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Peachpaw hurried at her mentor's side over the wet ground. A half-moon hung in the night sky, and stars twinkled. The air was freezing, but this was the last day of Leaf-Bare

"Keep up, please," Flamedawn meowed without looking at her. His eyes were dark. "The others are waiting for us."

"I know," Peachpaw meowed. She was excited since she was receiving her full medicine name. I wonder what it will be! 

They finally left the cover of the pine trees of ShadowClan's forest and headed towards the Mountain Trail. The moon made the mountain cast a very tall shadow which seemed to stretch over the whole forest.

The two medicine cats raced to the trail and finally began to climb up. The roaring of the waterfall got closer and closer. It was nothing new to Peachpaw, but it always made her heart pound, and was very beautiful.

"Look, I see them at the entrance," Flamedawn meowed suddenly farther up the trail. Peachpaw was jerked from her thoughts.

Peachpaw hurried her pace and was happy to see Mothstripe, who was temporarily staying at WindClan's camp to train an apprentice since Rabbittail had mysteriously died recently.

Flamedawn dipped his head. "Sorry that we are late. Rogues attacked a night patrol and we had to stay behind to take care of the injured," he meowed apologetically.  "The rest stayed behind, but I am here with my apprentice. She is receiving her full name tonight."

"That's great to hear," Mothstripe purred. There was a ginger tabby she-cat at her side, who looked young. "This is Applepaw."

"Hi, Applepaw," Peachpaw greeted. "Is this your first meeting?" She asked.

"Yes," Applepaw mewed, shivering. "I'm a little nervous."

"I can tell. But don't worry, you'll get used to this," Peachpaw meowed, purring. "Isn't this a beautiful sight?" She asked, turning towards the waterfall.

The water, spilling from somewhere in the mountain, was crashing down. The moon reflected on the surface of the rushing water, and droplets sprayed on the path. 

"Yes, it's very beautiful," Applepaw meowed. She lifted her head. "It's.... calming," she whispered.

"Now, let's get on with the meeting," Flamedawn meowed. He padded up to the waterfall and went through, his tail-tip disappearing through the rushing water.

Applepaw bristled. She glanced at Peachpaw. "Where did he go?" She asked nervously.

Peachpaw brushed past her. "Come here, I'll show you," she purred. She padded up to the waterfall and went through. The water soaked her, but she didn't mind all too much. She walked along the skinny trail that was behind the waterfall, and entered the cave. Turning, she saw her friend rush through the water. 

Applepaw shook out her pelt, flinging water droplets everywhere. "Ugh, I'm all wet!" She mewed.

Peachpaw purred with amusement. "Don't worry, you'll dry soon," she purred, twitching her whiskers. "But look inside the cave," she suggested. Turning, she padded over to Flamedawn.

Mothstripe entered the cave along with Flametail, Ravenbreeze, and Turtlepatch. Mothwing, Willowshine, and Sapbriar entered the cave next.

"How is everyone back in ThunderClan?" Mothstripe asked, curling her feathery tail around her paws. She was staring at Flamedawn.

"Everyone is fine. Peachpaw helped deliver Moonshine's kits last night," Flamedawn purred, looking proudly at his apprentice.

Peachpaw ducked her head in embarrassment as Mothstripe looked at her as well.

"Well done," Mothstripe purred. She looked at Flamedawn. "Still don't know who the father is?" She asked curiously.

"No, sadly. Moonshine isn't admitting anything. But she's taking very good care of the kits," Flamedawn explained. "Let's start the meeting." He then turned to Peachpaw. The medicine cats surrounded them.

Flamedawn stood up, staring at Peachpaw. He lifted his tail, his eyes shimmering. 

Peachpaw's heart pounded. This is it. She stood up, her eyes shimmering. 

Flamedawn lifted his chin, looking proud. "I, Flamedawn, medicine cat of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons," Flamedawn began, his eyes shimmering. "Peachpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" He asked.

Peachpaw nodded. "I do," she meowed proudly, lifting her chin.

A slight smile formed on Flamedawn's face. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Peachpaw, from this moment you will be known as Peachfur. StarClan honors your kindness and quick thinking, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ThunderClan."

Peachfur stood tall, feeling proud. She raised her tail as she heard all the medicine cats calling her name. Their cries echoed in the cave.

Mothstripe stepped forward. "Now we must accept Applepaw as a medicine cat apprentice," she meowed. She put one paw in a small puddle of water that reflected the moonlight shimmering through through the thin waterfall.

Mothstripe glanced at Applepaw. "Applepaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" She asked the young cat.

Applepaw looked nervous. "I-It is," she meowed anxiously, her tail-tip twitching.

Peachfur watched the cat with interest. She remembered how nervous she was when she was first being made a medicine cat apprentice.

Mothstripe flicked her tail. "Then come forward," she meowed gently.

Applepaw padded forward slowly and looked up at Mothstripe.

Mothstripe blinked kindly at her, then raised her head. "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance with your will," she meowed.

"We we must dream with StarClan," Mothstripe meowed. 

The other medicine cats dipped their heads and closed their eyes.

Peachfur layed down beside Flamedawn and closed her eyes. She instantly fell asleep. Peachfur then opened her eyes and looked around. Soft grass was beneath her paws, and she could hear the quiet gurgle of water nearby. 

Stars twinkled on the grass and a lone tree was far from her on a hill. Peachfur then began to walk towards the tree. Did it have some importance to it? The night sky was filled with stars and a half-moon floated high in the sky. 

Suddenly, a flame-colored figure appeared in front of Peachfur. Emerald-green eyes stared at her.

Peachfur flinched back and bristled. The figure then appeared to be a cat. It was a flame-colored tom with green eyes and glistening fur. 

"Peachfur," the tom dipped his head. "I am Firestar, a past leader of ThunderClan. I've come to deliver a prophecy for you."

Peachfur gasped. This is Firestar! He was a leader that everyone talked heroically of. She couldn't believe she was meeting him. "A prophecy?" She echoed.

"Yes," Firestar meowed. "The falling feather will lead the lost sky home," he meowed, his eyes glowing.

Suddenly, a large gray bird flew over their heads. A large feather fell from the bird and dropped at Peachfur's paws. But suddenly, looking up, she noticed the sky. It was pitch black, no longer filled with glittering stars or the moon.

Firestar and the whole world around Peachfur was fading. "Save the sky, before it's too late!" He yowled before fading away completely with the land. 

Peachfur gasped with shock as she felt herself falling through a pitch black void, then all the darkness swallowed her up. She woke up, gasping for breath. The other medicine cats around her were waking up as well. 

Flamedawn glanced at Peachfur. "What's wrong? You look scared," he meowed, sitting up.

Peachfur was glancing at her paws. "I received a prophecy."

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