Chapter 15

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A big brown tom curled up in his nest paws covering his face. It was still sun high, but he tended not to go out. Few cats peeked into the den he was laying down, and left in a quick second.

Thunderclaw never twitched a tail or groomed his glossy pelt. Are you punishing me StarClan? He asked in his mind thinking about three cats that he sweared to protect with his life. Thunderclaw's beloved mate, Twilightspeckle, and his born-dead two kits, Fawnkit and Fatekit. The tabby tom failed to protect them, but protect from what?

The tom unsheathes his claw dunking deep into the sand. I wished I at least had the chance to protect them. Twilightspeckle disappeared into nowhere and my kits just popped into the world dead. Thunderclaw wanted to have an chance to protect them. He would have fought any fierce rogue for his family, hunt until his body went limp, and give his own life if it is to save them. But Thunderclaw never had a chance to, the loss was helpless.

While the miserable tom still grieved after the loss of three family members two days ago, a cat finally walked in and started to comfort Thunderclaw. It was Weaselfur, his best friend.

"Berrystar asked if you want to come for tonight's full moon meeting." Weaselfur asked carefully with comforting licks to groom his fur. Twilightspeckle would let out a murrow of laughter seeing his glossy pelt. But the purr would not be heard until moons later until Thunderclaw is ready to join StarClan.

"Go away." The grumpy tom mumbled and turned his back to Weaselfur. He flattened his ears and dropped his tail. Weaselfur will never understand, he has an good strong mate that would bare a fine litter of kits someday.

"You might see a sign from Twilightspeckle." His friend encouraged and nudged Thunderclaw's cheeks with his own. The tabby twitched his ear by his mats's name. He lazily woke up and padded out the den settling around cats who has been chosen to go to the full moon gathering. Some cats who saw him widened their eyes by his appearance.

"Is every cat here?" Berrystar asked. She made an swift flick her tail to follow once she saw her fellow warriors prepared. Thunderclaw laced slower to give space for himself from his clan mates. The night was very cold without Twilightspeckle's fluffy fur to brush together. The ton's eyes were far with memory and sorrow with pain.

"Thunderclaw," A soothing voice meowed next to his ear. The sad warrior raised his dipped head and met the cat's green eyes. "Are you okay?" Brightwind asked gently her eyes blinking. Thunderclaw growled in his heart by her appearance. He hated this tortoiseshell she cat.

"I'm fine." The brown tom spat than moved faster away from the she cat. Brightwind didn't seem to mind and paced herself faster too.

"Don't grieve too long. Elders always say to us that we are young enough to have time to gain happiness later on." Brightwind meowed cheerfully. Did she inch a little closer? Thunderclaw moved away from her sleek fur and made room for himself. He shuffled away to a different cat to escape from the annoying she cat.

"Stop being so rude Thunderclaw." His mother, Maplemouth grunted. Thunderclaw's mother never understands with Brightwind since she's the daughter of her good old friend Vixennose.

"I don't need a cat to be in my way and fuss all over when I'm trying to grieve." Thunderclaw hissed his eyes glaring at the tortoiseshell. Maplemouth answered gently,

"But look at her, she wants to be with you and you acted so rude." The mother flicked her tail to the sad-looking Brightwind. Mother knows nothing about that annoying flea-pelt! Thunderclaw only let out a small grunt for an reply. Maplemouth began to fuss again, "It doesn't have to be now, but someday you should stop grieving for Twilightspeckle and move on possibly finding another mate."

She said thoughtfully although those words had nothing wistful. The son growled, "It's only been two days after she disappeared. I'm not going to give up on her until I know she's dead and Brightwind will certainly be not my mate."

"Have respect to your mother!" Maplemouth walked her son's back with her tail. "Don't be so mean." She said half amused and half understanding tone. After the son and mother stopped chatting, Brightwind paced herself forward and nudged closer to Thunderclaw.

"The sky is clear tonight Thunderclaw." Brightwind purred happily. Why is she flittering with me!?

The tabby tom ignored the tortoiseshell and paced forward away. But the aggressive she cat never even thought of giving up.

"C'mon you grumpy tom stop being embarrassed. I know you liked me more than Twilightspeckle." Brightwind has gone too deep into Thunderclaw's nerves.

