Chapter 23

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"Thank you Thunderclaw." Expected, Snakefang thanked the brown tom. Thunderclaw slowly rose to his legs.

"It was the right thing to do." He answered simply.

"Now for Twilightspeckle—"

"No," Thunderclaw shook his head. "There is no need now."

Snakefang stared in confused while chilly wind blew his golden fur. "What do you mean by that Thunderclaw? It was part of the deal."

The tabby tom gazed at the muscular golden time. There was hint of fear in the corner of his fur, and he is trying to lay it down. "I did the right thing retrieving Blood—no Sunpaw back to the clans and have a new start. But you do not have to take Twilightspeckle back, and I will never come here."

Thunderclaw wanted to add 'to this horrible place' but he dared not to. Snakefang's eyes turned cold. It was if he can freeze or kill a enemy if they met eyes. The young tom dropped his yellow gaze scared.

"I am highly disappointed in you young Thunderclaw. This would have been one of the poor choices you made in your life." Than Snakefang's cold eyes turned warmer. Loving. Thunderclaw relaxed his prickled fur with a sigh of relief. "But do not worry Thunderclaw. You will not make any more mistakes."

Snakefang leaped to the unguarded warrior claw sheathe. Long claws. Long bloody fangs. Blood shed sawn eyes. Thunderclaw gasped for breath when the Dark Forest cat pinned him down on the neck slightly loosened to live. Was his journey, his one life, going to end?

A shadowy shape. Long furred head butted Snakefang. Within a blink, Thunderclaw saw starry beach. Star speckled and calm wind blew with rich prey scent.

"I am glad you made the right choice." The voice. His favorite voice. Twilightspeckle's mew meowed. "Never go to the Dark Forest."

"Twilightspeckle!" Thunderclaw exclaimed happily than he ever been. Joy flooded, more joy than when Twilightspeckle's love was him and not Lightpelt. He nuzzled his long not seen mate. Warmth flooded than he ever had.

"I missed you too." Twilightspeckle sobbed. "I missed you so bad. Our...our kits are growing up. Fawnkit and Fatekit is still small as a newborn kit but they can catch prey."

Thunderclaw didn't want air to cut between his ruffled fur and black groomed pelt. But soon he let it have space and let Twilightspeckle talk.

"Oh Thunderclaw, I will come back to MorningClan if I can." She mewed warmly her gentle smile shimmering as ever.

"Does that mean your going to?" The depressed grieving tom bounded.  It was he wanted; Twilightspeckle to be back.

She shook her head. "This is where I was suppose to be. I'm StarClan born and I can never change my dead blood. You have to move on without me."

Shock. Offense. More depression. Thunderclaw lost hope. Twilightspeckle already accepted her destiny and would never cheat death. To be alive again. "But I can't! I only want you Twilightspeckle! Maybe I can kill myself and...and...."

"As a StarClan cat representing the clan." His mate mewed angrily but warmly hidden love under. "I will not accept you to kill yourself. I will only accept you in StarClan dying as a true warrior protecting and being loyal to your clan forever. Look Thunderclaw."

She paused. She forced her mouth to mew with desperation her eyes. "You need, you must get over me. I don't care what you do. Find a soul mate. Find happiness."

How can I say yes when my soul mate is you? He wanted to scream no but saying these words took his mate many courage. To her, it was almost sacrificing herself for the tom's happiness. "Fine. I won't grieve forever. I'll serve my clan and you should wait for me to join you. That's a promise."

"It's not enough." Twilightspeckle cried with a bitter mew. "I want you to be happy Thunderclaw. You deserve it, you risked your own fur multiple times for me. You deserve a better mate, a alive mate who deserves you and you deserve her."

"No. How can I have another soul mate? A soul mate is half of me, I can't just betray you." Thunderclaw shook his head. What was she saying? He would never ever have another Twilightspeckle.

"Look Thunderclaw." The StarClan cat mewed. "I'm planning to leave StarClan."

"Leave StarClan?" He let out a surprised confused mew. What did she mean by that?

