Chapter 6

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We padded through the quiet night forest, we soon arrived at thunderclans camp. We looked down into the camp, we stayed in a tree hollow.
"Ok so you know the plan, me, flame and scar attack Bramblestar, the rest of you attack the clan," I said, they all nodded and we snuck into their camp. Scar and flame followed me into bramblestars den, I told flame and scar to stay hidden in the shadows. Because I had no collar I looked pure starclan, I sat there and he woke. His gaze started as he though I was a starclan cat, I made my voice gentle.
"Hello Bramblestar," I said my voice sweet.
"Hello," Bramblestar said his gaze confused as he did not know me.
"I am moondusk," I said lying, his gaze was worried.
"Do you have information about the prophecy?" Bramblestar asked.
"No but I am here to tell you what's wrong with starclan, we are dieing Bramblestar, strange cats who are stronger then any cat combined,"I said, he nodded.
"That would explain it," he said.
"And those cats are us Bramblestar," I said my voice normal and I spun around, flame and scar appeared by my side.
"How in starclan!" He yowled, I pinned him down scar and flame helping.
"This is for your kittypet leader killing my father!" I spat, I dug my dog teeth covered claws deep into his throat. I dragged it across his throat, even starclan wouldn't be able to repair the damage. I heard yowls and hisses come from outside, I padded out to find them. I dragged bramblestars body out, I threw it down and all cats fell silent.
"No no no my mate wake up!" Wailed a ginger she-cat.
"I see we have weakling in this clan,"I spat, they looked at me.
"You will pay!" The she-cat hissed, she lunged at me but I moved and she fell with a snap. She moved no longer as her head was twisted in an awkward pasition, a smirk came across my face.
"From now on this will be blood clans camp, if any of you wish to join us be welcome to say so now," I said, a Tom with ginger fur and brown stripes padded forward.
"I am Firefox, I will join Bloodclan," he said, a smirk came across it. A she-cat looked at him, he whispered to her and she was still worried.
"Very well Firefox welcome to Bloodclan, I am ScourgeWhisker leader of Bloodclan daughter to scourge and Whiskerclaw, and the cats who stay loyal to starclan will be prisoners and be fed once every two days," I said, a few more cats joined but most of them stayed loyal. I got a few cats to dig out the prison, we then made them go into it and we ruled Thunderclan. A shadowy cat appeared near me, I knew he wasn't starclan.
"If you allow us the dark forest will join your clan," the Tom said, a smirk came across my face.
"Bring them all here," I said, he dissapeared. Moments later a large group of shadow cats came into camp, the Tom looked at me.
"This is all of us, some died in a battle with the clans but we are still stronge, our original leader was Mapleshade but she has backed down and your the leader of us now," the Tom said, a ginger and white she-cat appeared. Her ember eyes digging into my soul, I smirked and she padded forward.
"I am Mapleshade, I give my place to you in order for us to be victorious, I also see you have killed most of Thunderclan but it's prisoners, I have one question though," she said her voice cold.
"Go on," I said.
"Will you attend the gatherings?" Mapleshade asked, I thought for a little.
"Of course but we will take very few warriors, those warriors will be flame, scar, you Mapleshade, thistleclaw, Ashfur, bone, mudclaw, Snowtuft, that is all," I said, she nodded and gathered those cats into a group.

Skip to next gathering.

We traveled together, I doubted the other clans knew that Thunderclan had been taken over. We entered the clearing, most cats backed away. Others hissed, even a few smiled. I jumped up next to the other leaders, they shifted where they sat one of them flattened his ears.
"Who are you and what did you do with Thunderclan," the Tom hissed, I looked at him and stood he shrank in his seat.
"Thunderclan is no more now that Bloodclan has murdered it's leader and deputy, I am ScourgeWhisker daughter of scourge," I spat, he shrank down lower. I sat in my seat once more, the other leaders were shaking.
"Now that we have that covered I wish for us to begin," I said, the others nodded.
"I will go first,"the Tom that I had made shrink in his seat said, we all nodded.
"Go ahead," I said.
"Prey has been plentiful in windclan, we have more rabbits then we can catch, we have had a bit of trouble with shadowclan, other then that we are good," he said sitting down, next a white Tom with black paws stood.
"Shadowclan is well fed with frog, though now Bloodclan has taken over Thunderclan we will respect those borders a bit more in hopes of no trouble," he said sitting down, a dark grey she-cat stood.
"River clan has many fish, we have had a bit of trouble with windclan but we are ok, and we will do the same as blackstar, we will respect our borders more in hopes of no trouble with Bloodclan," she said, I stood next.
"As you all know Thunderclan is no more, I respect that you will respect our territory but windclan still hasn't agreed with you on respecting borders, I do not know of the prey but it will not be shared without a good reason," I said, the Tom that was leader of windclan stood his fur bristling.
"Windclan will stay the same, even though you have killed Thunderclan means nothing to us, only one more rodent in the territories around the lake," he spat, I unsheathed my claws. I stood up and padded forwards next to him, the windclan Warriors below were trembling.
"So this is the way windclan treats its warriors, looks like I have another clan to get rid of," I said, the windclan leader stood trying to be brave. I lifted a paw, I went to slit his throat then remembered the truce that I HAD to follow or all the clans would attack mine. I slammed my paw down inches from his paws, the dog teeth glinted in the moonlight.
"ScourgeWhisker if you break the truce all clans have a right to attack you," blackstar said, I hissed.
"Your lucky you runt, but we will drive you out or kill you, you just wait," I said sitting in my spot once more, blackstar stood up.
"This gathering is at a close," he said running off with his warriors, soon we were back at camp. I went to my new den to think about how to get rid of windclan, I fell asleep as my new plan came to me.

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