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Greetings! My name's Nine-TailsSpirit! Nice to meet you all, welcome to my roleplay about Warriors! This roleplay is both Warriors and elemental powers. Enjoy the roleplay and please follow the rules and have fun!

The Youthful Three have won against the forest's biggest threat, Nine-TailsSpirit, Skyleap, and Moonripple have defeated Meltedstar. With peace finally returning to the Clans, Midnightstrike and Winterstar are the new leaders of ElementClan and DeadClan. With the Youthful Three winning the fight against Meltedstar, cats have found their true place among each other as many cats were just loyal to the wrong cat, such as Midnightstrike, Ghostheart, and a few others. Nine-TailsSpirit now lives a happy life with her Clanmates and can finally spend time with her friends. The traitor, HiddenAmbition, has been killed during the battle and although some cats doubt Skyleap since she was HiddenAmbition's apprentice, Nine-TailsSpirit and Moonripple defend her, saying that if she were truly like her first mentor, then she would have changed sides by now. But now that peace has returned, so comes new enemies as some of the rogues find their true place among the ElementClan and DeadClan cats or they find themselves not suited to Clan life and leave. Everything is different now as time goes on. Nine-TailsSpirit recalls her past and so, she promises to rid the land of hatred and pain and wishes to befriend Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox within her, so they would help each other in their own time of needs. She promises to fulfill her parents dream after meeting them both in her head during the battle, to be the best ElementClan leader she could ever be and to serve her Clan with the best effort given. She promises that the deaths leading up to the final battle with Meltedstar, the deaths from him will not be in vain; Redfur, Lightningstrike, Darkpaw, Staggeringgaze, Burningashes, Elementstar, Blazingstar, Silksong, Glowingmoon, Heronpaw, Leapfish, Shatteredice, Linkedpast, Leopardshade, Waterfallriver, Mistakenpaw, Searingfire, Quietclaw, Flamingwind, Meadowslip, Frozenthroat, Firesong, Creamface, Hexdream, Webclaw, Silkcloud, Beesting, Poppyspot, Shatteredice, Frostwing, Gorsewing and Icefall. Yellowflash and Redfur have now seen what their daughter has become and have said to her that she has surpassed them both. With this, brought Nine-TailsSpirit's determination level even higher as they then managed to defeat Meltedstar after he had killed her and the Sage of Six Paths had revived her. Nine-TailsSpirit, Skyleap, and Moonripple are now known as the Youthful Three by ElementClan and DeadClan and even the loners and rogues around them. They are feared by some cats as the three are like siblings, they fight for one another, they defend one another, and if one of them dies, then they all die with one another. StarClan themselves have no right to mess with the Youthful Three...

"The wrath of the fox will rage through the lands and shatter grounds, level mountains, control seas and slice the skies. The nine shadows across the Clans will bring even StarClan crying for mercy. Power that darkness will seek and try to take."

"A sacrifice was made to tame the most powerful beast, but it must be released again in order to beat the forest's worst enemy. When it is time to be unleashed, only a strong gust of wind, along with the calm gaze of the night can vanquish the darkness, but only in time. The Youthful Three must first rise and grow, but once they do, they will be unstoppable."

-Major Rules-

-There are admins on this roleplay including me. Please listen to them but if they say anything inappropriate, bad, rude, offensive, then PM me about it. Me, InTheLightOfDawn, Ravenstride, and _taNnER-MaRrIoT_ are the admins

-No godmodding, powerplaying, being OP, etc.

-No swearing other than the Warriors words such as fox-heart, mouse-dung, etc.

-Please view the Names That Have Already Been Used chapter! There are only a few names that aren't accepted anymore because there are too many of them! This goes for all Clan cats including StarClan and Dark Forest cats and Rogues/Loners/Kittypets, etc. Please refrain from using a name that has already been used three times because that's the max I'll let it go to. This rule only applies to new roleplayers and does not apply to; InTheLightOfDawn, Ravenstride, _TaNnER-MaRrIoT_, Animeangel45, SydTheKitty184, Thunderstar7, CatAteMyHomework, CryOfATiger, and Spottedleafsalt!

