Chapter Twenty-One-

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"How was the gathering?" Icefur asked Deathmoon in the nursery. Deathmoon had promised to tell her what happened.

"Well, firstly, how are the kits?" Deathmoon teased. Icefur let her head fall down.

"Tiring. Now please tell me what happened?" Icefur begged.

"Fine." Deathmoon sighed. "Well, nothing really happened. Well, one thing. Silverblood retired in front of everyone. And I became the new deputy."

Deathmoon shrugged as if it didn't matter. Icefur's eyes widened.

"Wow!" Icefur squealed. Deathmoon hushed her quickly.

"Shhh." Deathmoon laughed. "It's not a big deal."

"Of course it's a big deal! Jaggedstar is on his last life!" Icefur exclaimed. Shock rippled through Deathmoon.

"I have to go." Deathmoon backed out of the nursery quickly.

"Oh....well...bye!" Icefur called, But Deathmoon was already in the Leader's den.

"You're on your last life?!" Deathmoon whisper yelled. Jaggedstar looked up from his mouse.

"Yes." He replied, and took another bite.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Deathmoon hissed.

"Because you weren't my deputy. And cats outside the deputy, medicine cat, and leader circle, nobody should know what life the leader is on. It could send the clan into panic, and the clan would make rash decisions. Rash decisions would lead to uncontrollable cats, and uncontrollable cats lead to anger. And anger would lead to battle, which in turn would lead to war. We can't have war, can we?" Jaggedstar sounded older and more wise. Deathmoon tipped her head.

"I understand. I won't tell anyone. And, Jaggedstar?" She asked right as She was about to leave.

"Yes?" Jaggedstar replied.

"I don't want you doing any patrols around the Stormclan border." She padded out without waiting for an answer.

"Tigerfang, Dragonfur, Shadefrost, Goldpaw, and Coalclaw, go hunting on the Stormclan border. Tigerfang is the leader of the party." Deathmoon ordered from the big rock. "Jaggedstar will be taking a border patrol to the Snowclan border that will consist of Heatherpaw, Waterfur, and Icebloom. The border patrol at sunhigh will be going to the Stormclan border and I will lead it with Dragonfur, Tigerfang, Heatherpaw, and Goldpaw. I will figure out the rest later."

The cats dispersed, and Jaggedstar went to his patrol. Deathmoon padded off to the warrior den, wanting sleep from last night's gathering.

Did anyone notice I put Chapter Eighteen on last chapter rather than Twenty? Don't worry, I changed it, But I mean, that was stupid of me. Sorry if anyone got confused about it, it was late when I wrote that, and I apparently didn't notice how I labeled things! XD.  Sorry, again!


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