The Apprentice's Quest Allegiances

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I know, most of you have seen it, but, I just really wanted to post it.

Leader: Bramblestar-dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Deputy: Squirrelflight-dark ginger she-cat with green eyes and one white paw
Medicine Cat: Leafpool-light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes, white paws and chest
Jayfeather-gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
Warriors: Brackenfur-golden-brown tabby tom

Cloudtail-long-haired white tom with blue eyes

Brightheart-white she-cat with ginger patches

Thornclaw-golden-brown tabby tom

Whitewing-white she-cat with green eyes

Birchfall-light brown tabby tom

Berrynose-cream-colored tom with a stump for a tail

Mousewhisker-gray-and-white tom

Poppyfrost-pale tortoiseshell and white she-cat

Cinderheart-gray tabby she-cat

Lionblaze-golden tabby tom with amber eyes

Rosepetal-dark cream she-cat

Briarlight-dark brown she-cat, paralyzed in her hindquarters

Blossomfall-tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with petal-shaped white patches

Bumblestripe-very pale gray tom with black stripes

Ivypool-silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes

Dovewing-pale gray she-cat with blue eyes

Cherryfall-ginger she-cat
Apprentice, Sparkpaw (orange tabby she-cat)

Molewhisker-brown-and-cream tom
Apprentice, Alderpaw (dark ginger tom with amber eyes)

Snowbush-white, fluffy tom

Ambermoon-pale ginger she-cat

Dewnose-gray-and-white tom

Stormcloud-(formerly Frankie); gray tabby tom

Hollytuft-black she-cat

Fernsong-yellow tabby tom

Sorrelstripe-dark drown she-cat

Queens: Daisy-cream long-furred cat from the horseplace

Lilyheart-small, dark tabby she-cat with white patches, and blue eyes (mother to Snowbush's kits: Leafkit, a tortoiseshell she-kit, Larkkit, a black tom-kit, and Honeykit, a white she-kit with yellow splotches)
Elders: Purdy-plump tabby with a gray muzzle, former loner

Graystripe-long-haired gray tom

Sandstorm-pale ginger she-cat with green eyes

Millie-striped silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Leader: Rowanstar-ginger tom
Deputy: Crowfrost-black-and-white tom
Medicine Cat: Littlecloud-very small tabby tom
Warriors: Tawnypelt-Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Needlepaw (kit of Berryheart and Sparrowtail)

Tigerheart-Dark brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Sleekpaw (kit of Dawnpelt and Crowfrost)

Stonetooth-White tom
Apprentice, Juniperpaw (kit of Dawnpelt and Crowfrost)

Spikefur-dark brown tom with tufty fur on his head
Apprentice, Yarrowpaw (kit of Snowbird and Scorchfur)

Wasptail-Yellow tabby she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Strikepaw (kit of Dawnpelt and Crowfrost)

Dawnpelt-Cream-furred she-cat
Apprentice, Beepaw (kit of Snowbird and Scorchfur)

Snowbird-Sleek, lithe, well-muscled, pure white she-cat with green eyes (Scorchfur's mate)

Scorchfur-Dark gray tom with slashed ears, one of which is torn (Snowbird's mate)

Berryheart-black-and-white she-cat (kit of Snowbird and Scorchfur)

Cloverfoot-Gray tabby she-cat (kit of Snowbird and Scorchfur)

Rippletail-White tom (kit of Snowbird and Scorchfur)

Sparrowtail-(Kinkfur's kit from Night Whispers)

Mistcloud-(Kinkfur's kit from Night Whispers)
Queens: Grassheart-pale brown tabby she-cat

Pinenose-black she-cat (mother to Spikefur's kits: Birchkit, a beige tom-kit, Lionkit, a yellow she-kit with amber eyes, Puddlekit, a brown tom with white splotches, and Slatekit, a sleek, gray tom-kit)
Elders: Oakfur-small brown tom

Kinkfur-tabby she-cat, with long fur that sticks out at all angles


Leader: Onestar-brown tabby tom
Deputy: Harespring-brown-and-white tom
Medicine Cat: Kestrelflight-mottled gray tom with white splotched like kestrel feathers
Warriors: Nightcloud-black she-cat

Gorsetail-very pale gray-and-white she-cat with blue eyes

Crowfeather-dark gray tom
Apprentice, Ferntail (gray tabby she-cat; kit of Sedgewhisker and Emberfoot)

Leaftail-dark tabby tom, amber eyes

Emberfoot-gray tom with two dark paws

Breezepelt-black tom with amber eyes

Furzepelt-Gray-and-white she-cat
Apprentice, Larkwing (pale brown tabby she-cat; kit of Sedgewhisker and Emberfoot)

Sedgewhisker-light brown tabby she-cat

Slightfoot-black tom with white flash on his chest

Oatclaw-pale brown tabby tom

Featherpelt-gray tabby she-cat

Hootwhisker-dark gray tom
Queens: Heathertail-light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Breezepelt's kits: Smokekit, a gray she-kit, and Brindlekit, a mottled brown she-kit)
Elders: Whitetail-small white she-cat

Leader: Mistystar-gray she-cat with blue eyes
Deputy: Reedwhisker-black tom
Medicine Cat: Mothwing-dappled golden she-cat
Willowshine-gray tabby she-cat
Warriors: Mintfur-light gray tabby tom

Duskfur-brown tabby she-cat

Apprentice, Shadepaw (dark brown she-cat)

Minnowtail-dark gray she-cat

Mallownose-light brown tabby tom

Petalfur-gray-and-white she-cat (daughter of Icewing)

Beetlewhisker-brown-and-white tabby tom (daughter of Icewing)

Curlfeather-pale brown she-cat (kit of Duskfur and unknown)

Podlight-gray and white tom (kit of Duskfur and unknown)

Heronwing-dark gray-and-black tom

Shimmerpelt-silver she-cat

Lizardtail-light brown tom
Apprentice, Foxpaw (russet tabby tom)

Havenpelt-black-and-white she-cat

Perchwing-gray-and-white she-cat

Sneezecloud-Gray-and-white tom

Brackenpelt-tortoiseshell she-cat (kit of Petalfur and Mallownose)

Jaywing-gray tom (kit of Petalfur and Mallownose)

Owlnose-brown tabby tom (kit of Petalfur and Mallownose)
Queens: Lakeheart-gray tabby she-cat

Icewing-white she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Mintfur's kits: Nightkit and Breezekit)
Elders: Mosspelt-tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat


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