Chapter 6

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Weaselfur ^^^

2 moons later...

The storm howled around us, deafening my ears. The rain showered down in sheets, thunder boomed and lightning flashed. My paws hit the wet grass and then left a second later, my ears lay back and my head was down, I run as fast as I could back to camp with Feathercloud, Two mice and a vole hang from my jaws while Featherloud had a dove and three squirrels. We burst into camp and dropped our catch. I looked up to see Blackkit, a black tom with blue eyes, and Dappledkit, a white she-cat with red and brown dapples and green eyes,  watching us. Only a few days ago Dovespirit had had her kits. A tom and a she-cat. We learned that the father was Breezesong, and just last night Lionfeather had had hers, three she-cats. A silver tabby with green eyes called Tigerkit,  a ginger tabby with green eyes called Flamekit and a grey tabby with green eyes called Wrenkit, named after Deadpelt because when Deadpelt was Deadpaw he saved Lionfeather from a snake, that led to him being bitten but thankfully survived. Now there was a scar on his thigh. 

"Rodentpaw!" Dappledkit squeaked over the howling wind, "come here!" I walked over.

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed because I was getting drenched.

"We want to play with you!" Blackkit squeaked.

"Not at the moment!" I snapped, then turned and stalked away.

When I entered the apprentice den, Hazelpaw was curled up in her nest talking to Aquapaw, while Firpaw was asleep.

"What's wrong with him?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"He went on Dawn Patrol and Sunhigh Patrol," Aquapaw had hissed at me.

"You don't need to be rude about it!" I hissed back, then curled up in my own nest between Hazelpaw and Firpaw, Aquapaw was behind us. As soon as I laid down, wet slimy things started to crawl all over me. I yowled and leaped up, scaring Hazelpaw and Aquapaw.

"Get these slugs off me!" I screeched, flicking them off. I grabbed them off my nest and tossed them outside.

"Alright who did that?" I demanded, glaring at my siblings.

"We only just got here," Hazelpaw mewed with her pretty voice. Oh, I forgot to mention, Hazelpaw's new mentor is Twirlingleaf. 

"Maybe it was Firpaw?" Aquapaw suggested.

"I'll talk to him in the morning," I yawned, then curled up in my nest again and fell asleep.  

I awoke at the crack of dawn to Feathercloud calling my name. I rose to my feet and walked out,  still groggy from sleep.

"What is it?" I yawned.

"Well, I thought we could go hunting before Dawn patrol, then do some battle training with Quaildash and Firpaw," Feathercloud meowed, surprisingly wide awake. I stretched and yawned.

"I think I need that, and the clan needs more food as well, look at the fresh-kill pile!" I exclaimed, looking at the pile of prey, most of it was scattered across the mud-filled camp, no use to eat now.

"Grab something small to eat then we'll be on our way," Feathercloud ordered.

I picked through the remains of the pile and selected a very small thrush, it must have been still living with its parents when it was killed, poor thing. But a cat's gotta eat. I quickly ate it before Feathercloud was too impatient and bounded over to her, much more awake. 

I paused when a scent drifted across my nose, my ears pricked up at the scurrying of a mouse. I immediately dropped into a hunter crouch, and slowly crept forward. It let out a shriek when it saw me and run into a hole.

"Fox dung!" I had cursed.

"Better luck next time!" Feathercloud meowed from behind me. I turned to see her drop a robin on a dry enough piece of grass. 

"That's the fourth time today though!" I had hissed angrily. I then turned and stormed off into the forest, leaving Feathercloud behind. I paused when I reached the outskirts of Lightclan territory. I looked up at the still cloudy sky. Light rain fell and drizzled the forest, scaring prey back into their burrows. My ears pricked when I heard the quiet scurrying of a mouse again. I immediately leaped and messily killed it. I turned to leave when a scent I dreaded reached my nose. Blood scent. My blood ran cold. I followed the smell until I reached a small patch of bracken. I reluctantly parted the bracken and let out a scream. There was Quaildash, her throat had bite marks all over it and her eye was gorged out. I turned and saw something I didn't and wailed as loudly as I could. Hoping someone could hear me.

"Rodentpaw!" Feathercloud burst through the bushes, her white pelt covered in mud.

"What happened?" She demanded.

"Quaildash and Firpaw are..." I broke down and cried, my wails echoing through the forest. Feathercloud came and curled around me, like a mother quieting a kit. Her tail wrapped around me and she spoke to me quietly, telling me that it would be ok. It was said that when cats cry no tears come, and that's only for Twolegs, but it felt like tears running down my face because of the light rain. 

We waited until the Dawn Patrol had been sent out to look for us, before returning to camp. For the rest of the day, I had sat with Firpaws body, crying and not caring how much it rained, or how windy it was, or how much Feathercloud begged me to come inside. 

At Moonhigh I finally fell asleep, next to Firpaws body. When I awoke at Dawn his body was already buried with Quaildash. I had risen to my feet and walked into the den. I then fell asleep again. 

"Rodentpaw! Rodentpaw!" A cat's voice quietly hissed, forcing me awake, when I opened my eyes and right in front of me was a dark brown tabby face. His amber eyes weren't dull, but once again bright but were filled with worry.

"Firpaw!" I purred, "you're alive! I knew that was just a dream!"

"He's dead," a familiar voice hissed, "we all are except for you!"

"Shut up Quaildash!" Heatherfalls voice hissed, "he's just an apprentice!"

"So you are dead," I sighed, looking at my paws.

"Listen Rodentpaw," Firpaw meowed panickily, "the cat who killed Quaildash and I wasn't a rouge, it was a cat from in our clan, be aware of him, and don't forget, don't trust anyone!"

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