Redpool- @Bluestar_Starclan

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Yay! My first review! Thank you so much!

Name: Redpool

Interesting! That seems to be a common medicine cat name, but it's cool for anyone. 5/5

Past names: Redkit, Redpaw

Makes sense, 5/5

Name meaning: Red because of their fur and pool because of their calm personality.

That's really unique! It has a pretty simple reasoning but it's also really specific to them! 5/5

Appearance: Redpool is a brownish-orange tabby tom cat with a white chest, white paws, and white tail-tip. They have  bright green eyes and a short, small, and somewhat chubby body build. Redpool's fur is usually slicked back and sleek, but when they get mad or sad, their fur randomly get ruffled up and looks very messy. They have a big scar across their left flank from a badger fight and a small to average-sized scar on their right foot from their mentor, Nightchaser (she did that on accident).I love how they aren't the steriotypical big, buff, warrior! How did his mentor accidently hurt him bad enough to leave a scar? I like the details though! 8/10

Gender: Nonbinary

Yay! Not scored so 0/0

Sexuality: Bisexual

Like me! 0/0

Romantic orientation: Biromantic

Love the representation! 0/0

Age: 45 moons

That's a pretty good age to be a deputy! (I really can't judge because my OC's are deputies at 24 moons) 3/3

Scent: Musty forest scent mixed in with a little rain.

Yay! I love that you added this! It's also very realistic. 3/3

Voice: A medium-pitched voice that is barely above a whisper. They tend to avoid eye contact when talking to someone, as they can be pretty shy and introverted. They also don't have an accent.

Yay! I'm also really happy that you added this. It makes sense with their personality, but it seems like a real barrier for a deputy. I'm not saying it's horrible, but maybe have some other cats protesting against them being a deputy/not following orders. It should definitely have some effect on their success. 1/3

Personality: Redpool is a quiet and collected cat, and they are very intelligent, but sometimes they get in states where they will shut themselves away from others and won't talk to anybody. Sometimes they are a big slacker and won't get out of bed, so they will literally assign patrols in their bed. They also are very aloof, so they will shrug you off like an annoying bug that crawls in their pelt when you try to talk to them. This is because of the fact that they were treated like that basically their whole life. Despite doing this, they see the good in a lot of cats, but not all cats. Most of the time, they like to be hard on themselves.

I like that they definitely have some noticeable flaws but wouldn't this also work against them becoming deputy? Slacking off isn't usually a trait that would make someone very successful/popular. You have 'good' traits as well though, so it's pretty evenly balanced. Also, in the backstory it mentioned that they were made deputy for their easygoing personality and that sort of contradicts with the personality. 3/5

Habits: Avoiding eye contact when talking, tending to say some things over and over again, fiddling with their tail.

I can definitely understand that, seeing as I do it myself, lol. By fiddling with their tail do you mean flicking it or...? Sorry if this is repetitive but avoiding eye contact and generally acting nervous don't necessarily seem like traits that would make someone a candidate for deputyship/any higher up position. That being said, I like how they are deputy and managed to do that even with these hurdles. 4/5

Likes: Running, warm weather, flowers, rain, long walks, chatting with friends and family

Pretty good likes. I like how they like rain, a thing that most people don't like. 5/5

Dislikes: Loud noises, mud, drama, storms, swimming, cold weather

Those make sense, though most of them are pretty normal. (not that that's a bad thing, just that those are things that most people don't like and it isn't that personalized.) If they are in ThunderClan though, how do they have experience with swimming? 4/5

Strengths: He is a very good hunter, always catching at least 5 pieces of prey a day, but only because Nightshadow focused strictly on that. 

That's a good strength, but is it his only one? Also, I wouldn't necessarily measure hunting ability by how much prey you catch. Some prey could be harder to catch than others or something. Nightshadow isn't seeming that nice? Is Nightshadow just strict or actually mean? 4/5

Weaknesses: A lot of cats tell him to give up, and he listens to them. He hates seeing any cat sad, but hesitates over if he should cheer them up or not.