Twilightspeckle's star speckled fur glimmered and risked but flattened. The mate could see worry in her. "There was another secret to StarClan beside being able to have kits."

Thunderclaw was a step closer to know the other world. The dead world that alive cats mustn't enter before their time. But he was ready, his mate has chosen her decision to reveal another secret.

"We can leave StarClan and reborn. There's a place called Rebirth Star Place that when a cat walks in, their star and them self fall. Remember the time we saw a star fall up in the sky? That's when a cat was rebirthing. And I am planning to do that." His loved forever mate meowed full of determination but it had hesitant within. It was like there were one drop of orange water in the ocean. "But we have a price. We cannot pick where we reborn. Perhaps a rogue, perhaps a loner, perhaps even a kittypet. I can't stand watching you forever and I want to move on. I will have no memory of this life, the life of Twilightspeckle."

Rebirth. It sounded like a dream or a tale of an elder. If what Twilightspeckle said was true—and Thunderclaw believe it is, she will never be sawn again. Not even in StarClan. And the tom knew, he would never be able to change her decision. His mate was always  a determined brave she cat. 

"So I will never see you again..."

"I'm sorry Thunderclaw." The brown tom's mate apologized bitterly. "I can't stand watching you being depressed. Trying to sacrafiice your own loyalty and place. This is for the best of me. I'm so sorry for my selfishness."

The StarClan forest sand blew. Prickles of sand sprinkled on the two cats fur but they did not seemed to be bothered. Thunderclaw couldn't stand seeing Twilightspeckle's crystal blue gaze. Her mouth opened, casting more depress to him.

"And I'm doing it now. I wanted to say the last goodbye to you today."

Twilightspeckle nudged her mate to walk. They walked silently. They did not even brush their furs. Thunderclaw sank in misery but he had to get over it. It was the last promise he made to his mate and he would dare not to destroy it.

They reached a border. Thunderclaw immediately knew this was the Rebirth Star Place. It didn't have a ground to stand on. It was open and only the start sky was left to be. Heaven saw the cliff he was standing on. This was another world, another world from the living, another world from the great StarClan, another world from the Dark Forest. A place no cat shall come back when entered.

"I'm going now." Twilightspeckle announced in a whisper beside his ear. "Goodbye Thunderclaw. May you make new memory and a bright future ahead."

This can't be over like this. Before Twilightspeckle took the first step outside of the unknown place, Thunderclaw forced his legs to push and nuzzle her. He knocked down her and she entered the Rebirth Star Place.

Twilightspeckle gradually turned faint her appearance barley a speckle of dust blown. It happened in a blink and the alive cat could barley believe it. Before the last speckle, a bright sea blue speckle disappeared to a unknown place, one last cry was casted.


It was Twilightspeckle's voice. Her final voice casted in Thundercla's ear echoing in his brain. It was all over now. No soul mate to be seen. And his sleep was blown away.


Thunderclaw's yellow eyes shot open. He had to see the last of his mate. He rushed out of the den not even bothering to be stepping on the senior warrior's tail. There was a star falling. A star of Twilightspeckle being reborn as a new kit never to be sawn again.

"What's the rush Thunderclaw?"Dazzlepaw emerged from the apprentice's den. The sun was rising his punishment rising within. 

"Just wanted to see the sun coming up." He answered blandly. Dazzlepaw shrugged as she yawned and stretched her back. "Well I guess I should go to my new mentor?"

It took a few moment for him to answer. "Yep. Hollywhisker is a early water. She's probably bathing the sun right now."

"Oh, there she is!" The new apprentice exclaimed. Hollywhisker was curled up her tortoiseshell fur shimmering by the first sun. "Gotta train! Bye, see you later at dawn!"

Thunderclaw watched the old apprentice bounding up to her new mentor eager to learn. His grief was still left, but he would soon move on but will remember Twilightspeckle once in a while . He got ready for himself grooming his fur than rushing over in front of Berrystar's den.

Stars of Blood reached 200 votes! I couldn't believe my eyes when I realized that. Thank you for the support and the Stars of Blood continues to Part 3 so keep on checking my updates. Again, thank you for every one o your support.

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