Chapter 2 (Warning Long Chapter)

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~The next day~

I walk outside the den for the first time, looking around the well built camp, much better looking than my home. There was a large rock near the front(or back, I couldn't truly tell)of the camp, and there were dens all along the sides, each having there own scent to them. Cats were lounging everywhere, some talking, some eating,some just sunning themselves. A patrol came in through the entrance to the camp, even though it was barely sunrise.

The lead cat, I've seen before. I didn't pay attention to the other cats, as I focused on fiery orange tom.

He moved with experienced grace and agility, his muscles flowing under his pelt. Now that my vision wasn't blurry, I saw that he was actually orange and white, having white on his tail tip, his paws, his underbelly, and on his muzzle.

He turned his gem green eyes to me, carrying his prey to where they put the rest of their kills.

Hold up Shadow. Why am I staring at a cat I've only seen once before. Yeah, he helped save me, but... why did my heart skip a beat? Why? I barely know him!

Oh no...

I'm falling for a cat.

Oh MoonWave, this isn't good. How am I supposed to go back to my realm, if I can't leave the Clan cats behind?

This isn't good...

Then, I noticed the tom walking towards me with a squirrel in his mouth.

"You should eat something." he said, as he dropped the squirrel in front of me. I wolfed down it in two bites.

"Well someone's hungry" he chuckled.

"Because you could go for a day without eating." I said sarcastically.

"And feisty too. Not a good combination." the tom replied.

"Who are you to judge?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not Lightstar, and I'm not Leaftail, so I have little authority, but I am Flametalon ." he said.

"Who's Leaftail?"I asked.

"Leaftail's the deputy." Flametalon answered.

"Oh, ok well thanks for saving me, but don't go bragging about it." I said firmly, with my ears flattened against my head in embarrassment.

"Why would I brag about getting another cat's blood all over my pelt?" he said with so much sarcasm I could feel it.

"Hey Flametalon." a she cat said.

"Dawn patrol I presume, Leaftail?" Flametalon said.

"Yes, and her too." Leaftail said, gesturing towards me.

I didn't know what it was, but Leaftail seemed off to me.

"Ok." I said,still a little uneasy.

I got up and followed the deputy and Flametalon , and as we walked to the entrance of the camp other cats came and joined us.

"That's Iceheart." Flametalon said, as he gestured to the cloud white tom walking next to me.

"Hey." Iceheart said casually. He looks at us with a mixture with curiosity and amusement. Leaftail padded over before either of us could respond.

"And this is the rouge we found at the border, Shadowhunter. " she said, putting on a calm facade, but I could tell she wanted to spit my name out like a piece of rotten prey.

"Well, I can introduce myself, thank you." I said, trying to keep my complete and utter disgust hidden. Leaftail shot me a nasty look then sped up to the front of the group.

"What did you do to her?" Iceheart said, clearly entertained.

"I don't know! I just got here!" I said, shocked.

"Leaftail doesn't really like some cats in the Clan, but I've never seen her treat a cat like that, even one from a different Clan." Flametalon said, worried. I suddenly felt hotter. Flametalon was worried, but I couldn't tell if he was worried about me or Leaftail.

"Who are you? Why did you come to ThunderClan? Are you an intruder?" A much smaller she cat said, squeezing her way in between me and Iceheart.

"Hey calm down Treepaw. Remember what Sorrelstorm said?" Iceheart said, expecting an answer from the gray she cat.

"Respect all warriors, even if they're from a different Clan." Treepaw said, a little disappointed.

"This is Shadowhunter." Flametalon said, feeling bad for the young cat. She was so grateful she skipped the rest of the way to the border.

"That's my apprentice, Treepaw." Iceheart said, chuckling a little.

"Oh we're here!" Flametalon said, leading me along.

"So, what happens during dawn patrol?" I asked, not knowing what to do.

"We pretty much just walk the border. Nothing special." Flametalon shrugged.

We walked for quite a while, so it gave me some time to see their territory, which was mostly forest.

We walked right next to a river, much smaller than the one I had to cross to cross to get here.

"That's the RiverClan border. You wouldn't think cats would swim or eat fish, I always prefer squirrels." Flametalon said. 

I laughed. Flametalon's sense of humor was something I couldn't describe.

"Ow!" I said as walked right into a tree. It was Flametalon's turn to laugh.

As we kept on, we walked past a huge, dense cluster of pine trees.

"That's the ShadowClan border." Flametalon said.

"Kinda reminds me of home" I said quietly to myself, but Flametalon heard me.

He asked,"Where are you from? I can't believe I never thought about it before."

"Somewhere far from here." I answered, not wanting to tell him the truth.

"No wonder you looked so worn out when we found you." He said.

"Ok we're done for dawn patrol let's get back to camp." Leaftail shouted at the patrol.

"Great. I'm starving." Flametalon said thankfully.

By the time we were back at the camp, I was pretty tired. I grabbed two squirrels, walked over to where Flametalon was sitting, and gave him one.

We ate and talked until he had to go hunting.

"It's okay, I'm tired anyway." I said with a yawn.

"And before I forget, you're  moving into the warriors den. I'll show you tonight." Flametalon said.

"Thanks." I said before falling asleep.

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