Chapter 3- A new paw

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Twilightkit entered the medicine cats den as she heard leaves being scrambled by paws.

"Hello Twilightkit. What do you need?" Fernfoot mewed softly as she turned back. 

"Dovesilence said she wants poppy seeds." The kit answered. Her nose pricked by the fresh picked herb scent. Unlike the other kits, the smell was not disgusting to her nose. It felt safe and secure.

"Okay. Wait one sec." Fernfoot walked deeper into the coconut den as she picked up few small seeds with her one white paw. "There you go."

The small fluffy she kit did not reply. Her sorrow blue eyes stared around the den, although it was not the first time seeing the medicine cat's den. Her happy kit face turned unreadable, with no bouncy spirit inside. "Am I destined to become an medicine cat?"

She said something very unexpected to Fernfoot so he was quite surprised. After the knowledge of prophecy carved in Twilightkit's mind, she has been thinking endlessly of the mysterious words. And the answer was given from the herb scents wafting in her nose. 

Fernfoot stared at Twilightkit than smiled gently. "You may if you wish. But I will not ask, I already have Blossompaw if something unpredictable happens to me." The tom's eyes swept outside the den where Blossompaw was talking to the other young warriors purring softly.

Twilightkit stared at the multicolored herbs. She did not know what she was thinking herself. Those herbs did not feel special, they were herbs. Plants and tools that help to heal clan mates and possibly save their lives. They were just—herbs. 

"Now go. I think Dovesilence is waiting for those poppy seeds." Fernfoot finally meowed as he nudged the kit. 


"Hey Smallkit having fun?" Thunderpaw smirked towards the nursery entrance where a small little black she kit was playing moss ball by herself. Brightkit and Hollykit has ranked up to Brightpaw and Hollypaw leaving Twilightkit alone in the nursery. Dovesilence was expecting kits, but they only wiggled in the tummy of the queen.

"You know, you're still small." Thunderpaw commented rudely picking up the moss ball and tossing it to Twilightkit with his massive paws. "Weaselfur and Gingerwhisker used to be small when they were kits but they're big as the regular warriors now."

Weaselfur and Gingerwhisker had just been made MorningClan's warriors. The two warriors are big like Thunderpaw described but Thunderpaw was about the same. He was enormous for an three moons trained apprentice. 

"Perhaps your just big." Twilightkit muttered with a weak growl. She bounced the moss ball back to Thunderkit with her head. 

"Thank you very much." Thunderkit purred pleasingly. He passed the moss ball back with a flick of his tail and stood up. "Well, I'll make a nest for you tonight."

Twilightkit tilted her head. Her fur jumped by the leaders loud yowl. Thunderpaw has already left settled next to his brother, Lightpaw.

"It is time I preform a important task to the clan's. Twilightkit is ready to become an apprentice!" Sandstar announced with an happy yowl. Twilightkit twitched one ear. Before she could move, Vixennose licked fiercely grooming her pelt. 

"Just be calm and..." Vixennose's worried mew broke off as Twilightkit leaped towards the leader. Her half glossy pelt and half groomed fur puffed with excitement. 

"Twilightkit has now reached six moons old and warrior code says she is ready to become an apprentice. Twilightkit, From this day forward until StarClan has given your warrior name, you shall be called Twilightpaw. MorningClan has high hopes for you." Sandstar announced as loud cheers ran across. 

"Leafivy, I trust you to pass the knowledge of StarClan and teach all the wisdom you have." Leafivy looked surprised and shocked. He dipped his head.

"I am honored to be a mentor to the StarClan's daughter." Leafivy mewed. He's one of the cats who calls me StarClan's daughter. And I'm not even anything special. 

"Twilightpaw! Twilightpaw!" MorningClan echoed her new name. She puffed with pride. Even the mean old Thunderpaw was cheering her new name. But what really warmed her was her new love, Lightpaw cheering her name. Yes, Twilightpaw has grew to love the handsome yellow tom.

After the meeting was over, some congrats the new paw. Few senior warrior congrats Leafivy to become Twilightpaw's mentor. Again, she was not special so why were they?

Leafivy walked up to her. "Ready to go on a tour of MorningClan's  territory?" He asked. 

"Of course!" Twilightpaw bounced up and down. "I mean, please do."

Leafivy let out an amused grunt and lead the way to the territory. Twilightpaw did not remember much but the palm trees didn't have coconuts hanging over like it did when she escaped back when she was a small kit. The sand sunk her when she took each step making it harder to walk.

