chapter 8

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Palmstripe went to Leafstar's den and waited for leafstar.palmstripe shivered in fear.had she discovered her mission with Nightwhisper?and what was all that stuff about me being mates with Nightwhisper?i guess ill find out...Leafstar entered the den and sat in her nest."why were you so tired today?"Leafstar questioned her."is it against the warrior code to be tired?!i mean,come on Leafstar!mabye im just getting old.or mabye i was just tired!" "you did nothing but patrol and tell cats what to do yesterday and you are not that old!" "why am i in so much trouble for being tired?!" "were did you learn to leap trees like a squirrel and when?"
"okay,okay,you caught me...i went out last night to try it so i could teach Nightwhisper and surprise you.but you found out before we could show you."Palmstripe lied.Leafstar gave Palmstripe a long gaze.she narrowed her eyes until they were yellow slits."show me were this hole is please."Leafstar mewed braking the siliance.Palmstripe got up and led Leafstar to the river a hole was just big enough for a small cat to get in.she looked by the bank and recognized paw prints."palmstripe."Leafstar whispered.Palmstripe padded over to were Leafstar was standing."what?"she whispered back."are these Nightwhisper's paw prints?"Leafstar asked her.palmstripe leaned in torwards the paw prints to get a better look.they were quite small too small to be Nightwhisper's paw prints.then palmstripe spotted a tuft of White fur."there to small to be Nightwhisper's.these came from a long haired White cat.Leafstar started to bristle with excitement and fear.does she think i'm accusing her? Palmstripe thought. "i know it's not y-"palmstripe started."of course it's not me!"Leafstar snapped."we need gatorfang,he's the best tracker."Leafstar flicked her tail.Palmstripe ran through the forest back to camp.she ran into softsong and know all the dried herbs out of her mouth."hey!watch were you're goin,will ya!"softsong screetched."sorry,softsong! have you seen gatorfang?"palmstripe meowed breathllessly."what's the big rush?he went in the nursury."softsong flicked her ear towards the nursury.palmstripe took off."hey!what's goin on!palmstripe!"softsong called after her. but Palmstripe ingored her. she entered the nursury."gatorfang!"palmstripe yowled.gatorfang jumped."we need you to track something come on!hurry!"palmstripe zoomed past softsong who gave up asking what happened."what are we tracking?"gatorfang asked."a cat."palmstripe slowed down when they got to the river.Leafstar was trying to fit inside the hole but it was too small.Nightwhisper was small enough to get inside but soon he would be doing his viguel.gatorfang spoke with leafstar and started to track down the cat.

the moon was almost visable when gatorfang gave up.the trail led farther down the river to far to travel there and back before moon-high.Palmstripe padded behind her clan mates quietly through the forest.she halted when she heard a faint mewling.the sound was coming from by the river.Palmstipe followed the sound until she spotted three kits only a few moons old huddled together.their eyes were wide with fear as palmstripe approtched them.there was two ginger kits and a brown tabby kit with black stripes."Leafstar,gatorfang,come look!" Palmstripe called after them.Leafstar and gatorfang emerged from the slope and onto the bank."were is your mother young ones?"leafstar gasped."we-we dont have one anymore she drowned.and our father left us because he couldn't take care of ushe left two sunrises ago."a firey ginger tom with one white paw and a white spot on his shoulder mewed.he looked at Palmstripe with piercing, green eyes."Please help us!we're so hungry and cold!"he begged."of course we'll help you!" Leafstar meowed softly as she picked up a dark ginger she-cat by the scruff. Gatorfang carried the brown tabby tom while palmstripe carried the ginger tom."so do you have names?" Gatorfang asked the kits."no." the dark ginger she-cat replied.
"Then maybe we should name you when we get back to camp."gatorfang suggested. The cats walked along the path in silance
Until they got to camp.palmstripe headed straight to softsong's den and set the kit down.Softsong's leafy green eyes stretched wide in shock."were in starclan did you find that kit?!"she gasped at palmstripe.more shock welled up in soft song's eyes as Leafstar and gatorfang entered the den.they set the kits down to explore.and sat next to palmstripe."palmstripe found these kits by the river they were abanded by their father and their mother died."Leafstar meowed.Softsong stared at the ground lost in thought when they heard a choking sound.the brown tom kit was choking on a death berry!

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