AshClan RP

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DeadClan, the Clan of evil, dark, cold cats who have the hearts true to their Clan's name. Their founder, Deadstar, was the Yin to Elementstar's Yang. Deadstar first started out as a troubled cat, always came second to his sister and always in his sister's shadow. He lived his first days with Elementstar and soon, they received great power from StarClan and started their own Clans. This separated the two siblings as Deadstar became the new leader of DeadClan while Elementstar became the new leader of ElementClan. After witnessing what his powers could do, he wanted more. He sought out to take his sister's powers and rule over both Clans. And so, with that, he found the greatest power source since their beginning, the Nine-Tailed Fox. He knew it's power was far greater than theirs, and their powers, was not even a glimpse of the Demon Fox's powers. So, Deadstar used this power, taking control over it and soon, attacked ElementClan with it. He led his many cats into battle along with Elementstar as the two siblings clashed with each other, fighting with strength, fighting with powers, and fighting with tooth and claw. As the battle came to an end, going for about five days straight, day and night, Deadstar was weakened too much along with Elementstar, but he made one fatal mistake. He lowered his guard and that's when Elementstar struck him, killing him as the battle was won. After that, Deadstar's deputy ColdWinds refused to listen to him when he tried influencing him to destroy ElementClan. ColdWinds went on with his leadership and brought DeadClan back up to ElementClan, bringing their loyalty and ranks up as he was a trusted cat. Soon after he, Jetstar, Cedarstar and Portalstar died, Deadstar saw another cat to take on his legacy, Meltedkit. Meltedkit was a young kit with a strong structure that backed up why Deadstar chose him. As a young kit, Meltedkit met Deadstar and they made a promise, his promise was that he would destroy ElementClan whatever if meant, and to never worry about his Clanmates and if they could not fend for themselves, then they were not fit to live in DeadClan. As Meltedkit grew to Meltedpaw and then Meltedfigure, he had been there to influence him on everything. Although Meltedkit started out as an ElementClan kit, he had fled to DeadClan when he became an apprentice. Deadstar had been helping him and influencing him to continue in his paw steps as he then became the deputy and soon, became Meltedstar of DeadClan. With that, he knew Meltedstar had his own intentions and knew he would never turn Deadstar down. So he trusted Meltedstar with his path and thus leading to the Great Battle between the Youthful Three, the Nine Shadows, ElementClan, against DeadClan and the Kit That Never Should've Survived.

Under Midnightstar's leadership, she has decided to change DeadClan's name to rid it from it's horrible name that Deadstar had put upon them. She had changed it to AshClan as a sign that DeadClan is no more and has risen up from the ashes of the flames Deadstar set ablaze long ago. As Midnightstar accepts AshClan as a rebirth of DeadClan, many tensions have built up because she had changed the name to a "less-threatening" Clan name. AshClan has risen from the ashes and has shed it's skin from DeadClan.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(No Need For A Leader MAP-By Alli Kat)

This MAP (Multi-Animator Project) fitted Meltedstar perfectly. He doesn't need a leader nor does he want one to lead him, he always believed he would lead himself only and Deadstar would be there to guide him. I also put this here because the entire story surrounding BloodClan, Scourge and Tigerstar sorta matched with Meltedstar. BloodClan being DeadClan, Scourge being Meltedstar and Tigerstar being Deadstar. The fact that not all of BloodClan wanted to kill or to hurt innocent cats is like DeadClan too, not all of DeadClan wants to be like Meltedstar or Deadstar, but they have to because they want to be loyal warriors, which led to many changes such as Midnightstrike leaving Meltedstar's leadership and fighting for ElementClan to become leader of DeadClan and to raise them up like Meltedstar should have. Ghostheart, Jetblaze, Cloudedskies, Fearstrike and Darkflower are few of those cats who don't want to have a leader who enjoys killing innocent cats. But Meltedstar proved to his ancestors that you don't need a leader to be one.



Midnightstar-jet black she-cat with blue eyes and a white paw. (InTheLightOfDawn)-Element: Shadows


Gingerfang-ginger tom with black paws and a black nose, a white tail tip and a dark brown underbelly with warm green eyes and his left ear is raggedly torn up. (Ravenstride)-Element: Darkness/He can phase through walls, make cats go insane, and grab objects while phasing through things (Former ElementClan)

Apprentice, Cobrapaw

Medicine Cat

Peakfrost-silver-and-white tabby she-cat with icy blue eyes and a scar across her right eye with torn ears. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Ice

Medicine Cat Apprentice


Acacio-tortoiseshell tom with white hind legs and amber eyes. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Mind Control (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-