-Keep track of all of your characters. I won't hesitate to delete someone's character if they are not active

-Hate the cat, not the person

-A cat being able to be a Jinchuriki is allowed. View the list below for the available Tailed Beasts. And if you're going to make your cat the Jinchuriki of one of the Tailed Beasts, you are expected to be more active than most of the other roleplayers. Though you don't have to be active every single second, you should be somewhat active enough to earn my trust in you that you can RP a Jinchuriki

-If you are inactive for more than 3 months or so, I will delete you from the roleplay. Please don't just come here to get your name and your character in the roleplay, it's a roleplay for a reason

-Keep your cat's appearance on the realistic side, don't make a cat be a weird color like purple or anything. We don't need a Starkit. No cat can be neon colors and no cat can have neon colored eyes or red eyes unless it's like so when they're using their powers such as Nine-TailsSpirit. Her eyes are a sky blue but when in her Nine-Tails cloak, they become a red color. Other than that, no cat can have normal red eyes, there is no exceptions and don't think I won't notice

-Don't make your cat a Mary-Sue, meaning your cat can't be perfect. Everyone has their own flaws, whether it's easily recognizable or not! Everyone has their mistakes and flaws in something and if you make your cat perfect, that will make everyone else more likely to ignore your cat. Making a character with flaws makes them more interesting and more fun to roleplay with!

-Please don't put in a super dramatic backstory. Dramatic backstory will only lead to having your cat ignored. For example; "Roseblossom was first an abandoned kitten lost in the middle of leaf-bare. Her story started out as a newborn who was abandoned by her parents, she had no siblings and was the only surviving kit from the other three kits of the litter. Roseblossom as a newborn kit, was found by a rogue in the middle of a bad blizzard and almost froze to death if it weren't for the rogue. The rogue then raised her and sadly, died from a fox that almost killed her at the age of two moons. After that, she went out on her own and soon, ran into some stray cats who she fought and luckily, survived the fight. Then she traveled for many moons before stumbling upon the Clan cats at the age of four moons. She was then attacked by a dog and soon, she beat it and was recognized by the Clan that she was worthy of becoming a warrior like them. She was then raised within the Clan and she became the strongest warrior of all the ElementClan and DeadClan cats. She was then feared by both Clans after defeating strong warriors in battle and saving her Clan multiple times by other threats." Just, no. That doesn't make a cat more likely to get noticed, that makes a cat more likely to get ignored because they are so dramatic to the point where they don't want to roleplay because they know that if they get into a fight or anything, that that cat will always win because of her "tragic past." I know that some backstories are accepted, but things like this one are an absolute no or change the backstory

-Have fun and enjoy the roleplay!

-I swear to StarClan that if I see one person put another down, I will have Nine-TailsSpirit go into her Sage Of Six Paths mode and rage like no tomorrow. I will not tolerate anyone putting anyone else down, cyber bullying, or any crap like that. I hate those type of nasty people who think they can do whatever they want and be a complete ass to someone else. That is wrong and if you're just here to do that, then I suggest you leave now before I come after you. There are great people here and I will not, WILL NOT, accept any bullshit like that, not here, not anywhere

-Minor Rules-

-Please go over the Warrior Code, I've added a few new codes to go with this roleplay, thanks!

-If you wish to change your cat's name, only from disasters like a broken leg, missing tail, wounds, etc. then PM me

-If you wish to have a prophecy, PM me first! Don't just make one up on your own because, certain prophecies could effect other cats and might just lead to people getting frustrated because it's confusing, out of the blue, or just doesn't make any sense. PM first please!

-Personality traits should be real personality traits, you must list at least three positive and three negative traits for each cat. Such as Nine-TailsSpirit; Boisterous, exuberant, determined (Positive). Slow-thinker, short-tempered, rude (Negative). It should be something like that, you can list more if you want but at least three for each. Also, they have to be personality traits, not skills/abilities. Don't put in Rude at times, fast runner, and energetic around new cats. These are not exact personality traits. "At times" is not accepted because a personality trait tends to stick with the cat forever unless something changes it, something big or drastic like parents dying or something. "Fast runner" is also not a trait, it's a skill, if you want to name the skills for your cat, do so on the Others list rather than the personality list, it'll make more sense. And finally, "Energetic around new cats" makes sorta sense but not completely. A cat can't be this around new cats unless it's shyness, rudeness, etc. Anyway, being energetic around new cats doesn't make sense, just put in energetic instead of around new cats. Better examples for those three are; Independent, agile, and energetic. That is better than the other three

-Please try to make your cat unique, I'm not forcing you to, but if your going to make it a plain cat like a black she-cat with yellow eyes, at least put in something else like sleek black she-cat with sparkling yellow-golden eyes or something. I encourage you to make your cat stand out from the rest!

-Roleplay fairly, don't control another person's cat, I will do that sometimes if certain higher ranked cats are gone for a while, such as leaders. I will roleplay as the Clan leader if they are unresponsive, but other than that, no other person can control another cat unless they get permission from the owner of that cat you are controlling. Also, don't always make your cat be the "hero" of the Clan, that makes it boring and doesn't give anyone else the opportunity for their character to be recognized as a brave cat. Give others a chance, and I know I will do that a few times with Nine-TailsSpirit but that's only because that's her personality just like Naruto, they want to be recognized as a hero so they budge in and try to be one. I'm fine with that as long as you don't take away opportunities for others

-You may have as many cats as you want, but you must make sure that they're all active and that you keep track of them

Tailed Beasts

First off, I want to say that these are only allowed if they are listed and open. If someone already has that Tailed Beast you want, you are not allowed to request it if they don't want you to be that Tailed Beast's Jinchuriki. Also, if none of you know, a Jinchuriki is someone who has one of the Tailed Beasts sealed within them and is their host. It doesn't count if it's just their chakra or small bits of their power, a Jinchuriki host has the whole Tailed Beasts. It's allowed if you want your cat to have a small bit of their chakra like if someone sealed some of the remains of a Tailed Beasts chakra after being unleashed, like Naruto and Sora, then PM for that. Also, there are only nine Tailed Beasts, I will not put in the Ten-Tails because he's actually not an official Tailed Beast, but rather the full form of them all if they are all sealed into the Geto Statue. And please, when making a cat for a Tailed Beast, look up information about them at the Naruto Wiki and search up "Tailed Beast" for their information, abilities, etc. Arigatou!

One-Tailed Beast, Shukaku (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_) Sandpaw

Two-Tailed Beast, Matatabi (SanzterUnderRise) Thicketkit

Three-Tailed Beast, Isobu (xXCresseliasDreamXx) Coralpaw

Four-Tailed Beast, Son Gokū (TehEpicMew) Scorchpaw

Five-Tailed Beast, Kokuō (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_) Whitekit

Six-Tailed Beast, Saiken (Animeangel45) Whisperkit

Seven-Tailed Beast, Chōmei (Ravenstride) Unknown

Eight-Tailed Beast, Gyūki (InTheLightOfDawn) Foxpetal

Nine-Tailed Beast, Kurama (SanzterUnderRise) Nine-TailsSpirit

Warrior Code

1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clan, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.

2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.

4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.

5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.

6. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires or is exiled.

7. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.

8. A Gathering of both Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.

9. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.

10. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.

11. The word of the Clan Leader is the warrior code.

12. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.

13. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

14. Each Clan has the right to be proud and independent, but in times of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect the two. Both Clans must help so that no Clan will fall.

15. Medicine cats and leaders are forbidden to have a mate and or a love. But they are allowed to if they were mates before the cat became leader. This only applies to leaders.

16. Kits are not told of their powers until they are apprentices as they will be training to control their powers.

17. If a cat misuses their powers, the Clan leader has total permission to restrict the cats powers, this applies to deputies as well but they must have permission from their leader.

18. No cat may take another cats powers, not even leaders.

19. New apprentices are to not use their powers unless they have their mentor, leader, deputy, or other warriors with them. Older, experienced apprentices have to the right to prevent a new apprentice from using their powers.

20. For a cat to become deputy, they must have either complete or almost complete control over their powers.

21. The Youthful Three and the Nine Shadows are to be regarded as heroes and are to be respected among both Clans. They are not to be mocked or looked down upon.

22. Those of Jinchuriki are not to be treated like trash. They are to be respected as saviors because without them, Tailed Beasts would be revenging the Clans. Both Jinchuriki and Tailed Beasts are to be respected.

23. No cat is allowed to give their powers or some of their powers to others outside the Clans as powers are a gift and mustn't be mistreated.


