MeadowClan- @ivebolt

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First off, thank you so much for submitting a Clan! I really appreciate all the attention this little OC rater has gotten. 

Clan name: MeadowClan

Alright, pretty normal but also not too cliché. 5/5

Reason for name: MeadowClan was named after Meadowsky, the founder of MeadowClan. 

I get the founder thing...but I usually like territory naming better. I mean, Skystar was a horrible leader and cat but they named the Clan after him. Also, this makes the names misleading. 4/5

Territory: they live on a mountain with flowers all around and a cave like east to them. 

I thought they would live in a meadow. Oops. I'm guessing they're lower down on the mountain if flowers survive there? 9/10

Climate: sunny in green-leaf or new-leaf with a couple thunderstorms sometimes, but cold in leaf-bare and leaf-fall is normal

That makes sense, but I was looking for a bit more. I guess it's pretty mild? 4/5

Landmarks: MeadowClan has a flowerbed that they call the good luck charm. Medicine cats go there often and have peace from the Clan that is noisy sometimes. MeadowClan also have a training ground that they call grassylands, it can help the apprentices practice and make friends with the neighboring Clan. 

How would they know about charms? Also, what about the flowerbed is so lucky? And I thought a flowerbed was a planting device that cats in the wild wouldn't have? I like grassylands though! The friends this territory shared by all the lands or controlled by MeadowClan or what? 7/10

Prey: Mice, voles, birds. Birds, voles, shrews, and mice are common. 

That's cool! I guess there aren't any hawks or eagles? Just forest prey? I would expect rabbits though, these are more forest-y animals. 4/5

Camps & Dens: MeadowClan's camp is on the surface. They've flowers around the camp entrance. The warriors den is a tree that has fallen down. The apprentices den is the same way as the warriors den, butt they have a little opening covered by moss and vines. The Medicine cats den is a hole in the wall with a big opening inside. The medicine cat den has a little stream next to it. The nursery is next to the medicine cats den is covered in flowers and has a camouflaged entrance. The leader sleeps anywhere but if the leader wants to sleep in a den, there is a leaders den is a big rock that has a opening and a space inside it. They sleep on moss, feathers, and anything comfortable. 

This sounds really nice! I would think that the leader would have a den as a sign of respect though. You don't just leave your boss out in the rain and cold! 10/10

Ranks: Leader, Deputy, Medicine cat, warrior, apprentice, youngkit, kit, queen, elder; Youngkit is basically like if the kits reach up to 3 moons they become youngkit. They still sleep in the nursery. They have the suffix, "-moon". Like Rainymoon, Snowmoon, Flowermoon. They often avoid using the suffix moon for warrior names to avoid a mix-up. This might change at anytime

I like how they separate the older and younger kits because there is a difference in size. Why would the older kits be called Youngkit? Why would the Youngkits have the suffix -moon though? How does that tie in with that stage of their life? Does that mean the suffix -moon would be an insult? 5/5

Looks: There isn't a look shared by most cats of the Clan

Well, they don't seem to leave near a town full of kittypets so I would expect them all to be at least distantly related. There isn't even an average fur length or eye color? 2/5

Skills: running, hunting, and mountain climbing

Those make sense! 5/5

Personality: It depends on the cats but most are kind, grateful, and peaceful

Alright! That seems like an important few traits to value! 5/5

Lingo: Nah

I think grassylands would count. And there aren't any insults or 'foxheart's or anything? 2/3

Outside opinions: They're really nice to outsiders and the leader are best friends with the other clans. 

Of course, there's nothing wrong with being friendly, but it doesn't seem very safe for even the leaders to be super close. Why aren't they just all one Clan? Also, this isn't really how other cats see them. 4/5

Opinion on outsiders: They like the other clans, and they are friendly to rouges, loner, and tribes. They are willing to accept outsiders to their clan as long as they don't do something bad.

That's a nice mindset though you would think warriors would be more distrustful. 5/5

Founders: 1st: Meadowsky, Meadowstar 2nd: Flowercloud, Flowerstar 

Those are nice names, but how did they get warrior names before starting a Clan? Also, I know I didn't add this in the form and probably should, but I would like it if you added appearances next time. 5/5

Origin story: The clan is made by a group of clan members that left their Clan to make a new one. They left their Clan because the leader is mean and thinks they have all the power in the world, so they left the Clan.

This makes sense. The only thing I'm worried about is why wouldn't they try to overthrow the leader or something and make a whole new Clan? If there's enough people to start a Clan they should be fine. 13/15

Surrounding Clans: WeatherClan, ForestClan, and CaveClan. Best friends: CaveClan, ForestClan, and WeatherClan; Hard to reach: ForestClan, and WeatherClan (they're down the mountain) 

Territory, ForestClan: They live in a forest with flowers and trees with caves and have a river beside their camp. 

Territory, WeatherClan: lives right near a stream, but they are below the mountain near a cave that is in the mountain that has this glow-y stuff 

Territory, CaveClan: They live in a cave 

Wow, all this detailed stuff and 'they live in a cave'. That's fine, though it better be a big cave. The only problem I have is that two of the Clans are down the mountain and two are on the mountain but they are still close enough to be best friends? How small is this mountain? Though this would be a good explanation to why they don't fight. They could be just a bit too far away to want to conquer each other or be able to successfully steal prey. 9/10

Evolution: They removed a rank called Founder, which is higher than Leader. They realized that this rank is not a good idea to have so they removed it and that there was already a founder called Meadowstar. 

That makes sense, the founder would have died after awhile, and who else would be a founder? I'm curious though, why was founder even necessary? Why not just leader? 10/10

Current Leader: Redstar, Redfrost 

Nice name! I don't know why, but I really like it! 5/5

Current Deputy: Petalheights 

The name seems...a bit off. why '-heights'? 2/3

Current Medicine Cat: Snowsplash

That sounds so cute! 5/5

Afterlife: They call their StarClan, FloatClan. They honor their dead ancestors, and their is a dark forest but it is blocked off by any FloatClan cat so they wouldn't go there unless there is a Dark Forest cat. 

That's cool! Why do they call their StarClan FloatClan? 5/5

Way to contact StarClan(FloatClan): Every once in a while they travel to the FlowerMoon. But the FloatClan cats usually visit them in lucid dreams. The surrounding Clans also use FlowerMoon.

That seems interesting! I've never heard of a FlowerMoon. Is it just a flower? The name doesn't give me much so I'm not sure what exactly it is. 8/10

I don't see an 'Other' so I guess this is it! 

Overall Rating: 90/100

First off, thank you so much for submitting this and none of this rating is personal! I did like MeadowClan, but they didn't seem all that unique. That being said, there was nothing wrong with them, I just found them a bit boring. I'm not sure being super friendly with all the Clans is very realistic, why would they even have warriors then? Or have different Clans? I also thought that your origin story was a bit see through and had some holes. The Clan was still pretty good, it could just use some touching up. Thank you! 

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