MourningShrill-mottled gray she-cat with illuminating blue eyes with the tint of green around the outer edges and purple near her irises, white slashes of fur along her spine. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: She is able to mimic any sound whether from a dog's bark to a mouse squeaking, she can mimic anything

Apprentice, Viperpaw

Maggotslash-very dark brown tabby tom with green eyes and a white slash of fur on the back of his head along with white slashes of fur on the backside of his legs and a long, wavy tail. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Fire

Blastfire-bright ginger tabby tom with dark green eyes and scars covering his face and a torn, ragged, mangy pelt. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Fire

Flashingstrike-black tom with ghostly yellow-amber eyes and an ugly scar running from the tip of his ear down across his face and ends at his underbelly, a crooked, broken jaw and teeth with jagged claws. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Blinding Speed/Lightning

Fatalscar-large dark brown tabby tom with patches of missing fur, one dark amber eye with a huge scar covering the left side of his face where his other eye is missing, a torn tail, shredded ears and faint white stripes along his legs. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Extreme Pain (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-

Iceslash-white-and-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes and a battle-scarred pelt. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Ice (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-

Apprentice, Rainpaw

Ghostheart-pale white tom with pale green eyes and brown stripes with a black underbelly, paws, and tail tip. (Ravenstride)-Element: He can hypnotize others

Apprentice, Coalpaw

Cloudedskies-pale ginger tabby she-cat with white patches that look like clouds and pale emerald green eyes. (TehEpicMew)-Element: Weather

Jetblaze-black tom with white paws, underbelly, and tail tip with glowing amber eyes. (Ravenstride)-Element: He can set his body on fire, control gravity, and summon your worst fears

Fearstrike-white tom with green eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Fear/Sadness

Apprentice, Morningpaw

Broken-large dark gray tom with black stripes on his face and back with blue eyes and a has purple collar. (Animeangel45)-Element: Darkness (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Kittypet-

Apprentice, Softpaw

Sharp-dark gray tom with bright, sharp yellow eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: He can control cats and most other things (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-

Deadclaw-jet black tom with amber eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: He can bring things to life such as plants and prey but only one cat

Moonglide-silver she-cat with black stripes and blue eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Wind (She was originally dead but brought back to life by DeadClaw)

Skullface-muscular black tom long claws and a white face with blue eyes. (Ravenstride)-Element: He can summon the dead (Former Loner)

Blossom-tortoiseshell she-cat with bright amber eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Nature/Copy Shifting/She can copy a cat's power (Former Rogue)

Flashleap-white tom with streaks of golden tabby along his fur and yellow eyes. (Open)-Element: Lightning Speed

Tornstep-jet black tom with amber eyes and a white throat. (Open)-Element: Shadows

Apprentice, Barkpaw

Zapstrike-golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes and unusually long claws. (Open)-Element: Speed (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-

Zeph-sleek black-gray tabby tom with empty eye sockets and scars down his flanks and face. (Open)-Element: He has the ability to fight even better than a cat with eyes could (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Loner-

Gus-orange tabby tom with a white underbelly and white stripes along his legs and face, yellow eyes. (Open)-Element: Fire (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-

Bonnie-dark gray-and-black tabby tom with amber eyes. (Open)-Element: Deepest Fear (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Kittypet-

Levi-dappled she-cat with yellow eyes and torn ears. (Open)-Element: Poison (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Loner-

Logan-ginger tabby tom with green eyes and a paler underbelly and muzzle. (Open)-Element: Fire (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-

Noah-large black-and-white tom with amber eyes and torn ears. (Open)-Element: Weather (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-

Tylor-dark brown tabby tom with green eyes and a white chest and a white chin. (Open)-Element: Earth (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Rogue-


Wave-very light blue she-cat with a white chest, paws, underbelly and tail tip. (Animeangel45)-Element: Water

Morningpaw-golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a white underside. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Light/She can blind cats with a bright flash of light

Cobrapaw-dark brown tabby tom with a tint of gray and icy blue eyes and two fangs sticking out of his mouth like a snake. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Ice

Viperpaw-dark brown tabby she-cat with a tint of gray and icy blue eyes and two fangs sticking out of her mouth like a viper. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Ice

Coalpaw-dark gray tom with fiery orange eyes and a black underside with a black face and a white muzzle. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Fire

Rainpaw-dark gray tom with dark navy blue eyes and a white tail tip. (Open)-Element: Weather/Water

