Chapter 10

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Leafstripe glanced up at the moon, hidden behind the clouds. Its light shone through the gray clouds, casting shadows over the forest. She sighed, taking in the breath she'd been holding for so long. The shadows stretched across the ground like stripes, reminding her of her mate, Tigerstar, who had died a few days ago. She'd been devastated. Her brother had died too, in that same battle.

"Hi, Leafstripe. You're up late. Something wrong?" 

Leafstripe turned at the voice of her friend, Berryheart. She glanced at her, her eyes rounding. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just need some fresh air," she replied softly, glancing back at the moon. But that was a lie. She wasn't fine.

Berryheart padded closer. "I know that look. And I know that you're upset. But you can talk to me," she insisted. "I know your mate and brother died, but you have to stay strong for your kits and the rest of your kin."

Leafstripe sighed, looking down at her swollen belly. She dug her claws into the earth. It wasn't fair. Ever since Tigerstar died, it felt as though there was a claw that was continuously going through her heart. "It's like... it's l-like there's a wound continuously growing inside me. I can't do this without Tigerstar. He meant everything to me." She tucked her tail around her. 

"You still have your sister, as well as your unborn kits. And you still have your parents," Berryheart reminded the queen, flicking her tail. The two queens stared up at the star-filled sky for a few moments longer. Berryheart turned. "Come on, lets get some sleep."

Leafstripe padded towards her den, her paws feeling heavy. She never felt tired anymore. She curled up in her nest, closing her eyes. Her paws hung over her nest and her tail was curled around her. Darkness drenched her vision like stormy clouds in the night sky. Sleep came quickly, and she was relived.

Leafstripe woke up, her paws sinking into soft grass. Her claws extended, feeling the coldness of each blade. She opened her eyes, blinking as she looked around. The sky was dark, the crescent moon hanging in the black abyss as stars danced around it. Stars were shimmering in the grass as well.

Leafstripe froze, then jumped back in terror. I'm in StarClan! I'm not dead, am I? She looked around. She lashed her tail, then looked up as she heard the grass rustle. There was a cat coming her way, his fur as dark as mud. Stripes crossed his pelt, and his amber eyes shone. Stars showed on his fur.

Leafstripe froze, her paws digging in the grass. She narrowed her eyes. Tigerstar? She moved forward, a soft purr rumbling in her throat. She ran towards her mate, her heart pounding. "Tigerstar!" She cried. 

Tigerstar glanced at her, his whiskers twitching. "I'm sorry, Leafstripe," he murmured. His ears pricked forward.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Leafstripe asked, glancing at him. "Don't be sorry, you-"

"I'm sorry I left so early. I should be down there, with you," Tigerstar sighed. "Instead, I allowed myself to get killed at the claws of Darktail. He simply slashed my throat and belly and all my lives were ripped from me," he meowed. "It was painful."

"I'm so sorry," Leafstripe mewed, her voice like a gentle breeze. "It's my fault because I wasn't there," she whimpered.

Tigerstar leaned down, pressing his nose to his mate's cheek. The stars in his fur shifted. "Don't blame yourself. It wasn't you fault I died. It was nobody's fault except for Darktail."

"You're right." Leafstripe sighed and pawned at the grass. "I have to take care of our kits."

"Please, once our kits are born, name one of them Rowankit," Tigerstar pleaded, his eyes shimmering. "My father was Rowanclaw, and he deserves to live on," he mewed.

"Ok, I promise," Leafstripe purred. She closed her eyes as Tigerstar pushed his muzzle to hers, then when she opened them, he was gone. She was back in her nest. She lifted her head, squinting her eyes at the bright sunlight that entered the den. 

Berryheart was waking up beside Leafstripe. She yawned, her whiskers twitching. "Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Yeah," Leafstripe answered. She sat up in her nest, still feeling grief. These kits inside me, I hope they resemble their father greatly. She curled her tail over her paws. She closed her eyes, thinking of Tigerstar. Why aren't you here to help me raise them? You always promised that you'd be an amazing father. And then...

Shadeshadow suddenly appeared in the entrance of the nursery. A plump mouse was in her jaws. Scars covered her left eye.

"Oh, hi, Shadeshadow," Leafstripe purred, glancing warmly at her sister. She watched as the plump mouse dropped to her paws. She leaned forward, sniffing it.

Shadeshadow blinked, her light blue eye glancing down at her sister. Her eye seemed to almost be glowing in the shade of the den. "I figured I'd bring you breakfast," she said softly, her voice cold. 

Leafstripe had almost forgotten about her relationship with her sister. They'd always fight, and Leafstripe felt guilty. Shadeshadow had gotten her scars from Leafstripe as a kit. The two didn't get along, but up until the death of their brother, Leafstripe felt as though a good connection would run through them.

Shadeshadow narrowed her eyes. "I'm only doing this because I feel bad," she meowed. She turned and padded away, heading towards the camp entrance. 

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