Chapter 21

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"Come on, Featherpaw, it's time we do some training."

Featherpaw blinked sleep away from her eyes, still feeling tired. She looked up and saw Stalkfire standing over her. "Can't I sleep a little longer?" She asked.

"No. Even though we asked really a long ways from home, you still have to train," Stalkfire pointed out, twitching his whiskers.

Featherpaw groggily climbed from her nest, and memories of what happened in the past few days began to flow towards her. After the battle with Jay, Lily, and Cliff, the Clan cats left and journeyed down the other side of the mountain. It took two and a half days to get down, and now they were finally on actually ground with no more snow and no more cold wind. 

"So, what are we going to Lear ?" Featherpaw questioned. She flicked her tail.

Stalkfire gazed at her. "I'm going to be teaching you a fighting technique that's beneficial to you," he answered. "It's called leap-and-hold."

Featherpaw narrowed her eyes. "And how is this beneficial to me?" She asked her mentor.

"It works for small cats, like you," Stalkfire meowed, flicking his tail. "Let's say that you're going up against a bigger opponent. You want to run, but that is not what us ThunderClan cats do. Instead, there is a technique for smaller cats facing bigger cats," Stalkfire explained. He then crouched. "Pretend I'm a rogue. I'm bigger than you, and the only way to counter my size is with your size."

Featherpaw shuffled her paws, confused. "So, uh, how does this work?" She asked. "I'm sorry, but I'm very confused," she admitted.

Stalkfire narrowed his eyes. "You leap onto the bigger cat's back, and since you're small, their claws can't reach you. Since they can't attack you, you can claw at their pelts and injure them badly," Stalkfire explained. "Although there is a thing to watch out for when going for this attack."

Featherpaw leaned forward. I understand now. "What's the problem of this technique?" She asked.

"Well, the bigger cats can counter this attack. They simply roll to the ground, and if the smaller cat isn't expecting it, then they will get crushed under the bigger cat's weight," Stalkfire replied, flicking his tail. "You don't want to crushed, it will leave you out of breath and energy, and you can't fight for a few seconds. But every second in battle is precious, if one second is wasted of a cat laying around, then it could cost a life," Stalkfire meowed, his eyes dark. "If you feel the bigger cat about to roll over, jump away quickly."

"So, are you going to train me for this since I'm the smaller one?" Featherpaw questioned, slightly offended that she was considered small.

"Yes," Stalkfire answered. He backed up and stood up, lashing his tail. "Pretend I'm an angry rogue attacking your Clanmate. I'm bigger than you, so what are you gonna do?" He growled.

Featherpaw then leaped forward, aiming to land on her mentor's back, but he quickly dodged away. She landed on the ground with a thump, then got up, panting. "Why did you move?"

Stalkfire narrowed his gaze. "Do you think a rogue or different Clan warrior would stand there and take it?" He questioned. Not waiting for an answer, he hissed once more. "Try again." 

Featherpaw lunged forward, aiming for Stalkfire's back. I'll prove to you! But the tom stepped to the side, making her land on the ground once more.

"Not fast enough!" Stalkfire pointed out. 

Featherpaw lunged forward again, but she had a plan. She would try and trick her mentor. She would make him think she was going to jump on him, but once he dodged, she would lash out and try to hit him. Stalkfire had taught her another move fighting move, the Forepaw Slash, and so she would use it.

As soon as Stalkfire stepped to the side, Featherpaw twisted in the air quickly and lashed out. She saw a look of surprise on her mentor's face, and she had to hold back her laugh. Stalkfire manged to dodge her move though, and he glanced at her, nodding in approval.

"So, you tried to throw me off guard by using the Forepaw Slash. You're learning, Featherpaw," Stalkfire purred, his leaf-green eyes shimmering. "But try again. I don't want to stop until you've perfected this move on me."

Featherpaw nodded, then backed away, lashing her tail. She had another trick hiding up her feathery tail. She lunged towards her mentor, and as soon as he moved, she made sure to land on the ground perfectly instead on thumping onto her side. In a real battle, that kind of thing could cost her her life.