Barkpaw-light brown tom with green eyes. (Open)-Element: Nature

Softpaw-white she-cat with blind blue eyes. (Open)-Element: Snow


Honeyfrost-light ginger tabby she-cat with sky blue eyes. (SydTheKitty184)-Element: Camouflage (Former ElementClan)-Mother to Deadclaw's kits; Maplekit-a dark ginger she-kit with brown eyes. (@SydTheKitty184)-Element: Fire, and Tallkit-a dark furred tom kit with a dark white chest and brown eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Psychic powers

Darkflower-dark brown she-cat with yellow eyes and black stripes on her paws, face and back which also wraps around belly and has a long tail. (Animeangel45)-Element: Darkness-Mother to Meltedstar's kits; Hawkkit, a dark brown tom kit with dark black stripes and a white chest. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: He can control both ice and fire, Nightkit, a jet black she-kit with brown tabby splotches. (Animeangel45)-Element: Shadows, and Mudkit, a pale brown tom kit with a black tail, muzzle, paws, and ears. (Animeangel45)-Element: Earth/Nature

Drift-white she-cat with a scar on her chest and back and very sharp claws and teeth with blue eyes and a pink collar. (Animeangel45)-Element: Snow (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Kittypet-Mother to Broken's kits; Batkit, a fluffy dark gray tom kit with blue eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Darkness/He can make his surroundings dark and he can see better than any cat in the darkness, even pitch black, and he can hide in the shadows, Snowkit, a white she-kit with gray fur and bright blue eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Cold/Ice/She can make her surroundings colder than ever and can make snow appear, she can also freeze her enemies and make the breeze icy cold, and Strikekit, a tabby she-kit with a white belly and black back with brown mixed in between, she has bright blue eyes that are outlines in black on her fur. (InTheLightOfDawn)-Element: Whenever she touches another cat, it causes them unbearable pain and if they hold on too long, they will eventually die from the pain, although she finds her powers more of a curse than a gift

Icarus-very pale gray she-cat with white speckles and dark green eyes. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: She can create blizzards, sandstorms, windstorms, etc. (Given by Meltedstar)-Former Kittypet-Mother to Acacio's kits; Sunkit, a tortoiseshell tom kit with bright ginger splotches and white speckles. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Mind Control/Fire, Horizonkit, a pale gray she-kit with tortoiseshell splotches and bright amber eyes. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: She can create blizzards, sandstorms, windstorms, etc., Lightningkit, a black tom kit with dark amber eyes and white legs. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Lightning, and Violetkit, a very pale gray-and-white she-kit with dark green eyes and white ears, legs, tail and muzzle. (SanzterUnderRise)-Element: Mind Control

Stormkit-black she-kit with red streaks and amber eyes. (InTheLightOfDawn)-Element: Poison/Her claws can insert poison into a cat like a snake's fangs, and when she further develops her powers, she can control the poison inside of a cat to target certain spots in the body

Blood-dark brown tom kit with piercing yellow eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: He can use his blood as a weapon and can make a cat's blood feel like it's burning and poisoned

Snow-white she-kit with bright fur and yellow eyes. (Animeangel45)-Element: Ice/Nature


Ebonywing-black-and-white tom with amber eyes and a graying muzzle. (Open)-Element: Wind

Fallowstream-brown speckled she-cat with old green eyes and a white eye spot. (Open)-Element: Water

"As the Night Blooms like the morning, will one cat rise among the shadows and Strike the darkness that was cursed upon them. With this, comes the new awakening of the Night and shall the moon burn bright, will her spirit and heart do the same." -Midnightstrike-

"The Flames Of The Dead have finally extinguished. From the death of the Flames, will the Dead shed it's shell and shall Ash rise from the Cocoon Of Fire." -AshClan-

"Shall the sky cry, shall the earth cripple, and shall the trees tremble, will the Nine Dangers rise and bring pain to all who stand. Shall the Dead call upon the living, will hatred rise." -Nine Tailed Beasts and Jinchuriki's-

Under Midnightstar's leadership, AshClan blooms no thrives just as much as ElementClan. Honeyfrost has left ElementClan to come to AshClan and stay with her mate and raise their kits, Deadclaw. Peakfrost is very nervous and scared as new medicine cat of AshClan, she is experienced enough to know basics but has never treated wounds that were affected by non-natural causes. Jetblaze realizes that he's lost his powers and Midnightstar tries to help him to gain some self-esteem but he's doubtful. Skull was chased out of AshClan after he summoned Bloodfeather, Midnightstar has ordered her Clan that if they see him, they are to warn the Warriors to chase him out. Icarus gives birth to Acacio's kits, Sunkit, Horizonkit, Lightningkit, and Violetkit. Meanwhile, Honeyfrost has also given birth to her and Deadclaw's kits. AshClan thrives but the question really is for how long will AshClan and ElementClan last?....

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