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(Cat above is Whitepool)

Stormspot sighed as he walked beside between Fireclaw and Cloudwing. The clan was heading to the island for the gathering and he wasn't looking forward to it.

Something I'm sure most of ThunderClan doesn't know about.

Wolfstar's words had echoed in his head, making him worry more than a clan during a harsh leaf-bare. Whatever secret the ShadowClan leader had discovered it would certainly cause trouble within ThunderClan.

Just like Wolfstar wanted.

Once they arrived on the island, Stormspot immediately began looking for two familar pelts. To his dismay, he never spotted Mumblestep or Cedarflame among the gathered clans.

What happened to them?

He didn't have time to ponder where his friends had vanished to. He had other things to worry about. As Fallowstar took his spot on the branch alongside the other leaders, Wolfstar glared at him, a tiny wicked grin across his muzzle. Driftstar, not noticing the hatred between the two toms, rose to his paws.

"Let the gathering begin." He called. "I will begin. All is well in RiverClan. Prey is running and we have suffered no threats from outside souces."

He retook his spot and and looked at his fellow leaders, inviting one of them to go next. Wolfstar and Fall simply glared at each other again. Runningstar, noticing the glares, rose to his paws.

"All is well in WindClan." He mewed. "Prey is plentiful and and we have not suffered any casualties."

The young leader dipped his head before sitting back down. Before Wolfstar could go, Fallowstar rose to his paws. Stormspot looked at the ShadowClan leader, expecting him to look annoyed, but instead the dark gray and white tom looked pleased, as if wanted Fallowstar to go before him.

"Not long ago, ThunderClan suffered an attack and tragically lost three brave and loyal warriors—Stonehaze, Rainflight, and Fernshade." He began. "But since then, we have recovered well and give thanks to StarClan for our swift recovery."

He sat back down, not bothering to look at Wolfstar. Wolfstar rose to his paws, and Stormspot noticed the proud look in his eyes.

"Not long ago, ShadowClan also lost three warriors." Wolfstar meowed. "If you noticed, Neetlesplash is not present tonight. He sadly was one of them. The other two were Toadleap and Maplefrost."

He them casted a smug look at Fallowstar. "But I have far more exciting news than that. I discovered from a one of my clanmates a little secret shared only by Fallowstar and his pitiful medicine cat. You cared so much you're willing to keep Whitepool's little secret."

Stormspot looked to Fallowstar then to Whitepool. His leader looked ready to rip Wolfstar apart, while Whitepool looked frightened.

"Wolfstar, unless you want to loose the rest of you lives, I suggest you shut your mouth!" