WolfClan RP

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WolfClan has been known to have the greatest cats of all time, including Wolfstar, founder of WolfClan, Jackalstar, second leader and able to communicate to animals, Blizzardstar, third leader and the best fighter and Lightningstar, fifth leader and the most skilled hunter the Clans have ever seen. WolfClan cats are both noble and fierce, their reputation of taking in outsiders are known throughout the Clans but they do not see any shame in themselves as they are offering new ways for new cats and are gaining more cats than most Clans. Their great ancestor who was the legendary leader of ThunderClan, Firestar, has passed on his never ending bravery and courage to all the cats, not just WolfClan. Their territory is a lush green forest with high and large oak and birch trees that these cats climb on. WolfClan has been known to be called "The Clan Of Heroes" by rogues and even another Clan cats as they housed Wolfstar who stopped a battle before it started and before it could turn into a huge war, Jackalstar helped the Clans when bears were invading and stopped the a Clans from dying out,  Blizzardstar stopped a war in which his own Clanmates caused although they turned out to be traitors later on, and fourth leader named Leapingstar sacrificed himself in order to prove to the Clans that claws are not every solution in which he was killed by former BoneClan leader, Tacklestar which resulted in him being chased out and never welcomed again. Each cat has Firestar's personality in them if it's big or small, his life is continued on throughout all of these cats.

WolfClan's Land Markings

Cliff Fall Dip: Cliff Fall Dip is the training grounds for WolfClan. It has little cliff-like dips in the earth where the ground becomes soft and sandy. Apprentices love to come here as the sand feels like silk and the cliff-like dips are fun to jump off from as it serves as great leaping skills. It is located near WolfClan's camp but is still a few pawsteps away. How it got its name is too obvious, it got it from the little cliff-like dips in the land.

Wolf's Claw: Wolf's Claw is another part of the territory that was encarved into the land. It is a great place to find good, fat prey but also many predators. Only the bravest, strongest and wisest of warriors come to hunt here as foxes, badgers and dogs have been spotted here. Wolf's Claw is near the Clan's border. Beware of other unknown creatures lurking in the shadows. It got its name because there have been many sightings of clawmarks that are unknown. But the second Clan leader, Jackalstar has told her Clan that wolves are known in their territory and see cats as friends and comrades. Therefore, earning the name Wolf's Claw.

Cloud Oak: The tallest tree in all the Clans. It was the second tallest tree when AirClan's territory was still lush and bright, but that tree was struck by lightning and has burned. Though its remains still up and in the sky, it has burned down its top where it has gotten incredibly shorter. Cloud Oak got its name for the huge oak that grows just near their camp which is said to go higher than the clouds. Only fearless cats climb this tree as it is mighty windy up above and a chance that you could slip and fall. It is said in legend that Cloud Oak is actually the Great Sky Oak that once belonged to ThunderClan and great leader Firestar.

Slippery Path: A treacherous path where most cats would come to hunt but only on rare occasions. Slippery Path is dangerous and full of lurking shadows and watching eyes from the darkness. The second leader of WolfClan, Jackalstar, said that no cat should come here unless totally necessary as she told them a warning, these are her actual words. "There are three beasts, never come here unless necessary. These three are dangerous but they will not hurt if they don't need to." She had told her Clan and the others. There was an incident where a DuskClan apprentice got too cocky and ventured into WolfClan territory and into the Slippery Path. He was said to have acted like nothing was dangerous until WolfClan heard a screech of terror in the woods and immediately sent warriors to see what it was. Horror struck all of them as Blizzardstar, now leader who is the third, led the patrol and found the battered, blood stained body of the DuskClan apprentice named Toadpaw. WolfCkan was saddened as some of them blamed Jackalstar but her former deputy, Blizzardstar defended her and that it was Toadpaw and DuskClan's own fault of not noticing their apprentice leaving camp and not returning and of Toadpaw being a mouse-brain and trying to look tough. DuskCkan was furious but their current leader had forgiven WolfClan as they could not stop this from happening. Ever since then, Slippery Path has been monitored carefully and has only be open to highly experienced warriors. Usually, during each few moons or so, the story is told to all the Clans at the Gathering so they could stay away from that area as much as possible. Though the beasts that live there are unknown creatures, cats fear of even entering WolfClan territory but WolfClan trusts Jackalstar's words and they believe in what she said before that these beasts will not hurt them unless they are bothering them. And she told her a Clan and all the Clans that the beasts can determine which scent is which. So for example, the three won't attack WolfClan if DuskClan cats have been in Slippery Path, they are highly intelligent and Jackalstar even said that they could speak and understand cats. It was named for the slippery paths that lead to the area where the three beasts live, it is a sign telling others to stay out.

