Cannon cats

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A/N: HELLO WELCOME TO MEH STORY! Disclaimer- I do not own any of the pictures here unless I specifically stated that I do. Anyways, I hope you enjoy these short stories based on the Warriors Series! Some are ridiculous, some are more serious. This one is about what the wars in warriors would be like if they had cannons.) This chapter may be intense for some viewers...

In a world where cats are smaller than humans (obviously), faster than humans (again, duh), and smarter than humans thought (ooh you didn't see that coming) comes....

     Firestar was sitting on the edge of the ravine, breathing in the cold night breeze. His thoughts were far from his surroundings. "I can't believe what has happened in these past few days. Scourge...Tigerstar.... I can't imagine that there could be any more conflict than there is now," Firestar sighed. "And tomorrow, I may lose many of my warriors in the battle for the forest. If we lose, the clans will have to find a new home." He looked up at Silverpelt. One star was shining brightest of all the stars. "Oh, Bluestar, Spottedleaf, guide me. We cannot afford to lose this batt-"
     Firestar whipped around. A tall oak tree was falling behind him, he could hear the cracking noise as the trunk snapped. He bolted out of the way of the falling tree. What has caused this? Firestar had heard a big, familiar, exploding noise when the tree was hit. He looked up at the sky. A line of smoke was coming from Twolegplace. This could only mean one thing. It was starting.
     Firestar's paws flew across the ground, dodging the occasional falling rocket. When he arrived at the ThunderClan camp, everything was already in order. The elders, queens, and kits were already on their way to the escape trail to ShadowClan. ShadowClan was always prickly, but the clans had agreed that when BloodClan attacked, the elders, queens, and kits in danger could shelter in the safest clan camp. Scourge had told the clans that they were going to pick them off clan by clan until the clans agreed to battle them. The clans had decided to fight tomorrow, but Scourge didn't know that.
Whitestorm rushed over to Firestar. "I saw the rocket going toward the ravine, so I sent Mousefur, Dustpelt, Sandstorm, Cloudtail, Brightheart, and Thornclaw to the cannon spots."
"Good job," Firestar praised. "Do you have apprentices watching them? It's not every day they learn how to shoot rockets and cannons."
Whitestorm nodded. "I also have the rest of the warriors guarding the camp in case BloodClan decides to come in, too."
Firestar acknowledged him with a flick of his tail and leaped up onto the Highrock. He didn't call the cats together, he only shouted urgently, "All cats remaining in camp, follow Whitestorm to the trail." He could still see a couple of elders and kits walking around. Firestar jumped down to the ground and hurried to Cinderpelt's den.
"Firestar," she meowed when he entered. "How are you? Did you get hit?"
Firestar shook his head. "No, but I need you to run over to the area where the cannon spots are, in case a cat that's launching gets hurt."
Cinderpelt said no more. She quickly grabbed some herbs and dashed off. Luckily, if a cat was fired, there was a stream to cool them off nearby the cannon spots. But of course, no cat could survive the huge explosions that shook the earth.
"Crackle!!!!" A rocket hit the center of the camp. Sootkit was running by it, and a spark almost caught his tail. Firestar ran over to him and grabbed him by the scruff, carefully maneuvering around the rockets falling and exploding around him. The Twolegs were probably wondering what was going on, because many of the Twolegs had no idea who could be shooting off rockets and why.
Firestar followed the trail to ShadowClan. The camp was filled with cats from ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and RiverClan. But there was another scent. BloodClan! Why were they here?
Firestar slowly walked around the edge of the camp to ShadowClan's trail to WindClan. Willowpelt rushed over to him. "Oh! Sootkit! I've been looking everywhere for you! Thank you, Firestar, I was just about to leave for WindClan."
Firestar dipped his head to her and threw himself into the battle. He had never thought that BloodClan would attack ShadowClan when half of them were already firing at ThunderClan and RiverClan! He found Scourge in the crowd, wrestling Whitestorm. Whitestorm was not looking well, so he ripped Scourge away from where he had Whitestorm pinned and leaped squarely on tip of him.
     Scourge raked Firestar's belly with his sharp claws and Firestar held back a screech of pain. He turned around as Scourge got ready to leap onto him and thrust out his hind legs, balancing his weight on his front paws. Firestar turned to face Scourge and aimed several blows that the smaller cat dodged. Scourge then came up to Firestar and pounced onto his back, gripping his neck with his teeth. He bit down hard on Firestar's neck, and Firestar pretended to fall limp. Scourge laughed, released his grip, and ran away to find another opponent, but Firestar got up and hurried after him. He caught Scourge by surprise and yanked his tail to slow him down. Then, Firestar bit down as hard as he could on Scourge's neck and watched the blood ooze out of him. Firestar backed away from Scourge and whispered in his ear, "This is what happens when you mess with ThunderClan."
Then he slowly walked away from the body, a large explosion lighting behind him dramatically.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading, guys!

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