That isn't a common weakness in the world of warrior cats, and it makes sense! I get not being good at comforting people, lol. 5/5

Fears: Algophobia—Fear of pain. Obesophobia—Fear of obesity/getting unhealthily fat.

Definitely makes sense, especially with his body shape. Many people are really afraid of becoming obese and I like how they are afraid of pain and not some super warrior. 5/5

Rank: Deputy

Ok, ok, he's at a good age and all. The only thing I worry about is why they were picked for deputy and other cats weren't. 2/3

Clan: ThunderClan

Ok, ThunderClan. Everyone says that it's stereotypical to have your OC be in ThunderClan but I don't really care. It's a cool enough Clan. 5/5

Mother: Claypelt—(Alive). A light brown she-cat with darker brown stripes and flecks, a small chubby body (chubbier than Redpool), sleek fur, and green eyes.

I think this makes sense with Redpool! I don't really know cat genetics though, so I'm not sure. Is being a bit chubby just in the family then? 5/5

Father: Flameclaw—(Alive). A brownish-orange tabby tom with amber eyes, medium-length fur, and a tall, lanky body. He also has whitish paws with white ear tips and a gray muzzle due to age.

I'm having trouble imagining him for some reason but he seems cool. 5/5

Other parents: None

Ok, automatic 5/5 then.

Littermates/Other siblings: None

It seems a bit unlikely that they were an only kit, as well as a bit stereotypical. It's still possible though. 4/5

Other family members: Too lazy to put it and I never thought about it

Ok, I didn't really expect most people to have a really detailed family tree or anything. 5/5

Mate: None

Automatic 5/5

Former crushes: Lakefeather—An average-sized bluish-gray tabby she-cat with piercing ice-blue eyes and a darker blue muzzle. She has a scar running across one eye. 

Duststripe—A dark brown tabby tom with very fluffy fur, large ears, and a tall average-sized body. He has one scar on his tail.

Cool, I like that they had some crushes and it just didn't work out, that's definitely realistic. They both seem pretty realistic as well. Is Lakefeather blind? 5/5

Kits: None

Automatic 5/5

Friends: Same as former crushes

They don't have any other friends? I get being introverted though. 4/5

Enemies: None

Alright, that's pretty normal. Even if they doesn't hate anyone, would Lakefeather count as hating them? 2/3

Mentor: Nightchaser—A pitch black, large she-cat with very fluffy fur and bright green eyes. She has scars littered all over her face, and she has a huge scar running across her right flank.

She's almost exactly as I imagined her! What with her being mentioned as strict, I sort of expected some scars, if that makes sense. 5/5

Apprentices: Speckleleaf—A dark brown small she-cat with dapples of light brown scattered all over her fur, a short tail, and green eyes.

Stormfrost—A black tabby she-cat with a white chest, belly, and paws. She is tall for an apprentice and she has heterochromia (one eye blue and the other orange).

That seems realistic with their age and I'm glad they mentored two apprentices before becoming deputy. I don't know the exact statistics but isn't heterochromia very rare? 4/5

Backstory: Redkit was born to their father, Flameclaw and their mother, Claypelt. Flameclaw was spoiling them, while Claypelt was sympathetic to them. Redkit was very close with Flameclaw and never bonded much with Claypelt. At first, Redkit liked being spoiled by their father, but they had the idea that most kits might get jealous, so they told Flamepool to stop spoiling them and treat them like a normal kit. They tried to become good friends with multiple kits and apprentices, but none of the friendships became close or lasted for long, except for a kit named Lakekit, who was really their only friend and still is. During their kithood, Redkit enjoyed listening to stories from the elders and learning about Clan history.

Ok, pretty normal kithood. Did the other kits not have very caring fathers/parents? Interesting that they were closer to their father than to their mother, even at such a young age. Why did the friendships never last? Did they just drift apart or never really click or fight? I like that they like listening to stories by elders and learning about Clan history, it's a nice little detail.

