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"Admit the truth Wavestar!" Runningstar challenged the NightClan's leader lashing his thick tail. "It had been four whole season since your medicine cat received the prophecy. She must be lying."

Wavestar remained silent. He didn't know what to say, Runningstar was right. But he will look weak if admit the truth that puts his clan in danger. His medicine cat was Wavestar's  sister and he wanted to trust her. Every cat eyes locked him their blazing pair making Wavestar's fur prickle. His fear scent wafted around the clearing.

StarClan, please save me. He prayed. 

As if answering his call, thunder shocked in the middle of the island lighting up the island. Cats let out cries of horrors as the thunder made a small part burn. Fear scent wafted in the clearing as every cat backed away from where thunder shocked. It was quick, as the dangerous light left a black burn and terror.

 Every cat backed away but one small shape was still close. To tell the truth, it was standing on the burn.

The small shape was a mysterious small black she kit. The small she kit who has still not opened her small pair of eyes. She started to cast hopeless mews as if calling for her mother.

The island was silent, the sun was rising in the air glimmering cats' pelts. Sandstaf jumped off from the tree as he licked fiercely to the mysterious black she kit. His medicine, Fernfoot, followed as he checked the kit's safety. 

"She's alive. And she is the daughter of StarClan!" Fernfoot announced loudly for every cat to hear. Cats walked forward than slowly bowed to the small kit. She squeaked not knowing what is going on. Only scents of many cats is what the small kit can know.

"Thunder rumble as star cracks a life. New time shall find the destiny of the clans." Wavestar's medicine cat, Hopperwing meowed. Sandstar raised his head. He looked straight to the wondering cats.

"She is born at twilight, as we'll name her Twilightkit. Until she is ready to face the destiny, one of our Queen's kits and Twilightkit is at close age so she will mother this kit. I will bring Twilightkit to my camp." No cat objected. This greenleaf, NoonClan and NightClan has not had many kits. Two moons older won't make such differences for Twilightkit, they will be like siblings.

Twilightkit mewed as she squeaked hungrily. A white she cat with an unusually pointed nose rushed forward to the small kit. She was the queen Sandstar mentioned about. 

The queen settled herself next to the small black she kit. Twilightkit scented the warm milk scent and rushed to the queen. She sucked milk happily as the queen gave a soft gentle purr. 

The full moon meeting silently ended as the cats followed their leaders. Sandstar held the daughter of StarClan by it's scruff. She wiggles but the queen gave a comforting mew as Twilightkit calmed down.  

"The daughter of StarClan is born." Sandstar mewed.

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