Firestar's Mountain: WolfClan's most sacred and important land marking, Firestar's Mountain. It is where Firestar was said to be buried along with his fellow dear Clanmates, Sandstorm, Graystripe, Dustpelt, Bramblestar, Leafpool, Squirrelstar, etc. It's a wide area with a small hill-like little slope in the middle of the clearing. A stick is planted into the top of the little slope, it has many scratches and the most distinctive one is the large scratch on the top. Ancient medicine cat, Jayfeather, said that each of these scratches resembles a remembrance of the fallen cats during the battle of the Dark a Forest. The large scratch mark is for Firestar while the others are for other fallen cats such as Applefur of ShadowClan, Hollowflight of RiverClan, Tornear of WindClan, Hollyleaf of ThunderClan, etc. Firestar's Mountain got its name because this area is said to look like it's blazing in fire when looked upon from a distance. Like when you first travel through then little pathway up to the sacred place, the slope looks like it's on fire because of the open clearing where the sun shines upon. It is also said in legend and by all the leaders of the Clans that Firestar's spirit and all of the StarClan spirit cats can be seen here. This is the most sacred place in all the Clans as each cat up to a warrior has at least seen one cat that either had died or died long ago before. All cats respect this sacred mountain which is named after the great leader who gave all of his nine lives for the Clans he was taken into, Firestar's Mountain.



Maplestar-cream-colored she-cat with white tabby marks and dipped white tail. White paws and checks with mesmerizing green eyes. (Lettuccce)


SageEyes-beautiful ginger-red she-cat with golden eyes and horizontally rounded pupils with golden eyes, red markings on the ends of her eyes like Naruto's Sage Mode. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Medicine Cat

Medicine Cat Apprentice


Cracklingflames-pale gray-and-ginger tabby tom with silver eyes and a dark ginger muzzle. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Apprentice, Iciclepaw

Nightatmosphere-ghostly black she-cat with green eyes and a tint of blue in them. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Owlscreech-handsome dark brown tom with faint darker brown tabby stripes with white speckles on flanks, yellow eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Birchclaw-handsome dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a scarred face, a long scar across his face and a gash over his left shoulder, another scar across his chest and a torn right ear. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Blackflower-black she-cat with green eyes and long, dark black claws with what-seems-like invisible dark black markings along her face and legs which can be visible in the correct light. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Featherdust-long-haired, silver she-cat with amber eyes and white spots and a white muzzle. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Cypresswind-dark silver tom with black ears and tail with yellow eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Former AirClan Warrior-

Apprentice, Gingerpaw

Flintfrost-black tom with golden eyes and three huge claw marks across his chest in a diagonal way. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Former AirClan Warrior-

Apprentice, Shockingpaw

Skyrunner-mottled bengal silver she-cat with piercing blue eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Former AirClan Warrior-

Dreamworld-dark tortoiseshell-and-white tom with a dappled coat and a white tail tip, ghostly violet eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Former AirClan Warrior-

Apprentice, Otterpaw

Razorclaw-silver tabby tom with blue eyes and a white chest and a black striped muzzle. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Apprentice, Whitepaw

