PaC Incorrect Quotes: Set #3

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Smokegaze: Fun fact — mathematically, it's equally likely to either im- or explode!

Starpaw: You know I can't say no when you look at me like that.
Cloud: That is why I look at you like that.

Fadedstar: Why don't I ever listen to people when they talk about themselves? No, it's annoying, and I'm right not to.

Kelppaw: Don't you think that's enough incineration for one day?
Kindlepaw: No, I do not.

Starpaw: I was thinking —
Kindlepaw: I don't think you should start sentences that way anymore.

Kindlepaw: And you'll help me figure out what's going on?
Mr. Puffles: Yeah. That's what friends are for.
Kindlepaw: We're friends?

Fadedstar: All you need to know is that I'm watching you. Always.
Starpaw: Even when —
Fadedstar: Especially then.

Starpaw: I want to be a comfort to my friends in tragedy and I want to laugh with them in triumph, and in between, I just want to be able to look them in the eye.

Archeart: Fadedstar! Just what did you think you were doing in that last fight?
Fadedstar: Killing people!

Fadedstar: Nothing is more important than my egomania.

Fadedstar: I never rush. I see someone running, I just assume they're a loser.
Archeart: Unless they're a runner.
Fadedstar: Even then. Especially then.

Fadedstar: Actually, I'm in charge, in case any of you have forgotten.
Starpaw: No, I remember. I just don't care.

Cloudshade: How can I say no? Can I say no? It doesn't feel like I can say no.

Fadedstar: I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be.
Archeart: What if this is the best version?

Starpaw: You're a traitor to our family.
Fadedstar: Good. I want to be.

Sparrowwing: I just watched a cable news channel! Everything is terrible!

Starpaw: That's the thing about knowing you're going to die: You've got nothing left to lose!

Sparrowwing: Just because there is a door does not mean you use it. A door does not represent infinite possibilities.

Smokegaze: Now, I primarily communicate through birds, which is not traditionally a very secure way of communicating. Anyone can capture a bird, anyone can trick a bird into telling them what you told it, just by coaxing it with birdseed or, you know, threatening its family.

Kelppaw: I swear to StarClan, Starpaw. My life was somewhat normal before I met you.

Fadedstar: Why does everyone take an instant dislike to me?
Archeart: It saves time, sir.

Kelppaw: So, we have to fight Fadedst —
Starpaw: You said we were getting Cozumel?

Gladetail: I lost my son, have you seen him?
Stranger: What does he look like?
Gladetail, crying: BEAUTIFUL

Gladetail: What did I tell you about lying?
Starkit, sadly: It only works on Auntie Pinpoint.

Kelppaw: Have you ever accidentally befriended someone who is super annoying?
Fadedstar: Yes.
Fadedstar: Wait, I thought you said beheaded.
Starpaw, in the background: How did you accidentally behead someone?!

*Human AU*
Fadedstar: In the winter, I like to wear a comfortable, warm black jacket and jeans.
Also Fadedstar: In the summer, I wear the same thing, because I look good in black and I'm willing to suffer.

Rogue: You're toast!
Puffpaw: Oh yeah?! You and what toaster?!

Archeart: You're cute, but selfish and narcissistic to the point of near-delusion.
Everyone: *holds breath*
Fadedstar: He called me cute!

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