Chapter 4: the dream

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When Wavefur and Riverpaw came out of the cave he said that he should take the lead since Riverpaw and Silverpaw didn't know their way through the forest." Where should we go?" Silverpaw asked." How about we go to the river? I hear there are very good fish there." Riverpaw responded licking her lips." Alright we will go there. But we can't take much time. There will be a gathering tonight and you two are coming." Wavefur put himself in front of the two apprentices. "A gathering? Really?" Silverpaw meowed excitedly." But we just became apprentices. So how can we go to the gathering with no training at all?" I can convince the new deputy, Goldensky To let you come." Wavefur meowed as he started to trot over to the forest.As they padded through the forest Silverpaw felt unfamiliar scents and sights crowd around her.When they got to the river Silverpaw could believe the sight of the greenish- black water. It swayed past them without stopping and showed the reflection of the setting sun witch made it a little more orange and red.She lapped up a little bit of the water. It didn't taste like the puddles of rain that she would usually drink from in the camp but it tasted more flavorful and fresh.All of a sudden a fish leaped out of the water surprising Silverpaw and her sister. They watched it as it leaped back down splashing bits of water on their noses. Silverpaw and Riverpaw played and jumped around the river however they did not dare to step into it. Wavefur watched them and eventually started to chase them back to camp.

" that was fun!" Riverkit exclaimed as they entered camp. It was now nighttime however the stars of silverpelt didn't show yet." You two need to get to sleep." Wavefur meowed as he herded the two apprentices to their den." But we just got back." Silverpaw protested. "The gathering is long and if you don't get some sleep then you can't come." Wavefur said more strictly." Oh alright." Riverpaw meowed before Silverpaw could protest again. Riverpaw padded into the apprentice's den witch was a huge bush that was sheltered by a thick canopy of leaves that were both natural and made by warriors. Silverpaw followed her sister into the den. And once she saw the mossy beds she remembered her tiredness. She curled up next to her sister and closed her eyes and she drifted off to sleep

She opened her eyes and found herself in fourtrees. It was night time and the stars of silverpelt glowed more then ever. She glanced around trying to find someone but there wasn't anybody there. All of a sudden a voice echoed from behind her." Turn around." It said. Silverpaw unsheathed her claws expecting to see an enemy cat but instead she saw a starry blue cat. It's eyes glowed and it stood in the moonlight. All of a sudden Silverpaw recognized the cat. It was her father! "Frostfur!" She ran up to the cat her heart was filled with joy to see him again. She went up to him and licked his ear."Great Starclan where have you been!" She asked expecting to see affection in his eyes. But she saw nothing in his eyes except for a cold empty glare that felt like an icy thorn through her pad." I became an apprentice." She meowed hoping to see a glimpse of pride in his eyes. But again there was nothing but a cold stare and a small glimpse of anger in his eyes." Listen, I'm not here to just to listen to what has happened in the time while I was gone. I'm here to tell you something Silverpaw." Silverpaw felt an unusual anger in her stomach and she bit her lip in a snarl." I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME BUT NO! YOU DONT EVEN CARE ABOUT ANYTHING I TOLD YOU! THERE WA SNO AFFECTION IN YOUR EYES, THERE WAS NO PRIDE WHEN I TOLD YOU I BECAME AN APPRENTICE! AM I NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU ANYMORE?" Silverpaw locked her gaze with his. Her fur bristled and her claws were unsheathed she checked for any emotion in his eyes and there was finally something but not something she wanted him to show to her.It was a mix of emotions alarm, confusion, anger, it was all there.

" listen your mother will tell you one day but right now I need to tell you something important." His voice was now  calm and his eyes were filled with understanding for some reason." Listen, there is a new prophecy and you are part of it. "Fire and flood will destroy the forest.The remaining shadows will take over and kill but a silver light will come and bring back the peace." Just as he finished speaking the dream faded and Silverpaw awoke only to find herself back in the apprentice's den.All of a sudden Wavefur burst through the ferns and padded to Silverpaw and Riverpaw. Riverpaw was still asleep but Silverpaw was just laying down in her nest." It's time to go." He meowed as he shook his paw over Riverpaw's side." Wake up. It's time to go to the gathering." Silverpaw bolted up to her paws. Her stomach growled fiercely." You can go eat." Wavefur meowed as Riverpaw started to wake up. Silverpaw nodded and exited the den. She still couldn't believe that she was part of a prophecy.what am I supposed to do? She padded over to the fresh kill pile and saw other cats eating and talking. They were ready for the gathering. She picked out a vole from the pile and sat down next to Blossemwing who was digging through a rabbit." Are you coming to the gathering?" Silverpaw asked her."No but of course Wavefur is letting you go.Wavefur doesn't know the first thing about being a mentor. And as his sister I WILL teach him how to be a proper mentor." Blossemwing's eyes burned with anger for her brother.

" He's also going to convince Goldensky to let Riverpaw come as well." Silverpaw glanced up at Blossemwing ready for the explosion of anger in the short tempered Siamese. " HE WHAT? HE DECIDED TO TAKE MY APPRENTICE AND JUST DO WHATEVER HE WANTS WITH THEM?" Even more anger burned in her eyes as she got up, her fur bristling and her teeth barbed she raced over to the apprentice's den.Silverpaw felt amused as she herd a small glimpse of Blossemwing's yelling and screaming at Wavefur.The clan was about to leave for the gathering.And she was ready.


Hello there ppl! I know it's been taking a long time to release chapters BUT GIVE ME SOME SLACK! I'm starting school tomorrow so book production is going to be slow and btw I have like 20 books so I can't promise a new chapter of each book every day. Anyways that's all make sure u vote and follow me bye :3

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