Milkydash-soft-furred white she-cat with brown tabby splotches, dark blue eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Slashfeather-dark brown tabby she-cat with dark amber eyes and a scar crossing the center of her face, her pelt is thick with scars. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Deadwish-tortoiseshell she-cat with black hind legs and ginger toes, one green eye which the other is scarred over and missing, leaving the eye socket open and empty, her pelt is thick and long with shredded ears. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Yellowslash-golden tabby tom with amber eyes and a white striped tail. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Magpiecry-gray tom with white stripes slicing his pelt and dark brown eyes, a silver chest, muzzle, tail, ears, and underbelly with dark gray paws. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Ledgeshard-dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a huge scar on the side of his underbelly. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Aspenrise-brown-black tabby tom with yellow eyes and torn ears. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Waspattack-golden tabby tom with small black stripes and amber-yellow eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Ghostfang-dark gray tom with black stripes and pale yellow eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Jumpingfish-silvery-gray tom with a scar across muzzle to the side of his head and green eyes, a black stripe along both flanks to his tail tip. (Open)-Former BoneClan Warrior-

Feverwish-golden tabby tom with bright amber eyes and a fluffy tail. (Open)

Flickerflames-silver she-cat with patches of ginger and green eyes. (Open)

Pluckfeather-long-haired ginger tom with violet-colored eyes and a paler underbelly with a white tail tip. (Open)

Newtfoot-black tom with golden eyes and a white underbelly. (Open)

Fernclaw-black tom with very dark amber eyes. (Open)

Apprentice, Frostedpaw

Dappledfern-dappled she-cat with unusual white spots and muzzle, soft yellow eyes. (Open)

HoneyDawn-pretty creamy she-cat with a orange-amber back, front right paw, and tail with a creamy tail tip, her left eye is a bright orange and her right is a bright green eye. (bluesnow6565)

Silverdusk-silver coated she-cat with black swirls along her fur, a white underbelly, fore paw, tail tip, and a black nose. (Starlingstar)-Former Rogue-


Whitepaw-white-and-golden tabby she-cat with golden-amber eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Shockingpaw-golden tabby tom with amber eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)

Gingerpaw-ginger tom with yellow eyes and a paler tail tip. (Starlingstar)

Otterpaw-dark ginger she-cat with yellow eyes and white speckles around her muzzle. (Open)

Frostedpaw-pure white tom with blue eyes. (Open)

Iciclepaw-pale gray speckled tom with blue eyes and a silver muzzle. (Open)


Electricvolt-striking golden tabby she-cat with bright yellow eyes and a darker golden ear. (Open)-Mother to Whitepaw, Shockingpaw, and Gingerpaw

Swanfoot-white she-cat with a odd black marking on her face across her eyes and down to her jawline, black legs with black eyes. (Open)-Mother to Frostedpaw and Iciclepaw-Former BoneClan Queen-


Talonslice-dark brown tabby tom with a light brown underbelly, chest, tail tip and muzzle, amber-yellow eyes with ragged fur. (Open)

As the next Gathering approaches, many new threats have come up. First, BrutalClan's uprising, second, DuskClan's extinction coming soon if the Clans do no join together, third, many cats from both BreezeClan and WolfClan disappear, although Thistlepaw and her group have told RedStar about the prophecy, Razorclaw, along with Yellowslash, Milkydash, Magpiecry, Deadwish, and Slashfeather, have left WolfClan and have disappeared mysteriously. Though no cats know where they went, some BreezeClan cats believe that they went to where Thistlepaw and the others were heading to, but they doubt it. Flutterpool and Wrenstrike have died sadly due to a battle with rats and young Icepaw has too died from poisoned prey, suffering three days and two nights before dying a painful death that seemed to take seasons. With so few WolfClan cats, the Clan start to worry if BrutalClan will aim for them next and switch with having DuskClan die out first. Tensions rise as the traveling cats must hurry before time runs out, they must return before BrutalClan destroys all three Clans...

-Current Prophecies-

"The Bloom of the Lotus will illuminate the past and future. For devotion and kindness will be needed to soothe the anger that stirs within."-Lotustail

"Upon the glittering horizon will be the New Dawn. The White light that shines will brighten Dawns as for pasts will be remembered and futures will be given."-Whitedawn

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