Name (Please make your name reasonable, if your name is a plain name such as Snow or something, the cat should have been a rogue, loner, alleyway cat, kittypet, etc. before Clan life, if in a Clan, but other than that, your cat must have a Clan name if they're in the Clan unless your cat kept the name it was when it joined a Clan. The suffix 'star' goes to the leader of one of the two Clans, no other cat may have 'star' as their suffix. Try not to have the same name(s) as other cats. No cat is allowed to have the same prefix as another cat)

Age (0-5 mooned cats are called -kit as a sign that they are a kit; Nine-Tailskit. 6-11 mooned cats are called -paw as a sign that they are an apprentice; Nine-Tailspaw. 12+ mooned cats are called by their warrior names given by their leader; Nine-TailsSpirit)

Gender (Pick she-cat or tom, no unknown)

Element (Your cat can have any source of power, element, or force as long as it makes sense)

Clan (Pick between ElementClan or AshClan if you're joining as a Clan cat, if not, then put None and move on to Rank. If dead, pick between StarClan or the Dark Forest)

Rank (Kit/Apprentice/Warrior/Medicine Cat/Medicine Cat Apprentice/Elder/Queen/Deputy/Leader for Clan cats. If your cat is not part of a Clan, then put in what it is, Rogue/Loner/Kittypet/Alleyway Cat and so on)

Personality (Must have at least three positive traits and three negative traits and they must be personality traits, not skills/abilities)

Appearance (Make your cat realistic enough to the point where they can be recognized as a decent cat, no red eyes unless during the use of their powers, and no neon cats/eyes)

Backstory (Do not do super dramatic backstories, if you are doing a dramatic backstory, I will only allow the best ones since so many people out there make their story so tragic that it sounds too tragic to be true)

Others (Accessories can be put here along with certain skills/abilities that you want me to know of. Any other information can be put here if you don't know where to put that information on the form)


Name: Nine-TailsSpirit

Age: 16 Moons

Gender: She-cat

Element: Ninjutsu/Kurama's (Nine-Tailed Fox) Jinchuriki

Clan: ElementClan

Rank: Warrior

Personality: Boisterous, exuberant, determined, devoted, selfless, confident, brave, humorous, bright-spirited (Positive). Short-tempered, slow-thinker, rude, clumsy, emotional, loud (Negative)

Appearance: Ginger-red pelt with sky blue eyes and a long fox like tail, black outlining around her eyes which lead up to her inner ears with white claws, three black markings across the sides of her face which are fake whisker marks below her eyes and above her jawline and no whiskers and larger ears

Backstory: She was born to Yellowflash and Redfur. She was born on the night of the Nine-Tails attack on ElementClan and DeadClan. (I'll tell her backstory of everything else after that) Nine-Tailskit lived on with her mother Redfur after she managed to survive thanks to Elementstar healing her. But tragedy struck when Meltedfigure attacked some ElementClan cats who had came to his camp after a small battle issued at the border and before that, at the Gathering. Nine-Tailskit and Skykit make their way to DeadClan to tell Meltedfigure not to mess with ElementClan, but once they got there, the two were swept into the fighting cats as Linkedpast, Staggeringgaze, Sabertooth, and Lightningstrike were killed during the battle. When Nine-Tailskit was in trouble, being separated from her friend Skykit, her mother, Redfur came in to defend her kit but ended up dying in the jaws of Meltedfigure who had shape shifted into a tiger, swiping her up and killing her mother within his powerful jaws. This made Nine-Tailskit feel empty inside as she saw her mother die right in front of her eyes, thus causing Nine-Tailskit to unleash the Kyuubi's power against Meltedfigure. She had went into her first state before going into her Four-Tailed state as she raged on blindly. Nine-Tailskit attacked Meltedfigure relentlessly as he struggled to even regain his footing. There was no stop to her rampage as her Clanmates, Dawnflower, Bonepaw, and even Skykit tried to calm her down, but she just pushed them aside as her only target was any cat that stood in her way and Meltedfigure. At this moment, Meltedfigure was scared for his life as he was met with the decision fleeing or fighting back, he chose to fight back and that failed as he stood no match to Nine-Tailskit. Soon, Elementstar arrived and knew she had to sacrifice herself in order for her to strengthen the seal of the Nine-Tails and suppress the power. She gave her life to calm Nine-Tailskit as she collapsed, exhausted. Elementstar faded away to StarClan as Meltedfigure couldn't move, all he could do was speak as he gave the ElementClan cats a chance to leave. They did so as they worried for the she-kit. Soon after that, Nine-Tailskit awoke and was told everything, she blamed herself for getting angry but she knew that she couldn't contain herself, especially now that Redfur was dead. Many moons passed and soon, her two friends, Skykit and Moonkit became apprentices as Skypaw and Moonpaw, their mentors being HiddenAmbition as Skypaw's mentor and the new addition to ElementClan from DeadClan, Blackcold as Moonpaw's mentor. Nine-Tailskit waited one moon before the time when Gingerfang, an ElementClan cat, turned against his Clanmates and attacked Soulstripe, another ElementClan cat. Nine-Tailskit was there to at least try and fight off Gingerfang but to no luck as he made her see her worst fears. Nine-Tailskit then snapped out of it only to realize that he had ran back to camp. She raced after him and soon, came upon him lying to his Clanmates that Soulstripe and her had attacked him out of no where. But many cats didn't believe him, this made him furious as his plan to fool his Clanmates failed. Gingerfang then attacked the Clan with his powers and soon, held Falconstrike, his own brother, withing his jaws. Nine-Tailskit was then thrown into another rage as Gingerfang killed Falconstrike. Her powers were unleashed once more as she went into her first state, she attacked Gingerfang but he simply vanished to DeadClan. Nine-Tailskit was left in a rage as the Clan didn't know what to do, but she managed to pull herself together and calmed herself, relieving herself the cloak of the Nine-Tailed Fox. This proved herself worthy as the new leader, Blazingstar, gave her her apprentice name, Nine-Tailspaw. She was then given Falconstrike her new mentor as Glowingmoon revived him in the nick of time before his life force was completely gone. Nine-Tailspaw and Falconstrike trained for a few moons before Meltedfigure became Meltedstar of DeadClan and sought out her power. Meltedstar sent out his deputy Midnightstrike to ElementClan camp with Bloodfeather, Ravenshadow, Ghostheart, Gingerfang and Brokenmoon to steal the Kyuubi kit. They successfully did so and came back with the Kyuubi kit. Meltedstar then planned to take over her mind and that also went according to plan. He was controlling Nine-Tailspaw as Skypaw, Soulstripe, Bonefur, Glidingbird, Frozenpaw and Foxpaw came to rescue her. But being under Meltedstar's mind control, Nine-Tailspaw was forced to attack Skypaw which infuriated her because, they and Moonpaw have been friends since they were young kits. Nine-Tailspaw managed to break free from Meltedstar's control and thus, gaining some of the Nine-Tailed Fox's chakra to help escape Meltedstar. She and her Clanmates managed to flee after she killed Meltedstar, knowing it was only a simple clone as the real Meltedstar was out in the territory with his mate Darkflower. Nine-Tailspaw returned to her camp full of relief as she could stand beside her friends once more. But it wasn't long before Meltedstar found out and soon, launched an attack on ElementClan camp to retrieve the Kyuubi kit. They succeeded once more but at the cost of Burningashes's life as Leopardshade killed him after he accidentally killed her apprentice Heronpaw. During that battle, Nine-Tailspaw went into another rage after she saw Falconstrike being killed Gingerfang, but was later revived but at the cost of Glowingmoon's life. She killed Bloodfeather and took three of Meltedstar's lives from a fatal blow of being blown away through the camp walls and trees with the swipe of her claw. But she had calmed herself once more when Falconstrike dared her to attack and kill him, this helped her find herself as she fought alongside Skypaw and Moonpaw, but she was captured when she tried to talk Midnightstrike out of working for Meltedstar. Nine-Tailspaw is brought back to DeadClan camp and stays there, watching from her head what she sees, but she is confused when she sees Meltedstar attacking Midnightstrike and exiling her. But then she realizes that Meltedstar exiled Midnightstrike because she retreated without his orders and her weakness showed, that's why Burningashes and Bloodfeather died in the battle. Later, Midnightstrike comes back and to her surprise, frees her from Meltedstar's control while he was asleep within his den. Nine-Tailspaw thanks her and they go to ElementClan camp together, Nine-Tailspaw explains to her Clanmates that she freed her and that she will work with ElementClan to get rid of Meltedstar. Jetblaze soon comes to camp, telling the cats that Falconstrike was driven insane by Gingerfang, and to Nine-Tailspaw's surprise, Falconstrike had followed DeadClan to their camp to try and free her, but with no luck as Gingerfang beat him in battle. Dazedbird then heals the injured Jetblaze and soon, the insane Falconstrike arrives in the camp, attacking the cats who neared him including his own apprentice. But luckily, Winterstar and Frozenpaw use their ice powers to freeze him to the ground. Nine-Tailspaw then travels to DeadClan with Skyleap and Moonripple, new warriors now, to get Ghostheart, one of the only DeadClan cats who Falconstrike will trust. But luckily, he was waiting at the border with Cloudedskies. They all return and Ghostheart helps calm Falconstrike. Nine-Tailspaw is relieved as it works and Falconstrike returns back to normal. She then says that Ghostheart, Cloudedskies and Jetblaze can stay with them for now if they don't want to fight alongside Meltedstar. They stay along with Midnightstrike. Nine-Tailspaw now, readies herself for the final battle as the prophecy of her, Skyleap and Moonripple comes. The Youthful Three rise and they become unstoppable...

