Chapter 2

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One of my favourite memory's is when I became an apprentice, I remember the clan cheering my new name, which mentor I got, stuff like that, so let me tell you what happened...

"You will be known as Firpaw. Your mentor will be Quaildash. I hope Quaildash will pass down all she knows on to you.

Quaildash, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Muddawn, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and quick. You will be the mentor of Firpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Firpaw." Bramblestar Voice echoed. Quaildash and Firpaw touched noses. We were getting our mentors and apprentice names, Aquapaw had already gotten hers, her mentor is Mintpetal. Then Bramblestar turned to Hazelkit.

"Hazelkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hazelpaw. Your mentor will be Heatherfall. I hope Heatherfall will pass down all she knows on to you.

Heatherfall, you are ready to take on your first apprentice. You have received excellent training from Gentlesong, and you have shown yourself to be strong and honest. You will be the mentor of Hazelpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Hazelpaw." Heatherfall and Hazelpaw touched noses. Finally she turned to me.

"Rodentkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Rodentpaw. Your mentor will be Feathercloud. I hope Feathercloud will pass down all she knows on to you.

Feathercloud, you are ready to take on your first apprentice. You have received excellent training from Weaselfur, and you have shown yourself to be thoughtful and kind. You will be the mentor of Rodentpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Rodentpaw." Bramblestar finished. I almost yowled in excitement, Feathercloud is my mentor!? Awesome! Feathercloud was one of my favourite cats! When the clan started to break up and go back to doing what they were doing before, The four new mentors called over there apprentices.

"Who wants to go explore the territory?!" Feathercloud cheerfully meowed.

"I want to!" I meowed back eagerly. Aquapaw, Firpaw and Hazelpaw nodded.

"Come on Aquapaw," Mintpetal mewed, "we are going exploring tomorrow, today we are doing battle training!"

"B-but I want to explore with the others!" Aquapaw protested.

"No we're not!" Mintpetal snapped, "we're going training! And that's final!" Aquapaw nodded and followed her rude mentor, her tail dragged across the ground.

"That's isn't good mentoring," Quaildash hissed, "even my mentor was better then that!" That earned a glare from Muddawn. The others and I turned and headed out of the bracken tunnel, the bracken brushed my pelt, making me flinch.

"Don't worry, you'll get use to it," Feathercloud gave a reassuring meow from behind me. When we emerged into the daylight I gasped. Birds twittered and I could hear the undergrowth creatures scurrying around. The tall, spread out trees where giant and beautiful, even with the snow making there branches heavy. Light shone on the forest floor, making the snow glitter.

"Wow... this is amazing..." Hazelpaw gasped, looking around. Firpaw nodded in agreement, his eyes were wide and his mouth was open.

"I know," Heatherfall nodded, "no matter how many times you see it, it's always beautiful,"

"We better get moving," Quaildash mewed, "or it will be moonhigh and we will still be standing here,"

"I agree," Feathercloud said, "it May be beautiful but we better get moving,"

"Should we head down near Hollow tree?" Heatherfall asked the other two mentors, "Then we can head up the Darkclan border, cross the river, then show them the two legs nest?" The two she-cats nodded.

"Then we can travel along the outskirts and head back down across the Flowerclan border and then head back home, in time for dusk," Quaildash finished. Feathercloud signalled for us apprentices to follower her, so we did. Quaildash took the lead, we followed her down to a hill, where we saw Aquapaw and Mintpetal training.

"Hi Aquapaw!" I had called, she turned to look at me and waved her tail in return, before turning back to Mintpetal, where he was demonstrating how to slash a cats face.

"That's Training Hill," Feathercloud told us apprentices, "that's where you will do your battle training, like what Aquapaw and Mintpetal are doing,"

We continued to travel to where a giant tree was poking over the top of others. Firpaw was staring at it as we got closer. Me and Hazelpaw took in our surroundings, there was less undergrowth here, but more trees. 

"We're almost there!" Feathclouds cheery voice echoed. Suddenly the group came to a stop, Heatherfall had dropped into a crouch, and started slowly creeping toward something. I cranked my neck to see what it was, in front of her, a few tail lengths away, a big eared white creature was nibbling at some grass poking through the snow, a sign that New-leaf was coming. Suddenly Heatherfall let on a burst of speed and caught the big-eared creature, that I had learned from Feathercloud was a rabbit, and silently killed it with a swift bite to the neck. Me and the other apprentices jaws dropped.

"That was amazing Heatherfall!" Hazelpaw exclaimed.

"Thank you Hazelpaw, I hope that one day I will get to teach you it," Heatherfall smiled at her apprentice. Just when we were about to continue the tour Clawedrodent, my father, emerged from the bushes followed by Breezesong and Mouseclaw.

"Good catch," He meowed to Heatherfall, "we were just tracking that rabbit,"

"We're glad you caught it!" Breezesong mewed. Clawedrodent glared at him.

"Dad! One day I will be just like you!" I meowed, bounding up to him.

"Don't call me dad!" He snarled into my face, making me jump back, Feathercloud took a protective step forward.

The patrol picked up the dead rabbit and turned back to camp, just when I heard a yowl and cats crashed into the undergrowth filled clearing.

What clan do you think they are from? Flowerclan? Darkclan? Abyssclan?



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