Chapter 34

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Applecrystal yawned as he woke up. He peeked outside of the warrior's den seeing the sun setting. After his vigil, he slept until now.

Sleepily, the black tom dragged himself out finding many warriors already finishing the day. Applecrystal's stomach growled, and he realized he hadn't ate anything before he slept. His excitement had even killed his own hunger.

He picked up a mouse from the fresh-kill pile. Than he spotted a brown fur-Oakice. Alone. Applecrystal has hesitated at first, but he made himself determined patting up to the she cat.

"Hi." Oakice greeted when she saw Applecrystal coming.

"Do you want to share this mouse with me? There's plenty." The black tom asked. He tried to sound normal but nervous flooded in his thoughts. What if she said no?

"Sure! It looks delicious!" Oakice exclaimed as she quickly made space for him. Applecrystal's heart leaped as he settled himself next to her. Than the she cat let a murrow of laughter. "Why so far? It's leaf bare and the wind is cold enough to go through my fur!"

Oakice came closer as she brushed her fur with Applecrystal's black fur. His heart jumped his heart beating faster it might come of his mouth. He could feel the she cat's warmth spreading to him.

Oakice took a bite from the mouse. "Congratulations of becoming a warrior!"

Applecrystal bit off a chunk of meat. "Th-thanks!"

Oakice laughed. Her smile warmth Applecrystal as he blushed. He truly loved her. Her jumpy foot, her positive attitude, her smile, everything. She was like a sunshine, not just to Applecrystal, but to every cat in ThunderClan.

When Applecrystal looked behind Oakice, he saw a tom glaring at him. The black tom looked away. It was a another tom who had a crush on Oakice like him, Flamelark.

But Applecrystal decided to not bother and enjoy his time with Oakice.

Oakice meowed. "With a warrior like you, ThunderClan is strong. With the tension rising between us and WindClan, there might be a battle soon. I can't believe they're planning to take a piece of our territory!"

"They even alliances them self with RiverClan. And two clans against one would outnumber us." The black tom agreed.

"I heard that Lionstar and Ivypool is thinking about alliance with SkyClan and ShadowClan. I hope at least one of them would have common sense." Oakice rolled her eyes. "ShadowClan's selfish. I'm not sure they would."

Applecrystal nodded. "ThunderClan have all rights to our territory. SkyClan-,"

The two warrior heard a rustle. Than caught a smell of cats. Oakice whispered. "Intruders."

Applecrystal shot up. Few warriors stood too. The smell came closer until they were able to see. Three, no four cats dashed to the clearing. One of it was a badger. And three were cats. They were not warriors of ThunderClan nor any clans.

A kit from the nursery squeaked. "Intruders!"

Few warriors started to hiss sheathing their claws and so did Applecrystal. Lionstar emerged, signaling his warrior to be quiet. He asked with a warning voice. "Who are you?"

One of the cats, a long red furred she cat was the one who answered. "I am Sunpaw of NoonClan, and I wish to speak with the ThunderClan leader."

Silence. The appearance was so sudden. No cat knew how they haven't been caught by a border patrol or a hunting party. And most of all, what is MorningClan? And why is her name like a apprentice's?

Lionstar answered coolly. "I am the leader of ThunderClan, Lionstar. I would give you a chance to explain why you have invaded our camp and why Midnight is here with you."

Applecrystal has heard the name Midnight fro nursery tales. She was the one and only badger who spoke cat and helped the clans for good. He never knew she was real though.

Everycat waited for the group of cats and badger to speak. Finally, the cat named Sunpaw opened her mouth. "I am from NoonClan like I have said. We have come here of guidance from StarClan and I hope you are familiar with them."

Every cat gasped. How did she know StarClan? Was she just a disrespectful cat calling herself MorningClan? But it seemed very unlikely true from her expressions.

From the crowd, Jayfeather emerged his blind eyes facing Sunpaw. He was the ThunderClan medicine cat. He growled. "How do you know StarClan?"

ThunderClan echoed Jayfeather yowling and growling. Sunpaw remained cool. "It is our ancestors. And they have spoken to come here. I'd like my friend Crystalpaw to explain."

"Wait," Lionstar stopped. "Let us have this conversation privately first. Than I shall tell my clan later."

Sunpaw ignored the leader. A small cat about a apprentice's age meowed. "As Sunpaw said I came from MorningClan. My name is Crystalpaw, medicine cat apprentice of NoonClan and I had foreseen a vision. They told me to walk towards where the sun rises, and we followed the path and ended up here."

Lionstar silenced the crowd. He replied to the strangers. "If you're playing with us we would send you back immediately to your clan. I'd like to here Midnight though to see if you are telling the truth."

Midnight the badger nodded slowly. She was a old one, as if she was about to slump dead any moment. "They are telling the truth Lionstar. You must listen to their stories, it might have a connection if you have a conflict right now."

