Chapter 39

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       A new-leaf breeze rustled the gorse bush. Dawn light filtered through the den. It had been almost a moon since the Gathering, and the Clans were back on regular schedule. Moonpatch now met with the medicine cats at half-moon.
       All of the Clans had kept their vow of staying to their side of the borders and being respectful of passing border patrols.
       Roseblossom closed her eyes in satisfaction, waiting to fall back asleep. She was very tired. But before she had time to hardly close her eyes, a terrible pain gripped her belly. She sat up wildly, trying to figure out what was happening to her.
       Then she knew; the kits are coming. Velvetmask slept in the nursery, caring for Branchkit and Friskkit, even though she couldn't give them milk. The golden tabby woke with a start, rousing the kits beside her.
     They started mewling in surprise. "Hush, darlings," Velvetmask comforted them, sweeping them out of the den with her tail. "Go play outside; see if your father will play catch the tail."
       Roseblossom felt another pain pass over her, and she started breathing frantically. As soon as the kits were out of the den, Velvetmask was beside her. "Steady your breathing," the she-cat instructed.
        Some cat pushed through the gorse bush den, and Roseblossom could see and orange and white pelt in the dawn light. Moonpatch was carrying a bundle of herbs in his jaws, and he set them down next to her.
       "I saw the kits playing outside, and I wondered why they were out so early," Moonpatch explained his sudden presence. "I figured there was a good reason they weren't asleep in their dens."
         Roseblossom only caught half of what the medicine cat was saying; pain seeped all over her, and she shuddered. Moonpatch placed a paw on her belly, feeling gently.
       "Go tell Ambernight," Moonpatch glanced at Velvetmask. "But don't let him in the den. We don't want it to be too crowded."
       Roseblossom was hardly aware of Velvetmask leaving the den, her belly convulsed, and a kit slid into the nest beside her.
        "One more," Moonpatch told her. He grabbed something from beside him, and placed at Roseblossom's muzzle. "Bite down on this stick; it'll help with the pain."
        Velvetmask had returned into the den, and Roseblossom could hear anxious pacing outside the den. Come on, kit. Hurry up and be born already!
         Another convulsion made Roseblossom shiver all over, and she bit down on the stick. "Another tom kit!" Roseblossom could hear Velvetmask exclaim beside her.
       Roseblossom had barely realized it was over. She pulled her kits close, lapping gently at their wet fur, with Velvetmask helping her.
       Moonpatch sat back, blue eyes bright. "Well done, Roseblossom. All you need now is rest," the ginger-patched tom ducked under the entrance. "I'll get Ambernight. I'm sure he'll want to see his kits."
       Velvetmask gazed at Roseblossom and the kits fondly with deep blue eyes. "They're beautiful."
      Roseblossom wanted to reply, but she felt too tired to speak. The sound of rustling let Roseblossom know some cat had entered the den. Velvetmask moved away to give him room.
        Ambernight's amber eyes were glazed with worry, but it was quickly replaced with joy when he saw his family was safe.
       He rushed over, and nuzzled Roseblossom, then looked down at his two sons. One was gray with his father's long slim legs. The other was light brown with a white tail-tip, who had a shorter stature with more muscular legs like Roseblossom.
        Immediately Roseblossom knew what she wanted to call the gray kit; his fur reminded her of a cat that she looked up to.
       She touched the gray tom-kit gently with her tail. "Frostkit," she whispered. After Driftfrost.
        Ambernight nodded, eyes gleaming with affection. It took longer for Roseblossom to decide on the light brown tom-kit. She studied him for a moment. At first she wanted to name him after Aspenrose, but remembered that she was named after Aspenrose.
        As she watched the kit, she realized how silent he was, and he didn't squirm around as much as his brother.
        "Quietkit," Roseblossom whispered with a pang of sadness. Her former apprentice, Quietpaw, had died trying to pull his father's body from the border stream.
        Ambernight stroked each kit with his tail. "Frostkit and Quietkit," he meowed softly. "They're perfect. You're perfect, Roseblossom."
         Roseblossom nuzzled deeply into her mate's fur, and gazed down at her kits. She was overwhelmed with joy.
        Even though it had been tough, Roseblossom had chosen her own path and she was happy with every choice she had made. She couldn't wait to see her kit's grow up, and help them shape their own path.

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