Chapter Eight-

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*Following Willowswipe*

"Come at me like you would an enemy." Tinyclaw, the new deputy, challenged Willowswipe. She narrowed her eyes. They were all in the new part of camp; the training area. The entrance was a hole by the warriors den, and it expanded into a huge dusty clearing much like the training hollow. That was the new training spot. So far, the only ones in the new spot were Willowswipe, Tinyclaw, Flamedove, Bluestrike, and Goldenpaw. Flamedove had started to work more with Goldenpaw, and Bluestrike with Tinyclaw and Willowswipe. "Come on, Willo-"

She lunged at him midsentence, and knocked him on the ground. Their claws didn't come out, but they fought like enemies. Willowswipe slid under him, and pawed his belly, then hooked his back paws so He fell down on the spot she was moments before. He fell down, and Bluestrike pounced on him.

"Good teamwork. Now, time for something even more difficult. I know I put up a fight," his meow was laced with a teasing tone. "But this will be even harder."

"What is it?" Willowswipe and Bluestrike asked at the same time, bouncing up and down.

"All three of us will be enemies, but if one of us is pinned, act like the pinned cat is a clanmate. Sound good?" Tinyclaw shook his pelt.

"Let's go!" Bluestrike bounced onto Tinyclaw, and pinned him. Willowswipe barreled into Bluestrike's side, and pushed her off. They tumbled to the ground, and Tinyclaw lept into the fray. Flamedove and Goldenpaw turned to watch the mock battle. Goldenpaw purred when Flamedove rested his tail around her shoulders.

"We need to talk later." Flamedove whispered to Goldenpaw. She nodded. Willowswipe wrapped her paws gently around Bluestrike's neck, and stood on Tinyclaw's stomach.

"You win." Bluestrike gasped. All three of them were panting. Willowswipe hopped off both of them, and started to clean her pelt. Bluestrike and Tinyclaw did the same.

"You were great Willowswipe!" Goldenpaw called. Willowswipe looked at her sister with surprise. She just....congratulated me? Willowswipe stared in disbelief. Willowswipe noticed a look pass in-between Goldenpaw and Flamedove. Oh.

"Thanks." Willowswipe purred. "Flamedove, wanna try?"

Flamedove looked at all three of the exhausted warriors.

"It depends who I'm up against."

"I'll go in." Bluestrike volunteered.

"As will I." Tinyclaw stood up. Flamedove sighed in relief.

"Then yes, I will participate. Sorry Willowswipe, I don't think I would be a good opponent for you." He shot an apologetic glance in her direction as they switched spots. Willowswipe couldn't help but notice the sadness in her sister's eyes when Flamedove padded away to do the mock battle. The three warriors crouched in a triangle, tails flicking back and forth. Tinyclaw was the first to move. He launched himself at Flamedove, and they rolled over in a cloud of dust. Bluestrike waited until Flamedove had Tinyclaw pinned, then wrapped her paws around his neck gently. She bent her back, and flipped Flamedove over her so she could pin him. Tinyclaw slipped under Flamedove before He fell and pushed him up, tackling Bluestrike. Willowswipe watched the battle with an intense stare, memorizing the moves. She felt a pelt brush up against her, and turned to see Nightstar sitting next to her. A purr rumbled in her throat as she crept closer.

"Is this a new training style? It looks interesting." Nightstar murmured. Willowswipe nodded.

"Everyone is an enemy, but if someone gets pinned, that can is like an ally, you have to attack the cat on top of them. I think it's neat because you have to protect and attack at the same time. Tinyclaw came up with it." Willowswipe added. Nightstar looked thoughtful.

"Would you like to demonstrate to the clan later?" Nightstar asked as the battle wrapped up. Flamedove was the clear winner.

"Only if Flamedove and Goldenpaw are my counterparts." Willowswipe wanted to see how they would act if they were waited up, this would either confirm or abolish her suspicion.



"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the big rock for a clan meeting!" Nightstar's yowl echoed around the camp. Every cat gathered, Bloodpaw, Goldenpaw, Wolfpaw, Foxpaw, and Darkpaw were by the apprentice den, Sweetheart, Rockflight, Swiftwing, Sharpnose, Thunderspark, Flamedove, Petalfur, Bluestrike, Featherwhisp, Scarear, Redtail, Tinyclaw, and Ashcoat were by the warriors den, and Willowswipe and Spottedflame were at the nursery. Nightstar looked around at all his cats, pride settling in his eyes. "Some of the cats have Come up with a new training style! Even though Tinyclaw came up with it, I would like Bluestrike to explain. Please Come up here, Bluestrike."

Shock spread across Bluestrike's face as she hesitantly padded up to the big rock. She sprung up there as Nightstar jumped down. Her ear twitched as she looked at all the cats.

"Erm... well... the style is where three cats are in a mock battle." She began. "All three are acting like enemies, and they attack each other. If one gets pinned, then the third cat jumps on the cat that is pinning the other. It's sort of like you're allies and enemies at the same time."

Nobody talked.

"Now! Before I do anything else, I have a long overdue ceremony to perform. Goldenpaw, Wolfpaw, Foxpaw, please step forward." Nightstar didn't flinch at all the gasps that arose from the crowd. The three apprentice's jaws dropped. Goldenpaw was the first to go to the rock, then Foxpaw, then Wolfpaw.

