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I raced out of camp undetected, I went towards the border and scented the air. No patrols. Yes! I thought to myself. He had told me to meet me at the old thunderpath tonight, the claw moon. I was excited, I had made Bumblestripe my mate for a cover up. I did love him, but not as much as Tigerheart. If me and Tigerheart were to have kris, I could just say they were Bumblestripe's, simple. No matter what they look like, I could say they looked like a family member. Birchfall, my father, he's a light brown tabby tom, that could be "where my kits might get the brown from," not Tigerheart. And stripes, of course Bumblestripe. I swerved around thinning maple and birch trees. It was nearly past dusk and the first Starclan warriors were appearing. I finally reached the thunderpath, hid behind a bush and scented the air. I smelt a nearing cat, maybe it was a patrol! I gathered myself ready to run, when I realized it was Tigerheart. I sighed. "You scared me!" I whispered to the handsome tom. 
"Sorry, it took me a while to get out of camp." He licked my ear and sat down beside my make-shift nest.
"I've missed you." His voice sweeped the air.
"I missed you too," he wrapped his tail around mine. I shivered, my heart fluttered.
We slept for a while, him wrapped around me, keeping me warm against the leaf fall breeze. Eventually I awoke. "Tigerheart, wake up, it's moonhigh." He awoke alert and ready for attack. "Hello, my beautiful. did you sleep well?" "Yes, I did." I answered, "I was with you." I flirted a bit.. He licked my ear back in response.
"I've been thinking," he said slowly, "well, may- maybe, we could, have kits, ya know, our own?" He looked at me.
"Yes, I'd love to!"
"great, they'll be as strong as me, and as smart as you, as beautiful as you, and-" I interrupted my real mate.
"They'll be such strong, Thunderclan warriors, and- wait, " I paused.
"Thunderclan? how, wait, Thunderclan?" My mate sighed. "I knew this might happen, I didn't want to say this, nor ask, but, will, will you come to Shadowclan? We could be together, our kits too. You wouldn't have to worry about anything!" Tigerheart looked at me, I sighed.
"You know I wouldn't, I couldn't leave my clan. I belong to Thunderclan. And if I do have kits, they'll be raised in Thunderclan, to be loyal, Thunderclan warriors." My mate looked sorrow.
"I'll just go to Thunderclan then."
"No! I didn't mean that, but I mean, no, your clan needs you their, and my clan needs me with them. I'll raise our kits in Thunderclan."
"This is because of Bumblestripe, isn't it? You don't want to cause trouble with him, because he's your mate not, me." "No, I made him my mate because I wanted to be with you! I don't want my clanmates to reject me, nor my kits, our kits."
"So, wait, your expecting kits? were you going to tell me, or were you going to simply say to everyone that their Bumblestripe's?"
"No, Im not expecting kits, that I know of, and if I were to, they would be yours, I promise."
"Really?" My mate looked relieved.
"We'll be the best parents ever."
"Whose going to be their father, if, ya know, I'm not going to Thunderclan?"
"I don't know... I was thinking, Bumblestripe.. He's kind, nice, sweet,"
"Here you go again! You do love him more than me!"
"No, that's not true, I'm saying-"
"He'll be a a good father. To our kits. So, now that I'm not going to be in Thunderclan, I'm a bad father? Is this how it's supposed to be?" He turned tail and started to cross the thunderpath.
"No! Wait! I want have your kits, not his!"
"Really? Is that so?" He snarled. I thought my heart had broken. My mate I thought that loved me is going to run off, just like that. Not going to happen, not again. I love him too much. "I love you. I want to be with you. I want to have your kits, I want you."
"I doubt that. Then, you wouldn't be with him." Tigerheart flicked his tail behind me.
"Dovewing? What's happening? I don't understand.. Whose this? Tigerheart!" Bumblestripe flexed his claws, stalked in front of me, to so to say protect me. "Stop! Enough!" I felt like a helpless kit. I sounded like one too against the growls of my mateS. "Why are you here? Tigerheart? On Thunderclan territory?" Bumblestripe growled.
"Leaving your mate, expecting my kits!" Bumblestripe leaped at the tabby warrior.
"Bumblestripe! Tigerheart! Stop! I love you!" My cries weren't enough. Bumblestripe, being the more experienced warrior pinned Tigerheart easily, but Tigerheart was bigger than Bumblestripe, easily slipping through his grasp and turning his fait. "I won't rest till your gone, dead, and away from my mate!" Tigerheart clawed Bumblestripe's belly, Bumblestripe was pinned, Tigerheart in the stance to kill him. "I'll never, be, defeated, not by, you!" Bumblestripe choked.
"Stop!" I ran and pushed Tigerheart off of the Thunderclan warrior.
"What are you doing? I'm doing this for us! So we can be together, and raise our kits!"
"I don't want my clanmates dead!"
"Help, Dovewing, get help!" Bumblestripe choked.
"Don't worry Bumblestripe, I won't let you die! Not tonight! Tigerheart, go home, or I'll tell Firestar you were on our territory, he'll be ready to rage war!"
"I love you, Dovewing, don't you ever forget that, I will love our kits too. Even during battle. Always." The Shadowclan warrior turned tail and flead to his territory. "He's gone. For good." I helped Bumblestripe back to camp, when Leafpool asked what happened, I simply responded their was thicket and he got stuck, he wa stop weak to speak, so he went along with it.
1 1/2 moons later...
I was expecting my mate's kits any day now. I was excited. Bumblestripe came in the nursery and brought me a fresh water-ball of moss. "Thank you, Bumblestripe." I thanked the handsome tom.
"Anything for you, and our kits." He responded.
"You've been so kind to me, how could I repay you?"
