Shadowclan Allegiances

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LEADER: Branchstar - A large, broad-shouldered, battle-scarred, long-furred dark brown tabby tom with black stripes, large paws with long jet-black claws and ice blue eyes

DEPUTY: Froststorm - A white tom with one black claw and unnatural purple eyes

MEDICINE CAT: Crouchleg - A short-legged gray tom with white patches and amber eyes

MEDICINE CAT APPRENTICE: Wheatpaw [former kittypet] - A golden brown tabby she-cat with yellowish-amber eyes

WARRIORS: Tinyfall - A dark gray she-cat with unusual hazel eyes

Sagepelt - A brown tabby tom with pale green eyes

Archnose - A white tom with brown spots, amber eyes and an unusually arched upper jaw

Reedheart [former rouge] - A brown tabby tom with black stripes and amber-green eyes

Doestorm - A white-dappled brown she-cat with a white bobtail, a white underbelly and green eyes

Finclaw [former rouge] - A large, broad-shouldered, battle-scarred, long-furred silver-and-white tabby she-cat with black stripes, long blood-stained jet-black claws and ice blue eyes

Duskspot - A dusky gray-brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Hawkpath - A large, broad-shouldered, battle-scarred black tom with large paws and blue eyes

Crookedfoot - A large, broad-shouldered, battle-scarred white tom with ginger splashes, a crooked front right paw and green eyes; apprentice: Gorsepaw

Paleheart - A white she-cat with pale brown patches and pale amber eyes

Stormheart - A black-mottled dark gray tom with green eyes

Fawnclaw - A white-dappled dark brown she-cat with a white underside and ice blue eyes; apprentice: Pondpaw

Shadowtuft - A black tom with blind white eyes, no one knows how he lived to be a warrior

Nightshade [a former rouge who was allowed to keep her name since it's already a warrior name] - A large, broad-shouldered, battle-scarred, long-furred pure jet-black she-cat with bright bluish-purple eyes; Featherheart's half-sister

Featherheart - A large, broad-shouldered, battle-scarred, long-furred pure white she-cat with icy blue eyes; Despite her soft name, she's actually a vain bully, Nightshade's half-sister

Shatteredleg - A brown-and-white tabby tom with black stripes, a broken left back leg that will never heal and green eyes

APPRENTICES: Gorsepaw - A white tom with black spots, a black tail and icy green eyes

Pondpaw - A blue gray-and-white tom with sleek fur, webbed paws, long jet-black claws and ice blue eyes

QUEENS: Heatherblossom - A heather-colored she-cat with a white tail tip and amber eyes [mother to Stormheart's kits Lilykit, Antkit and Littlekit]

Thunderfern - A dark brown she-cat with a white muzzle, underside, paws and tail tip, long jet-black claws and yellow-green eyes [expecting Crookedfoot's kits]

ELDERS: Rateyes - A dark gray she-cat with beady greenish-black eyes

Stoatpath - A brown-and-ginger tom with green eyes

Larchthroat - A black she-cat with a white tail tip, a white throat and yellow eyes

Silverfire - A large, broad-shouldered, battle-scarred, long-furred silver-and-white tabby she-cat with long jet-black claws and reddish-amber eyes

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