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"Welcome to Rainclan Traveler!" A tabby gray she-cat with white paws and purple-blue eyes mews.
"No, welcome to Sanctuary," a Reddish tom with black stripes and black paws mewed.
"Hey! Don't forget Sootclan!" Another she-cat, Dark brown with golden eyes and fluff around her eyes which gives her a somewhat bear like appearance, mews.
"Yes, yes," the first she-cat mews, rolling her eyes, "I am Lilacstar, this is Adderstar," she points to the Reddish tom, "and that is Bearstar," she points to the other she-cat.
"We are here to guide you to greatness," Adderstar mews.
"Whatever it may be for you," Bearstar continues.
"Here are the rules," the three chorus.

No cursing, Warrior curses only.

No detailed battles, mating, or kitting. EX: Lilacstar clawed the enemies face. The enemy clawed Lilacstar's shoulder.--- The pair of cats agree apon being parents, mate, and be done.--- the she-cat screamed and suddenly there was a kit by her side. Moments later there was another kit.

Do not try to control others character. Give people their own choice.

You may have up to 6 characters to begin with, if you wish to have more then pm me and maybe we can work something out.

You can only have up to two of your characters in power (leader, deputy, medicine cat)

Password is BambiBoo

If your character has kits both parents can play kits, please discuss that in pm. If neither wish to play kits then they can (and will) be put up for adoption, meaning someone else will play them. If you already have the maximum 6 cats that's alright, just be sure you can handle taking on the kits as well.

Only natural (real) cat pelt colors and patterns. The eyes can be any color.

Do not kill anyones character without permission!! Even in battle! You can wound, but not kill. They decide weather they die or not.

Please know that your character has to die at some point in time.

Please do not RP until you've been accepted.

For more information go to the Information chapter (next)

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