several low mournful wails came from the clan. Lillygaze and Voletail exchanged sorrowful glances at each other at they gathered around their dead brother. Runningflare's kits, Webfang and Cedarflame, padded over to lay beside their father while their mother, Chervilcloud pressed her nose into her mate's fur.

"He was an excellent warrior. May StarClan welcome him." Snowwind whispered.

Rabbitstar,Brightring and several other warriors gathered around the dead warrior. Losttail pressed her nose into Runningflare's fur before padding back to the medicine den.

I were able to save Snowpaw when he got attacked, but I couldn't save Runningflare.

Berryseed padded into the den. "Runningflare was already dead by the time they got to camp."

Losttail didn't reply. Berryseed padded over and sat down beside her. "We should be thankful that we didn't loose the whole patrol."

He turned to his apprentice and laid his tail on her shoulder before getting up. "Get some rest. The gathering's tomorrow night."

Losttail sighed and went to curl up in her nest. She thought of Brackenwind and the other medicine cats and what tragedies may have happened to the other clans.

Please, StarClan. She pleaded. Let ThunderClan be the only clan with bad news.

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