Lionstar blinked as if the badger read his mind. He than meowed, "Very well. Please come into my den along with Ivypool-,"

"Actually," Sunpaw interrupted the leader. Lionstar frowned by the disrespect. "I'd like to tell the whole clan. We are in a hurry to, we'd like to get back to the clans."

How disrespectful they are. Applecrystal was growing more and more curious why they have come. Sunpaw and Crystalpaw, she called herself, hopped on a rock nearby and gave a speech. First, Sunpaw started.

"We are not from the clans you know. We have come from a far far away place, from the clans of MorningClan, NoonClan, and NightClan. We live across the ocean from Midnight's home and we follow all the traditions you have. The warrior code to StarClan."

Tension rose as every cat listened to Sunpaw. Her voice had such power, that no cat was able to blink.

Crystalpaw spoke. "The vision lead us here. We still have no clue what it means but one thing for sure is that it is related to the five clans who live here. And we met Midnight during our journey and she told us about the past of the five clans and the three clans. That the three clans ancestors is lead up here, in SkyClan."

Applecrystal gasped. He didn't know whether to believe them or not. They could be just a stranger, but Midnight is confirming they are true. Though, Midnight was old, she could be speaking nonsense. Yowls of protest echoed, and the black tom decided to join. He yowled loudly, "You know nothing of the clans!"

One of the warrior asked his tone cool. "Than what is the prophecy?"

Crystalpaw the mediocre cat apprentice she is saying answered with fear in her voice. "I am wishing to speak with the mediocre cats first."

"And that is me." Jayfeather meowed. "Wingsong and I are the ThunderClan mediocre cats. Come."

As always, Jayfeather did not get his brother approved and waved his tail for Crystalpaw to follow. Wingsong padded up hesitantly and glanced a look at the ThunderClan leader. Lionstar sighed, but gave a approval as the mediocre cats hurried towards their her full den.

"Until we have further information," Lionstar announced to his clan. "Can some cat volunteer to help the visitors settle? Yes, Midnight and the two cats."

From the clearing, Shellfur asked. "Are we going to welcome them? I mean, Midnight is fine but I'm not sure about the cats."

Lionstar casted a cold look with his thunder yellow eyes. "Yes, I do. Will any cat or cats take the task?"

Oakice was the one who stepped forward. "I can help them make a nest and get some prey."

If Oakice was going to, so will Applecrystal. "I'll help."

Lionstar gave a approving nod to the two young warriors as he dismissed them. "The elders den are open enough for two cats and a badger. The meeting is dismissed."

Applecrystal and Oakice hurriedly came to Sunpaw and the other cat. The two visitors, or intruders, dipped their head lightly. "Than you for offering." A yellow tabby she cat said. "I am Shimmerpaw and your names?"

"Oakice. And the black tom is Applecrystal." Oakice politely greeted. "The elders den is this way. Applecrystal, can you get some moss for them?"

Applecrystal nodded and went to thee closest ferns to collect bedding. He sliced off some with his shard claws and hurried to elders den. He found Oakice, Shimmerpaw, Midnight, and Sunpaw cleaning the den.

Berrynose hissed. "Are you saying intruders are going to sleep with me? I'm not sleeping with them."

The elder said rudely.

"It's fine if you don't want to." Oakice meowed. "Would you prefer sleeping with the apprentices then?"

It took along moment for Berrynose to decide. He hated apprentices, always thinking they are noise. Applecrystal remembered the times he was ordered to do his ticks, when Berrynose was complaining about him instead of telling stories. He was probably the worst elder the clan has ever had. "Fine."

Poppyfrost came in, her old pale eyes looking around the strangers. She blinked when she met eyes with her mate Berrynose. In a rabbit speed moment, she seemed to realize what was happening. "Hello. My name is Poppyfrost." She greeted awkwardly.

Sunpaw politely dipped her head shallow showing respect. "I'm Sunpaw. And I believe you two are the elders of ThunderClan? We have elders in NoonClan too."

"And MorningClan." Shimmerpaw added. "I'm Shimmerpaw of MorningClan. I am pleased to meet two elders who has seen the five clans for many moons. I hope we would be able to share tongues."

Poppyfrost looked delighted by the two she cats respectfulness. Applecrystal was surprised how much they spoke like clan cats. He was now for sure they were from clans.

"I'm hoping to share tongues with you too Shimmerpaw." Poppyfrost meowed. "I'll help you make a nest if you like."

"Than you!" Shimmerpaw purred. She thanked Applecrystal for bringing the moss, and asked how they make nests. She explained that in MorningClan has a different kind of nest unlike ThunderClan.

Poppyfrost asked curiously while helping the visitors. "What is it like in your clans?"

Shimmerpaw answered first. "MorningClan lives near the beach. We hunt fish, lobsters, crabs, and anything by the beach."

"NoonClan," Sunpaw meowed. "Lives in a cave below the earth. We mainly hunt rabbits."

Poppyfrost seemed surprised how MorningClan was smilier to RiverClan and NoonClan was to WindClan. Applecrystal saw the surprised looks of the visitors, and wondered the life in their clan. He wondered, if they are a threat.

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