"What do you know? Twilightspeckle is my mate, and you will never be mine." He spat than paced himself even faster keeping distance from the tortoiseshell. His yellow eyes glanced to her side that he saw the reflection of Brightwind dropping her tail and flattening her ears. Maybe I was too harsh...Thunderclaw shook his head. No, she deserved it. She threatened Twilightspeckle.

But Thunderclaw knew he was being too rude. He knew he was being grumpy. And he knew he was just worried about Twilightspeckle, more than his kits. She disappeared, and Thunderclaw was worried about the latest threats that are alive like Sandstar and Blood. Could the two evil rogues stole Twilightspeckle and keep her hostage for revenge? But their scents should have been left in the territory. And how can they do it so silently?

MorningClan arrived at the part where the seawater splits the island and land. As loving the ocean more than crossing a palm tree bridge, the clan swimmer to the island their fur wet with sea water. Thunderclaw enjoyed the dip as he let himself ride on the wave.

When MorningClan arrived, they were last and the meeting started in a second. Wavestar spoke first. "The prey is running well in NightClan. A queen has gave birth and two apprentices have become an full warrior. Doemouse and Quicktwirl!"

"Doemouse! Quicktwirl! Doemouse! Quicktwirl!" All the clans chanted their names happily NightClan the loudest. Wavestar coughed a little than stepped down. Thunderclaw realized that the NightClan leader was turning old, and his leadership will soon end. He had white fur all over, and he wasn't sure but Wavestar's muzzle was fully grey.

Runningstar stepped forward than announced that prey was running well and a pair of snakes was spotted but killed later. MorningClan's leader went last.

"Before I say anything, I would like to announce that the daughter of StarClan went missing." Gasps occurred as cats let out a cry of horror. But Thunderclaw was even in more pain, he couldn't even let out a mew of sadness.

"What do you mean?" A she cat asked when the cry's die down.

Berrystar tended to not meet the askers gaze and spoke bitterly. "She went missing without out a trace, without scent markers." The leader croaked. One of the cat spat.

"She's the daughter of StarClan! Why did you let the saver of the clans gone?" Yowls of agreement echoed across the clearing. Runningstar growled,

"MorningClan should have never took Twilightspeckle in. NoonClan would have managed better." The MorningClan warriors hissed but soon stopped when senior warriors warned that this was suppose to be an peaceful night. But the tension was growing stronger as cats began to form groups by clans.

"My clan has done their best, and we treated her like a true clan mate." Berrystar meowed coolly. One of the medicine cat who had an small cat close as if protecting him, raised her paw for voice. Once one of the leader gave an approving nod, Marigoldseed spoke.

"Perhaps she had left on her own will. Some cats are desired to travel, like the Tale of Four." Tale of Four is one of the most popular legends known in the clans. Four cats left their clan to seek new places, and they later on found a new territory for them to live. One of the four found a different style to live instead of an clan cat. It was only a legend, but perhaps Marigoldseed was right. But Twilightspeckle would never leave me, that's impossible.

Thunderclaw raised his paw, he wanted to speak for his mate. He knew Twilightspeckle the best. Her loneliness, her sadness, and the trouble of being called the daughter of StarClan. No cat realized that except Thunderclaw.

Berrystar flicked her tail. "Twilightspeckle is not a cat like that. She loves her clan more than she loves herself. And it would be unreasonable is she left during burying our dead kits."

Wavestar and NightClan nodded understandably but Runningstar did not back down. "I believe it was MorningClan who caused it. They shattered the blessing of StarClan. And the moon is still clear, they are approving my choice. We're going NoonClan. And remember this Berrystar." He said one last time before leaving. "That NoonClan will fight for what is right and honor StarClan. We will do what is right, unlike you shark hearts."

The full moon meeting was dismissed as cats gathered around forming a group to leave. Weaselfur called on Thunderclaw that they must get going but he looked at the stars one last time. Please StarClan, I will do anything for Twilightspeckle. Please tell me how I can get her back. He prayed than with heavy paws, he went his way to his clan mates. When MorningClan was heading back home, Brightwind fluttered to Thunderclaw again. He made an excuse that he was tired and wanted to be left alone. It was a nice thing to do, but the brown tom felt guilty when the face of the crystal blue eyed she cat came in his mind.

Yep Twilightspeckle's gone guys. I checked how many words I have for the 1st time (I never knew they existed) and I had about 1K words.

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