Featherpaw quickly spun around and lunged once more at her mentor. I know for one thing, I'm not giving up. As Stalkfire was beginning to move of the way, Featherpaw twisted around and grabbed his shoulders with her paws, then climbed on his back. "I've done it!" She purred. Suddenly, she was forced to the ground and crushed by Stalkfire's weight. 

"I told you not to let your opponent crush you, Featherpaw," Stalkfire sighed. "You may have jumped on my back, but you need to be able to jump off in time before you're crushed. Think you can do that?" Stalkfire asked.

Featherpaw ruffled her fur and nodded. She lunged toward Stalkfire again, waiting for him to dodge. He moved swiftly out of the way, and Featherpaw turned quickly, lashing out with her forepaw towards her mentor's face. Once he moved, Featherpaw darted forward quickly like a snake and rammed her head into her mentor's chest, taking him by surprise. 

Featherpaw then slammed her forepaw down on his head and leaped up, landing on his back. She pretended to attack Stalkfire, then she could feel his weight beginning to drop. She quickly jumped away, landing on the ground elegantly.

Stalkfire was on the ground, panting. "Stalkfire! Did I hurt you?" Featherpaw gasped.

"No, you just knocked the breath out of me," Stalkfire laughed. "But you did great. You were able to complete the move, and also add a few mode moves in there. You're a quick learner, Featherpaw," Stalkfire complemented.

Featherpaw ducked her head and licked her ruffled chest fur. "Yeah, yeah, I know," she purred. 

"Well, since you've learned the move now, lets go back to the others and eat, ok?" Stalkfire suggested. As he began to pad away, Featherpaw could hear rumbling in the distance. Whatever it was, she didn't want to question it. 

Featherpaw trudged alongside her mentor. Leaves crunched under her paws as she walked on a worn-down path. They'd been traveling for a full day, and had even crossed a thunderpath. Featherpaw hoped that they could find SkyClan soon. She began to wonder if SkyClan was even where they were heading to. What is SkyClan isn't in this direction and we've been wasting time? 

"Featherpaw, hi," Smokyflame purred, appearing beside her. "I was wondering. How is your training going?"

Featherpaw ducked away, her pelt feeling hot. Why do I feel this way towards him? She glanced up. "Oh, it's coming along pretty well," she sighed. "This journey is exhausting."

"I know. I'm starting towards believe that this SkyClan isn't real," Smokyflame sighed, his tail drooping. 

"SkyClan is real. Why else would StarClan send me a message about it? StarClan wouldn't lie," Peachfur growled, glaring at the two cats.

They journeying cats began to walk in silence through the woods. The only thing that broke the silence was the crunching of the leaves as they walked. Soon, the forest began to get denser, and the gurgle of a stream could be heard nearby. 

Featherpaw peered through the trees and saw the moving current of water. She held back a sigh, knowing that they'd have to cross the stream. At least it's not a river. 

As the cats approached the stream, they began to leap over it with ease. More leaves crunched under their paws, and then the oak trees thinned out to pine trees. At least Featherpaw didn't have to hear the crunching anymore. The ground felt moist underpaw, and the croaking of frogs could be heard nearby. Featherpaw scrunched her nose as a disgusting smell began to swill around them. She guessed it was the scent of a dead frog.

"Hey!" The patrol froze as a cat called out from the pines. Through the mist, a rough-looking black tom with amber eyes approached. He didn't look hostile, just upset.

"Uh, is something wrong?" Stalkfire asked, stepping forward.

"You scared away my prey," the black tom meowed, shaking pine needles from his pelt. "Nevermind though, it was just a slimy frog," he sighed. "What's a group of cats like you doing out in this forest?" 

"Well, we're looking for SkyClan," Peachfur answered him. "Well, if you don't mind me asking. Have you seen, uh, perhaps a big group of cats around here?" She asked.

The black tom glanced up at the sky. "My sister, Flea, might know," he responded thoughtfully. "She always talks about this weird cat named Bunnypelt. I think that's a Clan cat name," he murmured.