"Starclan, I call you to look down on these three apprentices. They have shown loyalty and bravery in this clan, and I think it's about time for them to be made apprentices. Featherwhisp, is Goldenpaw ready to become a warrior?" Nightstar questioned the she-cat.

"Yes." Featherwhisp replied, and she flicked her tail.

"Goldenpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your own life?"

"I do." Goldenpaw replied, confident.

"Then by the powers given to me by Starclan as leader of Stormclan, I hearby name you Goldenfeather, and Stormclan honors your intelligence, bravery, and loyalty as we welcome you as a full member of Stormclan! Scarear, is Foxpaw ready to become a warrior?" Nightstar moved to the next mentor. Goldenfeather went to sit by Flamedove, and their tails entertwined.

"She is." Scarear meowed.

"Foxpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your own life?"

"I do." Foxpaw stared at Nightstar, excitement glimmering her eyes.

"Then by the powers given to my by Starclan as the leader of Stormclan, hearby name you Foxrush, and Stormclan honors your mother, your loyalty, and your bravery as we welcome you as a full member of Stormclan! Redtail, is Wolfpaw ready to become a warrior?" Nightstar padded closer to the edge.

"He is." Redtail sniffed.

"Wolfpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your own life?"

"I do." Wolfpaw squeaked like a kit.

"Then by the powers given to me by Starclan as leader if Stormclan, I hearby name you Wolfstripe, and we honor your bravery, intelligence, and loyalty as we welcome you as a full member of Stormclan! Goldenfeather! Foxrush! Wolfstripe!" Nightstar howled with the clan to the sky, and the stars seemed to absorb the sound. As the three new warriors padded to the entrance, Nightstar stopped them. "Wait. One more meaning of business. Willowswipe, Flamedove, and Goldenfeather, would you please Come stand in front of the big rock? Everyone, make a huge circle."

Goldenfeather hesitated before going, and Flamedove rushed. Willowswipe pushed through the crowd to stand in front of the big rock. All other cats stared at them and Nightstar in curiosity and wonder.

"These three cats will be demonstrating the new battle style. They shall fight until one wins." Nightstar announced, and the cats below him went back even more.

"Flamedove, Goldenfeather, ready?" Willowswipe asked as she went to the edge of the circle. Flamedove went to another spot, and Goldenfeather was across from Willowswipe.

"I'm ready." Flamedove replied, and Goldenfeather nodded.

"Then it starts now." Willowswipe crouched, and noticed that Flamedove and Goldenfeather didn't even look to attack each other, they looked at her. Flamedove moved first. He launched himself at her. Willowswipe bounced to the side, then put her paws on his shoulders. He reared up, and threw her off Goldenfeather pounced on Willowswipe, and held her front paws down as Flamedove pinned her. Goldenfeather released her paws before, hesitantly, attacking Flamedove. She pushed him off and flicked his legs out from under him. He fell to the ground, and Willowswipe did the same to Goldenfeather. Willowswipe placed a  paw on each cat's throat gently, and looked up at Nightstar.

"I win." Willowswipe announced, and heard some whispers go around the crowd.

"Can you get off us please?" Goldenfeather squeaked. Willowswipe took her paws off, and stood back so they could get up.

"Now, it's my turn. Flamedove, Goldenfeather, you may go rest. Goldenfeather, be prepared for vigil." Nightstar told them. He jumped off the rock, and stood in front of Willowswipe.

"Who will be battling you and Willowswipe?" Some cat called from the crowd. Nightstar swung his head to look at the source.

"Nobody. I want to just do a mock battle. All of you can split into groups of three and try it. Go." He looked back at Willowswipe. "Ready?"

Her answer was to charge at him, settling him over. She nipped at his foreleg, just hard enough to make him fall. She stood over him. He pushed himself up, and threw himself on her. He didn't pin her, just laid on her. She rolled him off and darted to the big rock. Nightstar stared after her. She leaped up into the air, and bounced off the rock, soaring through the air to land on Nightstar's back. He was smashed into the ground, and dust clouded both their visions. Nightstar didn't fight back. Willowswipe won.

"I win." She whispered in his ear before getting off. She shook the dust off her pelt, and He did the same. They looked around at the groups, and both were pleased to see the groups had similar abilities and strengths. Nightstar licked Willowswipe's ear.

"Tinyclaw doesn't want to be deputy, He fears his time is near. Would you like to be my next deputy?" Nightstar asked in a hushed tone. Nobody could know What they were talking about.

"I decline the offer." Willowswipe didn't hesitate.


"Nine lives without you would be torture. I would die when you did, and this clan would have a lifeless leader. I wouldn't wish that on any clan. I decline the offer." Willowswipe mewed sadly. Nightstar nodded, understanding.

"I understand that completely. Who would you suggest then?"

"Sweetheart. She deserves it, and I know she would be a good deputy. Or Rockflight. Or maybe Swiftwing. All three are fairly young cats, and they would be able to learn as they go. I would personally choose Sweetheart." Willowswipe decided after a few moments of thought.

"I will talk with Tinyclaw after this battle....whenever it is." Nightstar murmured.

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