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(Cat above is Stonehaze)

Stormspot sat outside the warriors' den, his tail wrapped neatly around his paws. The dark storm clouds rolled overhead, looking more black now than dark gray. Stormspot let his gaze sweep across his clan. His calm clan.

Fallowstar was under the Highledge with Shadedsky and Oakflame. The apprentices were outside their den. Whitepool and Pinestripe were speaking outside their den with Badgerpaw.

The air was still and calm. The forest was silent. But then a small breeze carried in a familiar, terrifying smell. The peace was gone.


Stormspot let out a grunt as a ShadowClan warrior barreled into him. He scrambled to his paws and leapt at his attacker, ranking his claws across his face. The ShadowClan cat yowled in pain and swiped at Stormspot, tearing one of his ears. Stormspot ranked his claws over his opponent's back and neck. The cat grunted and whipped its body around, landing a blow to Stormspot's head. Stormspot staggered back and dodged to the side as the ShadowClan cat leapt again. Stormspot managed to pin the cat and ranked his claws across the cat's belly. The cat yowled in pain and angled his paws on Stormspot's underside and pushed him off then leapt away.

Stormspot quickly looked around. All around him, ShadowClan and ThunderClan cats were locked in battle. He spotted Rainflight by the queens fighting Toadleap, Fernshade battled with Maplefrost, and Stonehaze battled with Neetlesplash. Cloudwing fought alongside Fireclaw. All six apprentices were battle two ShadowClan apprentices and an older looking warriror.  But there were two cats that Stormspot didn't see amongst the ShadowClan cats.

Mumblestep and Cedarflame. His two friends from ShadowClan were no where in sight. It looked like all of ShadowClan was there. Why were they not?

Stormspot shook his thoughts away and threw himself back into the fight. He grasped a nearby ShadowClan with his claws, but was shaken loose. He tumbled over and the ShadowClan warrior turned on him and gripped him. He managed to twist and sink his teeth deep into the cat's flesh. The warrior yowl and Stormpaw bit harder. The warrior shook its body and managed to throw Stormspot off then took off to help its clanmates.

Stormspot looked around again. He spotted Rainflight and Toadleap. The black and white warrior leapt at the gray she cat. Rainflight tried to dodge but wasn't quick enough. Stormspot watched in horror as Toadleap pinned his mother to the gorund and bite down on her throat. Rainflight's body spasmed for a moment before lying still.

No! Stormspot felt frozen like a stream in leaf bare. He quickly looked around to find his father. He spotted Stonehaze and Neetlesplash, both bleeding heavily. Neetlesplash was showing no mercy, barley giving Stonehaze an opportunity to defend himself. In one quick heartbeat, Neetlesplash leapt at the gray tabby warrior and slashed his neck. Stonehaze fell to the ground, his final breath escaping his body.

This can't be happening! Stormspot thought.

Stormspot looked around. Where was Fernshade?! He looked but didn't spot his sister anywhere. But something bore into his fur. He turned around and was met with the burning amber eyes of Maplefrost. Inside the she cat's jaw...was Fernshade. Her gray tabby pelt was stained from head to toe in blood. Maplefrost's eyes bore into Stormspot's, as she clamped her jaws shut. Fernshade's body spasmed, then went limp. Maplefrost opened her jaws and Stormspot watched as his sister's body fell to the ground.

Suddenly there was a yowl from the clearing.
Wolfstar was making his way back through the thorn barrier, his clan following. Toadleap, Maplefrost, and Neetlesplash were the last to leave.

The dark clouds rumbled again...and then the rain came. Stormspot felt the ground crumple beneath his paws. His mother, his father, his sister were dead. He lost them.

The three fallen warriors were moved to the clearing, the rain puddles turning a faint red. Stormspot sat down beside his family's bodies and let his claws sink into the ground. Fireclaw rushed passed him and threw himself down by Fernshade's body.

"Fernshade..." he choked. Their kits joined him, curling up next to their mother.

Stormspot lowered his head. The tears fell. His family was gone. Cloudwing came up beside him and gently pressed her muzzle against his shoulder. His kits gathered at his paws, pressing themselves against his legs.

Fallowstar padded up to the three bodies, Oakflame at his heels. He bent down and pressed his nose into each cat's pelt. "StarClan, welcome these three warriors. They died bravely and honorably in accordance to your will."

"Is everyone else alright?" Oakflame asked.

"Yes." Whitepool answered from where he was treating Branchpelt's wounds.

Pinestripe nodded reassuringly from where he was, treating Frostflower. Badgerpaw was running around, doing what help he could with what he knew how to do.

Stormspot padded over and layed himself down by his family. The moments played over in his mind. The sight of Toadleap standing over his mother; Neetlesplash's claws tearing his father's throat; the burning hatred in Maplefrost's eyes and the shutting of her jaws around his sister's neck.

They killed them.

Stormspot's hackles began to rise and his claws slid out. The rain poured around him, making his pelt stick to his body. ShadowClan thought they had won finally, but it was only the beginning. Now it what his turn.

They killed them.

Now they will die.

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