chapter 5

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Palmstripe's POV~
Palmstripe woke up a little before moon high.the silver light casting through the warriors den turned her golden fur grey.she blinked and looked and nightpaws nest,it was empty.she padded quietly over to it and felt it with her paw it was still warm.he didn't forget.she thought.palmstripe pushed her way out of the den avoiding gatorfang's sleeping body .his brownish black fur rising and falling at the move of his breathing.palmstripe cautiously looked around camp.sandwing was sitting by the entrance on gaurd duty.there was no movement throughout the camp except for the live oak tree's leaves blowing in the breeze.she froze when she heard gatorfang shift his position. How do I get out of camp?she thought she looked around,if she went through the bushes she would alert sandwing.palmstripe looked at her paws.she saw the moving shadows of the leaves.of course I will use the live oak tree.palmstripe padded as quietly as she could around the stone clearing to a low branch.she jumped on it digging her thorn sharp claws into the strong bark.palmstripe climed up the branch when she realized she was right in front of leafstar's den!she jumped onto a higher branch and followed it down towards another tree out of the camp.she stopped and looked back at the camp to see gatorfang stumbling out of the den.sandwing passed just under palmstripe's feet yawning.and gatorfang switched places.palmstripe took a deep breath and looked back at the other tree it was farther than she expected it.she unsheathe her claws and ran leaping as far as she could.palmstripe landed perfectly,she climbed through that tree and another and another.soon she was leaping through the trees like a squirrel!the wind battered her fur as she jumped from branch to branch.she scented nightpaw nearbye.she climbed down a small tree into the Sandy clearing.Nightpaw was sitting near the old badger den waiting patiently. Palmstripe trotted up to him."are you ready?"she asked him."as soon as you tell me what we're doing."nightpaw replied."we are going to stone and dark's camp to ask them if they want to be leaders. "Palmstripe meowed." Okay then lets go!"he jumped to his paws looking around in search of the two roughs.palmstripe climbed back up the same tree."follow me nightpaw this way is faster!"she meowed."what?!in a tree?!"nightpaw yowled confused."hurry up nightpaw we don't have all night to just stand here!"palmstripe snapped. Nightpaw scampered up the tree after her."watch closely how I do this"palmstripe said.she unsheathed he claws and ran full speed down the branch jumping and landing with her claws digging into the branch.she jumped back over to nightpaw."keep your claws sheathed at all times.your going to run down the branch and got it?"palmstripe meowed.nightpaw nodded.he crouched down low his black fur brushing the branch underneath him.he lashed his long tail the white tip standing out like a white mouse.he ran at a breathtaking speed he leaped aiming for the branch he landed.but then stumbled and fell off the branch and landed in the soft grass."nightpaw?you okay?"she yolwed."I'm fine!I just didn't keep my claws unsheathed"nightpaw mewed.he rushed back up the tree and tried again.this time he landed perfectly. Palmstripe made her way over to nightpaw."that was very good!"she praised him."can you follow me and keep up?"she challenged him."I can keep up with anything!"he meowed.palmstripe decided to make it hard for him.she lept though the trees as fast as she could but nightpaw kept up with her.that's it!she thought'll lose him in the branches!palmstripe looked back at her apprentice.the night black Tom was struggling to keep up with palmstripe.she looked ahead there was tangles of branches.she dived down out of sight and nightpaw flew into the branches.
Palmstripe scented something firmiliar. The roughs!palmstripe jumped down from the tree.nightpaw was climbing out of the branches. He hopped down."hey!why di-"palmstripe covered his mouth with her tail.she smelled again the scent was strong.palmstripe's glowing green eye stared deeply into nightpaws dark ones.he understood what she meant and closed his jaws.palmstripe nodded torwars a tiny clearing with was the first camp leafclan was going to claim.palmstripe was glad they didn't claim it,the camp was so small compared to leafclan's camp!the little oak was half dead the clearing had weeds and death berry bushes dotted around.palmstripe entered the clearing and made her way down the tunnel.the cold stone froze her pads as she walked with nightpaw at her her surprise stone was up eating prey. He turned around his fur on end."you!"he hissed"your the same kittypets from leafstarclan!"I have came to talk to you and dark."she mewed.

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