Chapter 6: Vex's Backstory

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Clawd, Robecca, Keke and Amara couldn't believe what Angel told them. She trusts them to destroy Vex? She couldn't be serious.

"You... want us.... to destroy that demon?" Clawd scoffed. "You're kidding, right?"

Angel narrowed her eyes.

Keke whispered to Clawd,"Something tells me that she's not kidding."

"Why is Vex here, and why does he have a desire to kill?" Amara asked.

"You know, I read about him once," Keke replied. "He wasn't a demon at all. He was just a normal boy, until he found something horrible."

Angel nodded. "Indeed," she agreed. She suddenly had a grim look in her eyes, as if she was remembering something from the past.

"Long ago, Vex was just a normal boy. I met him, and we became best friends ever since. But then, one day, Vex decided to go alone in the Forbidden City. He found a staff that was possessed by evil. The evil took over him, and he became the half demon that everyone feared. He had no caring heart for anyone. He nearly destroyed every planet in the Galaxy, but I stopped him before he finished Earth. I got severely injured. That's why I chose you four teens to destroy Vex."

The four friends stood there, not knowing what to do or say.

Amara faced the group. "What do you  guys think? Do you wanna fight this monster?"

Robecca shrugged. "We don't really have a choice."

"I never had this much action in my life. I'm ready for more," Keke said.

"Ugh... Fine," Clawd sighed. His wolf ears drooped.

Amara nodded, then turned back to Angel.

"Well, it's decided. We will fight Vex."

Angel nodded approvingly. Diancie clapped her hands happily.

"Let's get started," Angel announced.

*I'm doing the best I can. Hope you enjoy it! 😄*

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