Chapter 7

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       Clouds covered the sky. If Rosepaw looked up at the dark clouds, she wouldn't be able to know what time of day it was. She flicked dew out of her whiskers, proceeding into the elders den.
Before she entered she glanced over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of Sandheart organizing patrols. Warriors stood around him, and among them was Brackencatch. Rosepaw looked away, trying to focus on her task. Cleaning out the bedding of the elders den was an apprentice task. Rosepaw longed to be out hunting with Brackencatch.
       "Someone has to do it," Crookedwing had told her after she given her the task. "Better you than me."
       Rosepaw greeted the drowsy Heathermoon with a shy dip of her head. Heathermoon stood and stretched in her nest. "Come to clean out the bedding? About time," the elder mused. "I think I'll take a stretch outside."
      Heathermoon padded past stiffly. Rosepaw wadded the damp bedding together, shaking it free of water droplets. Paw steps sounded in the entrance of the den. Rosepaw turned around to see a familiar brown tom. Rosepaw shifted her gaze back to her work, not wanting to bother with the arrogant tom.
       Ambernight padded over silently to sit across from Rosepaw. Rosepaw felt her fur prick with apprehension as he gazed at her. Ambernight grabbed a pawful of dew-soaked bedding and started to shake it out. Rosepaw felt her ears twitch in surprise, but she kept quiet.
       Once done, Rosepaw glanced up at Ambernight. It felt odd getting attention from the tom who had broken so many rules as an apprentice. What does he want from me? I'm not like him.
       But she remembered the time she had with Brackencatch. She missed him. Ever since he became a warrior, he hadn't paid much attention to her. I thought we were close friends.
       "Thanks," Rosepaw mumbled shyly.
       She took the chance of glancing into his amber eyes. He put his ears back, as if not knowing what to say. "No problem."
       Ambernight padded out of the den quickly. Rosepaw gazed after him, in awe. She cocked her head in confusion. Ambernight had not acted like the ambitous and prideful apprentice she had known. Instead he had acted awkward and a bit clumsy for words.  But maybe becoming a warrior made Ambernight become more mature.
       Rosepaw shook away her feelings of confusion and padded into the camp. She caught the gaze of a russet tabby with bright green eyes. They glanced supsciously from Ambernight to Rosepaw, before stalking away.
       Rosepaw surpressed a shiver. Why would Crystalflame look at me like that? Rosepaw stiffened. She had seen those green eyes before, shadowed by the cover of darkness.
    Rosepaw followed behind her ginger mentor. She led the patrol with Dapplesplash and Puddlepaw, and Ambernight following as well. Firepool trailed behind. Oliveclaw had been having chest pains and trouble breathing lately. Firepool had been out of coltsfoot. She had juniper berries, which was the next best thing, but she wanted to travel to RiverClan in hopes they had any spare.
They approached the border, Crookedwing waving her tail for the patrol to stop. She turned to face the cats behind her. "Everyone remember to keep their fur on. RiverClan are usually gulibal, but sometimes they can get out of line."
     Firepool hissed. "Lets just get this over with."
       Crookedwing gave an annoyed glance at her sister, but padded over the scent line. Cats erupted from the reeds, fur bristled and claws unsheathed. A russet tabby tom led the patrol, with a pale ginger tabby she-cat behind him. Rosepaw recognized them as Robinheart and Cherrywish. A white tom with cream stripes stood beside his sister, Cherrywish, his name was Lightripple. Rosepaw saw another cat emerge from the reeds, and she knew this tom led the patrol, not Robinheart. It was Ryefeather, the RiverClan deputy.
       He strode forwards to face Crookedwing. "What are you doing on RiverClan territory?" Though the deputy's voice was level, his ginger fur stuck out and his silver eyes were slits.
       Crookedwing gave an impatient grunt. "We're not intruding, mouse-brain. We have a medicine cat with us." The ginger she-cat waved her tail to Firepool.
       Ryefeather didn't move his gaze. "Get off our land," he growled.
     Rosepaw trembled slightly, but felt fur gently brush her's, steadying her. She glanced up to see Ambernight. Why is he being so protective?
      Rosepaw heard an angry yowl and a hiss. She turned her attention back to her mentor. She felt her fur fluff out in alarm as Crookedwing lunged at Ryefeather. The cunning deputy must have provoked her. Dapplesplash leaped to her sister's protection. Robinheart pounced at the ginger-splotched she-cat before she could reach her sister.
       Robinheart pinned Dapplesplash down, his weight overpowering her's. Puddlepaw's copper eyes glittered in excitement, and he jumped over the border to help his mentor. Ambernight left Rosepaw's side to slash a blow at Cherrywish. Lightripple glanced at Flamepool and then Rosepaw. Firepool gave him a challenging glare, but the tabby tom leaped at Rosepaw.
       Rosepaw landed a blow at the warrior's shoulder, but he was stronger and faster. Rosepaw was pinned to the ground, and she felt icy claws rake her flank. The weight crushed her chest. She couldn't breath. Suddenly, the weight was lifted. Brown fur flashed beside Rosepaw, and she gasped in relief. Ambernight rose onto his hind paws, landing a blow on Lightripple's face.
       Rosepaw looked away. She couldn't watch. Nearby, she saw her brother's piercing copper eyes, blazing like fire. Puddlepaw fixed her with an unforgivable gaze. It only lasted a split second before Dapplesplash's cry split the air.

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