"This is the Lobster Rocks." Leafivy mewed when they got to the part that the ocean and sand were separated by huge rocks. Boulders were floating in the ocean with small crabs. 

"The Lobster Rocks is a great place to catch prey, but also dangerous. When a lobster snaps your paw, it won't let go unless you give it a kill. But a killing bite would not work sometimes. We'll get to that tomorrow." Twilightpaw's mentor explained. Lobsters! I never knew they were hard to catch! 

The two cats went farther into the territory. Blue sea was across as Twilightpaw stared in awe. Her mentor stopped when they arrived to the boundary of the land and water.

"We MorningClan hunts fish in here. Hunting small fish is mainly done but sometimes big ones are caught. Sometimes a small shark that Berryfur, Bladeclaw, and Featherclaw caught yesterday." Twilightpaw remembered the shark dangling from the three warriors. Featherclaw, Blazeclaw, and Berryfur, the three best warriors in MorningClan caught it. She pictured herself in there too holding up the shark and getting praises.

"You'll do that too someday. Your the daughter of StarClan! You can do anything." Leafivy meowed. It was surprising that he read her mind, but it was sad that he called her daughter of StarClan again. How can Twilightpaw not disappoint him during training?

The rest of the tour was amazing. The Path of Moonsea, Deep Sand Hollows, and more. They were all so impressive. But the tour used up all her limited energy. When she was back to camp, her paws were about o fall off. She sleepily walked back to camp, her paw steps each heavy like a rock was dangling from her claws.

"Take a prey and eat with the other apprentices. Than make yourself comfortable in the apprentice den." Leafivy dismissed his apprentice. Twilightpaw rushed to the fresh-kill pile as she hungrily chose a big prey. 

She looked for the other apprentices and saw Lightpaw. Lightpaw! She could eat with him!

"Lightpaw do you want to share with me?" Twilightpaw asked hopefully. Lightpaw's emotion was full of guilt answering,

"I'm sorry I already ate with Brightpaw and Hollypaw just now. Maybe next time." He went away. The she cat's tail drooped as she settled by herself. The big crab tasted good, but it would have been more tasty with Lightpaw.

"Nice prey." Thunderpaw stated from her back demandingly. He settled next to Twilightpaw and without asking, he munched her food. Twilightpaw was about to let her anger towards Thunderpaw but she would rather share a prey that eating alone. She sighed than crunched another bite.

"How's the tour? Pretty big wasn't it?" Thunderpaw started to speak his mouth full of prey. The new apprentice grunted as she stuffed prey in her mouth. Cold leaf bare wind prickled my fur as I puffed it up. Unlike her, Thunderpaw has not reacted by the wind.

Without saying a word, Twilightpaw padded to the apprentice den. A new scent wafted in her nose. Lightpaw was softly snoring with his handsome face peacefully making snores and his perfect eyes closed. On the left, Hollypaw slept. And on the right, Brightpaw brushed her fur to his.

That was the moment that Twilightpaw realized that the two sibling-like cats loved Lightpaw too. But that doesn't mean they can't make space for her right?

"Hollypaw can I sleep with you guys?" Twilightpaw whispered in Hollypaw's ears. As an reply, the light brown she cat hissed in alarm.

"Stay away from Lightpaw." Hollypaw growled. "Sleep somewhere else you loner." She said rudely as she brushed her pelt to Lightpaw's. Shocked, Twilightpaw walked away from the three cats. She moved her nest to the corner of the den and made herself warm. But the chilling air made Twilightpaw's bone freeze.

Thunderpaw walked in the den yawning. He blinked sleepily. Than, he nudged his nest somewhere else farther than Lightpaw. 

"Why are you putting your nest next to mine?" Twilightpaw hissed in alert. She didn't need the grumpy tom to be sleeping with her! Thunderpaw rolled his hazel eyes.

"Look it's mid leaf bare. Your going to catch white cough just sleeping alone. Are you Crab Brained?" He meowed lazily circled around, and finally relaxed on his moss bed. The tabby tom's fur brushed hers as it slowly brought warmth. Under Thunderpaw's ears, the black she cat purred.

Thunderpaw was twice as big as her. He was almost big as Vixennose. Twilightpaw curled up like a kit as she snores softly in the tabby tom's safe paws.

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