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The former medicine cat swiftly took a killing bite on the fish. His fur soaking wet, he shook it off when he got to shore. The fresh-kill was perfect, plump and healthy.

Life in StarClan is perfect as he expected. Even a untrained cat like Fernfoot could easily catch a fish. Silently, he started to chew the fish he caught.

"Hunting peacefully aren't you?" A nut brown she cat emerged. She was a StarClan born cat, born and raised in the dead without having the chance to live. A sister of hero Twilightspeckle, Dustypaw. "Have you considered going on a trip to deliver a prophecy?"

Fernfoot raised his head slowly like a elderly elder. "No. I have done my task and gave my words to Sunpaw. Even StarClan may not guide her now within the other StarClan territory. It is up to them to decide the next."

Dustypaw nodded. "The five clans and the three clans are close to meeting each other. Eye to eye. Even we StarClan can not walk the sky above the five clans."

"You mean the morning, noon, and night's StarClan. There is a another StarClan to the five clans. Was this really the right thing to do young Dustypaw? Was forcing to interact MorningClan, NoonClan, and NightClan with ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, and SkyClan a wise choice? They both equally have skills and power—there is also a possibility for bloodshed." Fernfoot said.

Dustypaw hissed lashing out her tail to slap the ocean water. "And who was the one who caused it? Traveling and finding forbidden love, possibility the most dangerous love all eight clans have had. You, who traveled across the ocean and falling in love with her."

"Is this some kind of threat?" Fernfoot growled. "I believe saying Hollytuft name is certainly fine."

"Fine?" Dustypaw growled back. "You knowing her is causing trouble. Hollytuft is a ThunderClan cat, one of the five clans. You shall have never met her. And you broke the medicine cat code, and the warrior code. And you brought a threat to the clans. You are the cause if bloodshed happens."

Fernfoot remained silent, than spoke up. "But I could have kept this a secret forever. If only the prophecy haven't come, this would have never happened."

"But it did. And now Sunpaw, Crystalpaw, and Shimmerpaw is and have risked their own life to fulfill the prophecy. And Crystalpaw is a medicine cat, do you know how valuable she is to NoonClan? Marigoldseed is becoming an age, and she might not have time to fully train another apprentice. And that can bring to more conflict Fernfoot." Dustypaw lashed out. He was causing trouble after trouble, she had no idea why this tom had the right to be in StarClan.

Fernfoot closed his mouth. How can Dustypaw ever know how hard it is? The cat that must be kill that stated in my prophecy must be my kit or kits.

Fernfoot, when he was still a 'paw had a wondrous beyond clan territory. He sneaked out and set off to an journey, what a foolish decision it was. He accidentally went on a sea monster and it carried him across the ocean—to Midnight. There he recieved wisdom from the wise she-badger about the five clans. He set off to an journey, going to ThunderClan since Midnight told him they were the most friendlies; having the chance they might not kill him. He than met Hollytuft, a young ThunderClan warrior. She made him hide, that there was trouble in the clans and he mustn't come. But Hollytuft came to visit Fernfoot to his hiding spot everyday, a kind cat she was. They became fond, too fond, and later realized that she was pregnant. Knowing Fernfoot has broken the code, he left, and made safety back to his home.

Fernfoot doesn't know if his kits are alive, or how many, or how they were raised.  The one thing he knew was they were not suppose to be in the world.

The calm sea shifted the waves, while in the land blew trouble to the three cats Sunpaw, Crystalpaw, and Shimmerpaw.

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