Chapter 6- Lightpaw and Thunderpaw as Warriors

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It has been three whole moons after bonding with her real family. Galaxyjinx, Hummingwings, and Twilightpaw's two siblings never visited her dreams but she knew that they were watching over her with warm eyes. She had two pair of good step parents now, Sandstar and Berryfur took good care and so did Vixennose and Acornwind. Brightpaw and Hollypaw still hates her, but it didn't matter. Twilightpaw has learned to focus on being the best warrior, and becoming Lightpaw's mate.

"Smallpaw!" Thunderpaw tackled the small apprentice knocking her down on the back. "I passed the warrior assessment! I'm going to be a warrior now!" He puffed his prickly glossy chest.

"That's great Thunderpaw! Lightpaw passed it too I assume?" Twilightpaw meowed to the senior apprentice, Thunderpaw grumbled,

"Why do you always care about my brother? He's a weaker fighter and hunter than I am." He said bragging about his skills. Twilightpaw didn't pay attention to Thunderpaw. Instead of talking with Lightpaw without two she cats looming over him.

"Lightpaw! I heard you passed your assessment, Congrats!" Twilightpaw jumped on him play fighting with the handsome warrior. Lightpaw purred as an reply, he brushed his soft fur to Twilightpaw's. My face is burning so red! I hope he doesn't see it.

Twilightpaw and Lightpaw started to hang out together, shared nests, and always shared tongues every night. They were growing into fine couples, and soon, a mate. Is what the she cat was dreaming to be.

"Sandstar said we'll have the warrior ceremony at the morning, as the tradition of MorningClan. Do you want to walk with me?" Lightpaw asked and the she cat purred with happiness. 

"I would love too!"

 The yellow tom said he'll take her to his favorite place in the territory. He said it was a secret until for just the two of them. It must be beautiful if Lightpaw loves that place.

"Here it is!" Lightpaw exclaimed when the two apprentices rustled out of the palm tree forest. The place was beautiful. It was impressive as the great Moonsea she still had the view carved in her heart. The sunset made the sea glitter reflecting orange, yellow, and red in the slow moving sea. Squeaks of birds were heard from the seagulls making it more romantic.

"It's beautiful—," Twilightpaw breathed as Lightpaw brushed his fur to hers. It was soft not prickly, and his mane glowed in the sun. They tilted their heads inward rubbing their cheeks efficiently. 

"Twilightpaw," Lightpaw spoke his perfect gaze staring at her crystal eyes, "When you become an warrior will you be my mate? I love you more than anything; thousands times more than Brightpaw or Hollypaw." 

Twilightpaw sparkled her eye. He loves me back!  It was all she ever wished for with Lightpaw; that he says he likes her back. The dream came true, but what was this prickly feeling that's bothering her to say yes? In the corner of her heart, a brown tabby tom kept appearing. The tom had thunder yellow eyes. Thunderpaw.

"I'm sorry Lightpaw, I, I can't," Why am I saying this? "I have a different cat for me." Lightpaw's face was full of sorrow and pain. Feelings of guilt was biting Twilightpaw's feelings. She felt ashamed, everything she did to him raised his hopes up. 

Without understanding why she replied like that, Twilightpaw excused herself from Lightpaw and headed back to camp. When the black she cat turned back one more time, she Lightpaw mumble something. But it didn't matter, Twilightpaw disappeared in the forest of palm trees and headed back to camp.


"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Ancient Palm Tree!" Sandstar woke up the clan by a loud echoing yowl. Cats sleepily started to gather around the clearing. But since having the name of MorningClan, their drowsiness disappeared in a second. 

"As many of you know, Thunderpaw and Lightpaw is ready to become an warrior." Sandstar meowed with having pride of his clan. The two young toms bounded up below the Ancient Palm Tree as they waited for there warrior names. Sandstar jumped off the tree,

"Lightpaw and Thunderpaw,are you ready to take the path of MorningClan's warrior, risking your life to serve the clan and the code?"

"I do." Lightpaw replied first full with pride. But in the corner of his voice, there was sadness hinted behind. I should have lied to him, today was suppose to be the best moment of his life. Twilightpaw started at hum ashamed.

"I do Sandstar." Thunderpaw said with confidence.

"Than by the powers of StraClan I give you your warrior names. Lightpaw from this moment you will be known as Lightpelt. We honor your wisdom and swift thinking." Lightpelt touched muzzles with the leader and turned back seeing his clan canting his new name.

"Lightpelt! Lightpelt!" Twilightpaw meowed too but not the loudest like she planned to do before. Brightpaw and Hollypaw's mews were heard easily.

The crowd died down as Sandstar spoke the words for Thunderpaw.

"Thunderpaw you are a brave and a skilled warrior. From this moment you will be known as Thunderclaw. We are happy to see you as an full warrior." 

The new warrior puffed his chest proudly to his clan. His eyes were sparkled with pride as he saw his clan chant his name.

"Thunderclaw! Thunderclaw!" Twilightpaw cheered the loudest this time. Thunderclaw and she met eyes as the tom let out a Murrow of laughter. Not the teasing one, the happy one. His eyes was warm gazing at hers, with love.

After the meeting was dismissed, Thunderclaw walked up to her after thanking the other warriors of congrats.

"I'm a warrior now Smallpaw!" Thunderclaw beamed.

"I will be one soon enough that you won't even realized I became a warrior after you!" Twilightpaw meowed back.

"Of course you will be your a loyal, skilled warrior." Did Thunderclaw just complimented me? Twilightpaw's eye's was full of satisfaction by the usual mean tom's praise. Although he added some few words.

"But I'm better." 

"Huh." Twilightpaw grunted. She pounced on the tabby tom causing him to land with an oof  on the sandy ground. "Congratulations crab brain." Twilightpaw lightly made her muzzle touch Thunderclaw's bold chin. Warmth spread from her muzzle where it was touching Thunderclaw. The tom seemed surprise as he froze for a brief moment. There was blush from his cheeks.

"Well." Twilightpaw leaped off Thunderpaw's big body, "I should get going. I promised Leafivy that I'm going on a hunting patrol. Bye!" She scrambled off leaving Thunderpaw confused.

Perhaps I won't be lonely anymore Twilightpaw thought while walking to the camp entrance. Maybe I can handle the prophecy.

 Thunderclaw and Lightpelt as warriors. Well what's your ships now? Lightpelt x Twilightspeckle or Thunderclaw x Twilightspeckle? I give all my thanks to a name that Apprentice that named Thunderclaw. 

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