Redkit reached the age of an apprentice and became Redpaw. They received Nightchaser as their mentor. She was sympathetic but somewhat ignored Redpaw. She mostly ignored them by not really answering most of the questions they asked. Nightchaser mostly focused on hunting while somewhat neglecting fighting. One day, them and Nightchaser got into a huge fight because Redpaw "wasn't doing good enough in hunting", and so she jumped on them and gave Redpaw two nasty scratches. Nightchaser had to clean out the elders' bedding for 2 moons because of that. 

Nightchaser should have been punished more. Why was she even allowed to continue training Redpaw? Isn't it a big thing to harm your apprentice? And I thought that it was an accident. She doesn't seem really nice at all. 

When Lakepaw's brother drowned, Redpaw comforted her and they became quite close. Redpaw became Redpool at 15 moons, due to the fact that the leader thought that they did not try hard enough as a warrior. 

If the leader thought they didn't try hard enough why did they get a pretty rare suffix, -pool, instead of -fur or -pelt?

Them and Lakefeather started spending a lot of time together, eventually becoming best friends, Redpool gaining a small crush on Lakefeather. They confessed their love to her, but she declined politely. It broke Redpool's heart a bit, but they were fine afterwards. 

I thought they already were best friends? I like that they were able to continue their friendship though. 

They became unhappy in the Clan for a while and considered leaving due to the fact that other cats still didn't think they were "good enough", but eventually decided against it. Redpool got an apprentice with the name of Specklepaw at the age of 20 moons and treated her very well, making sure she knew everything about apprenticeship. 

Ok, the apprentice is at a good age and I like him determined to be a better mentor than Nightchaser was but can you explain the whole not good enough thing? Why were cats judging them? Was it because they are nonbinary or...?

They got a second apprentice as well, this one was called Stormpaw at the age of 33 moons. They became a deputy at the age of 44 moons because of their calm and easygoing personality after the previous deputy died of an illness. Lakefeather became jealous of this, and actually attempted to kill Redpool without them knowing, but was unsuccessful and was exiled by Jaggedstar, the ThunderClan leader. They still are friends with Lakfeather even after she tried to kiIl them. 

If she was exiled how does Redpool not know about Lakefeather? And why is Lakefeather still willing to be friends with them after trying to kill them? Is she planning another attack? I guess the reasons for being made deputy are fine but usually a cat would be picked for deputy based off of skill or, if it has to be a personality trait, leadership.

Speckleleaf and Stormfrost both got killed by a monster. Speckleleaf got run over and Stormfrost survived but lost too much blood before she could get back to camp. They later gained a crush on the ShadowClan's deputy, Duststripe, but decided it was best if they let that crush go and just remained friends. Nightchaser, after many many moons, finally apologized to Redpool after all she had done. Redpool accepted this apology and gave her a little nuzzle on the forehead. Nightchaser appreciated this and soon formed a strong mother-child bond with them.

No! Poor apprentices! Why would they have a crush on a ShadowClan cat though? And how were the two friends? Usually ThunderClan and ShadowClan don't like each other. And it's been years Nightchaser. Get your priorities straight! I'm a bit surprised that Redpool accepted the apology, and, even so, I don't think them forming a whole mother-child bond is very realistic. 

Overall backstory rating is 20/25

Cause of death: Not dead yet, but if they had to die, they would be impaled by a sharp rock.

That's a bit gruesome...and really slow. Are you determined to torture your OCs? 5/5

Status after death: Most likely StarClan

Yeah, I think that too. 5/5

Main character?: Idk they kinda feel like a background character. But they are my main Warrior Cat OC.

They do kind of seem like a background character, but well fleshed out enough to be your main OC. 3/3

Other: No, not that I know of.

Alright! I guess you get an automatic 3/3 then!

Overall rating: 94/100

Redpool was a very well developed character, which I'd expect for a main OC. That being said, I didn't really understand some things like why they were chosen for deputyship above everyone else or why they ever forgave their mentor. I'm not saying cats can't change and forgive but it seems like a stretch for them to have a mother-child relationship. I would also like to learn when they came out and if anyone in the Clan opposed that. Still, they are a great character and I appreciate you submitting them. 

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