Chapter Twenty-Six-

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"I am Darkstar, as you know, I was once leader of Leafclan. I was Oakstar's loyal deputy, as you can guess. But one thing you don't know about me is we are related." Darkstar smiled at Deathmoon. She gaped at him. He had black fur, and white paws with brown eyes. "I was your mother's mother's father. My daughter ran away to Stormclan. But that isn't important now. I give you your first life, a life of understanding. Use it to guide your clanmates in the deepest of lies."

Deathmoon felt a strong force go through her. It wasn't painful, it was a correct feeling, like She could see through lies.

"Use it well." Darkstar swirled in the air before disappearing. A red she-cat with black tipped ears and tail and bright green eyes stepped forward.

"Greetings. My name is also Darkstar. I was leader of Stormclan after Stormstar died. I came to your mother and told her of her prophecy. Now, I have came here to give you a life. I give you a life of trust, because trust is what drives a clan. You need trust to live." Darkstar set her muzzle on Deathmoon's head. Deathmoon felt a bolt run through her, like She was the most trustworthy cat alive. Like her clan trusted her more than She deserved. Darkstar stepped back, unlike the other Darkstar. A white she-cat with a black nose and amber eyes stepped forward.

"I'm Skytail. I was your mother's mother." Skytail stood in front of Deathmoon. She's beautiful. Deathmoon thought. "I give you a life of motherly love, for the clan is your kit. Use it wisely, few actually experience motherly love."

She expected it to be sweet and gentle, But an unbearable pain ripped through her. She was left gasping, about to fall down. Skytail went back to where She came from. Deathmoon didn't notice the white tom with brown eyes pad up to her. She looked up, fear in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. My life is courage, use it in the upcoming battle." He leaned down to touch her, But She pulled away.

"First, what's your name?" Deathmoon asked. He laughed.

"I have No name." He purred. Deathmoon pulled away again.

"You need a name. How about Frostwhisker?" Deathmoon let him get close. He looked surprised.

"That's.....perfect. Thank you." He set his muzzle on her head. A bolt went through her. She felt as though She could fight off all of Lionclan. But He was right, it didn't hurt.

"Thank you, Frostwhisker." Deathmoon watched him leave. A sandy Tom with green eyes came up.

"Sandheart." Deathmoon breathed. Anger filled his eyes.

"You killed me." He hissed. "I died from wounds you inflicted. But, I can't do anything now."

"I'm sorr-" He cut her off.

"Save it. I don't forgive you, But I do give you this life. I give you a life of mercy, so you don't kill unless needed." He spat. Guilt flooded through her, but He didn't wait. He touched her, and something indescribable burst into her. It didn't hurt, but didn't feel good. He was gone before she opened her eyes. A firey tom with green eyes stepped forward.

"I am Firestar. I believe you heard about me earlier. I was leader of Thunderclan. But, now I'm here to give you a life. A life of strength. Use it to have strength when everyone else has given up hope." He touched her. She felt the same feeling as courage, as though She was stronger than anyone else. A familiar multicolored pelt approached.

"Mother!" Deathmoon purred. Willowswipe stood in front of her.

"Hello my darling. I never thought any of my kits would be a leader. You deserve this leadership. Don't say anything. We can talk later. With this life I give you hope for a future. It explains itself. Use it wisely." Willowswipe rest her muzzle on Deathmoon's head. Hope flared in Deathmoon. She felt as if everything would be okay. As if She could fix everything. Willowswipe left, and was replaced by a black tom.

"Hello, my Shadepaw." Nightstar didn't look happy.

"I'm Deathmoon. Not Shadepaw." Deathmoon growled. Nightstar flicked his tail.

"You'll always be Shadepaw to me. But, the past is the past. With this life I give you justice, Use it to find good or evil in someone." He quickly touched her. Justice went though her, but left quickly as He walked away. A familiar pelt came towards Deathmoon.

"Jaggedstar!" She wanted to run to him. "I-I'm sorry I left. I could've saved you. I let you down."

"You didn't let me down. Dragonfur was meant to live, as I was meant to die. I knew I would die. My time was near. But you kept Dragonfur alive. Thank you." He purred. "With this life, I give you leadership. Use it to guide your clan, and others, into the coming battle. Use it to choose a deputy and trust them."

A heavy weight pressed on Deathmoon, and She felt like She was being flattened. She forced herself to stay upright. Jaggedstar stayed in front of her.

"Deathstar. Deathstar. Deathstar! Deathstar! Deathstar!" Jaggedstar started the cheering. All of StarClan joined in slowly. Soon they were cheering loudly. Deathstar looked at StarClan. They looked proud. Some looked frightened. Suddenly, a shriek filled the air. Panic filled Deathstar as She turned around.

A big hill stood in front of her, looming. Blood spilled on it. The sky turned a deep red, and the grass was turning pink. Screeches filled the air, and Deathstar felt pelts brush against her as they fled for their lives. Bodies dropped from the sky, and fell with thuds. Horror filled Deathstar, and She tried to run. But something held her down. She looked at her paws, and saw a body. A golden body stained with blood.

"Goldenstar." Deathstar snarled.

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