Others: Kurama' chakra only leaks out whenever Nine-TailsSpirit is emotionally enraged or her life is in danger, or she'll ask it whenever she needs it. She is in both of the prophecies about the Nine Shadows and the Youthful Three. Now after gaining control over Kurama's chakra and trust, she is able to undergo Tailed Beast transformation and she is also able to go into her Sage Of Six Paths form and Sage Mode. She can combine her Sage Mode with her other two forms. She is able to perform many different moves such as; Rasengan, Rasen Shuriken, Tailed Beast Bomb (only in Tailed Beast transformation), etc.

Cats On Hold!

Winterstar-white tom with blue ears, muzzle and paws. (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_)-Element: Snow/Ice (ElementClan)

Smokegaze-white tom with black and gray smudges making it look like smoke after a fire, one pale white eye that's sightless and one pale blue, blind. (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_)-Element: Illusions and he can paralyze a cat just by looking at them even if he's blind (ElementClan)

Brokenmoon-handsome black tom with a white stripe down his body and dark blue eyes. (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_)-Element: Darkness/Shadows (Former DeadClan) (ElementClan)

Timerunner-sleek, black-and-white she-cat with white paws and multiple black splotches over her flanks and back with pale green eyes. (xXSanstasticXx)-Element: Time (ElementClan

Jaysrain-gray she-cat with calico like patches and a blue gray rain drop shadow on her head and one blue eye and yellow one, she has great feathery wings with blue tips and bird talons for her front paws. (Spottedrain1)-Element: Blue Fire and Water (ElementClan)

Soulstripe-beautiful white she-cat with black stripes down her body and clear blue eyes. (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_)-Element: Light (Mother to Bonefur's kits; Whitekit- a white tom kit with a long tail and light blue eyes, long, slender legs that will eventually have a muscular build. (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_)-Element: Kokuō's (Five-Tailed Horse) Jinchuriki (ElementClan)

Wildflower-tortoiseshell she-cat with wild-looking yellow eyes. (Cedarwood456)-Element: She can control flowers and grow berries (Mother to Aspenkit, a white she-kit with black splotches and amber eyes. (Cedarwood456)-Element: She can make tiny trees grow, and Azurekit, a calico she-kit with big azure eyes. (Cedarwood456)-Element: Water) (ElementClan)

Silverkit-silver she-kit with dark green eyes and black stripes. (xXCresseliasDreamXx)-Element: Water (ElementClan)

Shadowpaw-long-furred black tom with fur that sticks up slightly and brown eyes with a nick in the bottom of both ears. (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_)-Element: He can take control of other cats by their shadows but only for a limited amount of time (AshClan)

Sandpaw-large pale tan tom with dark brown tabby markings, dark brown ears, and a fluffy tail with bright blue eyes and a black mask-like pattern around his eyes. (_TaNnER-MaRrIoT_)-Element: Shukaku's (One-Tails) Jinchuriki (AshClan)

Coralpaw-small, golden furred she-cat with a small build and slender legs, deep blue eyes that shine aqua in the sunlight. (xXCresseliasDreamXx)-Element: Isobu's (Three-Tailed Turtle) Jinchuriki (AshClan)


I've made a new Warriors RP and don't think I'll come back to this one. Come and join the other one! It's called "We Will Rise" Warriors RP!

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