"Thank you, this is a good piece of information," Peachfur gasped. "What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Tobi," the tom replied.

"Can you take us to Flea?" Stalkfire asked, stepping closer. "Bunnypelt indeed is a Clan cat name."

Tobi dipped his head. "Follow me," he meowed. 

Featherpaw watched as Tobi began to pad through the forest. She walked close to Smokyflame, seeing that the sun was beginning to set overhead. The forest was beginning to get dark as Tobi lead them to Flea. 

After what seemed like a moon, a cry of happiness came from the undergrowth. A small brown she-cat leaped towards Tobi, purring while nuzzling him. Featherpaw sensed that this cat was Flea.

"This is my sister, Flea," Tobi meowed, flicking his tail. "Hey, Flea, remember Bunnypelt, the one who you say you're seeing?" He questioned, crouching down to his sister's size.

"Oh yeah! Bunnypelt says he's from SkyClan!" Flea answered happily. She glanced at Tobi, looking into his flame-colored eyes. "I like him a lot!" She purred. Her brother glanced toward the Clan cats.

"SkyClan! So SkyClan lives here?" Peachfur gasped. "Where is Bunnypelt?" She questioned.

Flea bounced to her paws. "He usually visits me, and I haven't ever went to him, so I don't know where he lives," she meowed. "Clan life sounds interesting! I want to join next time we meet!" She purred.

Suddenly, there was rustling in the undergrowth. Featherpaw bristled and lashed her tail, prepared for what was going to come out. 

"Flea!" A brown and white tom padded from the undergrowth, his eyes bright. He rushed towards Flea and nuzzled her cheek, purring. Then he stepped back and glanced at the ThunderClan cats. "You smell of ThunderClan," he murmured.

Featherpaw blinked at the tom. Did he know of ThunderClan? And how? 

"Wait, you know ThunderClan?" Peachfur gasped.

"Yeah. I'm Bunnypelt," the tom greeted. "Where is ThunderClan?" He asked.

"On the other side of the mountain," Peachfur replied. "But how do you know ThunderClan?" She asked, flicking her tail.

"I used to be ThunderClan. When the Clans were leaving the forest, we had to climb over a mountain. Unfortunately I ended up falling off the mountain. They thought I died, but I didn't. I landed in a thick pile of snow, which saved me. I was in shock from falling though, so I couldn't call out to them. I eventually passed out, then when I woke up, I realized I would never get back to them," Bunnypelt explained. "Moons and moons passed, and then I came across SkyClan. They've helped me, and I'm trying to help them get back to the Clans."

Featherpaw stood still, not knowing what to say. 

"Is Ashstar still alive? He's my father," Bunnypelt meowed.

"No. Squirrelstar is leader now," Peachfur meowed. "Although he did have another litter of kits, which are Palewhisker, Moonshine, and Smallfeather." She flicked her tail to Featherpaw. "This is Featherpaw, she's Moonshine's daughter."

"Wow," Bunnypelt breathed, looking at Featherpaw. "So I do still have kin," he sighed with relief. He glanced at Featherpaw. "Well, my brother is Wolffang. Does he have kin?"

"Yes. He has a son, Mistfang. And a daughter, Cherryflight. They're living with us in ThunderClan," Stalkfire meowed, flicking his tail.

"I have to go now, but thanks for the information," Bunnypelt meowed, beginning to turn away. 

"Wait! Take us to SkyClan! We were sent on this journey to find SkyClan and bring them home," Peachfur pleaded, her eyes rounding.

"Ok, then follow me," Bunnypelt meowed. He glanced at Flea. "Bye, Flea," he purred.

"Bye!" Flea mewed, her tail lifting.

"Let me know when y'all leave," Tobi meowed.

"We will," Peachfur meowed.

As the small group of Clan cats followed Bunnypelt, Featherpaw felt strange. So SkyClan really does exist, huh. It shouldn't have been this easy to find them. For some reason, she didn't trust this. No, don't think that. This tom knows ThunderClan, and knows Ashstar, so he should be trustable. And yet, I feel tense.

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