"Be yourself, care for my kits, nothing more."
"So sweet.." I yawned.
Jayfeather stalked in the den. "Leave her to rest, she'll be fine. I'll take good care of her, now, go with Lionblaze, he wants to take you on his patrol." Bumblestripe nodded and left.
One dawn later..
"Your almost done, keep it coming! you can do it, is she going to be okay?" Bumblestripe whispered the last part to Jayfeather. "You've got three kits. Two toms, and a she kit." Jayfeather announced. I started to lick to lick my newborn kits. Bumblestripe went to take a step forward to sniff his kits and help lick them. A growl escaped my throat unexpectedly. He took a step back and looked shocked. "Sorry," I muttered in apology.
Jayfeather snickered. "She's a first time mother to newborn kits, it's expected, don't be cautious, but be afraid. And your the father... She wouldn't harm you, badly." Jayfeather stalked out of the nursery snickering at the fact that Bumblestripe looked terrified at the fact his mate snarled at him. "I've got a border patrol, I have time to name the, yet, though."
"Ok, the she kit should be... Sleekkit?"
"I love it, and for the black and brown tom, Strikekit, he's a bulky lookin' one."
"What about the other tom?"
I looked at the other kit next to my belly suckling like a little, petite, juniper berry. "Juniperkit? He's tender and small, he'll grow of course."
"It's a lovely name. They'll grow strong, smart, and brave." Bumblestripe licked my ear and left me to suckle while he patrolled. I fell asleep with Sleekkit, Strikekit, and Juniperkit at my side.
I felt a pain in my side. I better go tell Jayfeather, he'll want to check up on me anyway, I thought to myself. I got up careful of my sleeping kits, and stalked out of the den. It was moonhigh and Leafpool had gone to the moonpool. "Jayfeather, are you awake?" I asked softly into the medicine cats' den.
"Hmm? Ya, I'm up. Are you okay? How are the kits?"
"The kits are asleep and fine. I just had a pain in my side though, could you do something about it? I want some good rest tonight. The kits have been kicking and squirming all night." I asked the blind cat.
"Yes, just lay down here." He flicked his tail at his own nest. I got comfortable in the skilled cat's nest. Jayfeather mumbled a few things to himself, assuming he was going on about herbs, and he turned to face me, he almost looked like he was looking into my eyes, considering he's blind. "You haven't stop seeing him, have you?" I was shocked. What did the blue cat mean? Did he know about, about Tigerheart? "Seeing who? Bumblestripe? He is my mat-" I started. "No! Not him, Tigerheart, you furball!" He flicked his tail in annoyance.
"What? I haven't been seeing him! What. Makes you-"
"Oh shut up will you! I've seen you! Now, answer my question, are you still seeing him?" Jayfeather was getting irritated. "Yes." I whispered and looked at my paws shamefully.
"How could you? Your breaking the warrior code!" Jayfeather hissed under his breath. "I knew this might happen, not again! Please, Starclan, please! Forgive her mistake! Forgive the kits!" He pleaded to Starclan. I looked at him freakishly. he continued to plead. " How are you feeling?" He looked slightly normal again.
"It's gone awa-" I was interrupted by MY kits screeching. I raced to the nursery to see Bumblestripe already there. "What's happened?" I sniffed the air, to my surprise, it was a familiar scent. Shadowclan.
"The kits are fine, he has taken them to Shadowclan, don't screech, their fine."
"What?! Who has my kits?!" I was shaking ready to pounce.
"Tigerheart. He has your kits."
"What?! Why does he have them?!"
"Me and him met in secret, we decided it was best. And he, he's been, um, well, training, uh, somewhere, he thinks they'll be safe."
"How do you know? How could they be safe... Where are they? How could you do this,...?" My voice trailed off in a whirl. "Shh. You'll wake the entire lake! Now, don't freak out, their in good hands, their with their father."
"What do you mean? Your their father!"
"No, I'm not. He is, Tigerheart is. Not me, he told me, I know, you know that."
"I was hoping you wouldn't find out." I tried clearing my head.
"I knew the second they were born. Strikekit is the spitting image of him." Bumblestripe snickered at that.
"Can I even see them? Whose going to mother them?"
"Dawnpelt, she was expecting kits, but they were stillborn." Bumblestripe said it like a rock in his throat. I sighed,
"Are they ok? How will we cover up hi- the scent?"
"Your friends with Jayfeather, he knows about it, get some mouse bile. Then, rub it in." I went to the medicine den with Bumblestripe on my heels. I grabbed some moss and mouse bile. I started to rub in the bile and cover the scent before any cat woke up. "So, you, said, their was, some training, Tigerheart did?"
"Um, ya.. He did, that's what he wanted me to tell you.. He, he, trained with the dark forest."
"I know, he told me, he didn't tell you I knew?"
"You knew! Why didn't he tell me?"
"It's ok, come on, let's get rest, the scent is hidden, cats are going to be awake soon."
"What will we say happened to the kits?"
"A fox. Bluestar did it once. And only you, Jayfeather and me will recognize the kits, and by then when the kits are apprentices, they'll be hard to even recognize."

Half a moon later...
"We have three new kits in the clan! Strikekit, Juniperkit, and Sleekkit, born to Crowfrost and Dawnpelt!" I looked over at Tigerheart, he was looking at me, he looked VERY proud. I knew I did too. Surprisingly, so did Bumblestripe, he licked my ear and I nuzzled his chest fur. Everything was great.
6 moons later
"We have 3 new apprentices. Strikepaw, Sleekpaw, and Juniperpaw!" The clan chanted my kits names.
I was BURSTING WITH pride. So was Bumblestripe and Tigerheart. And this happened for their warrior names too.


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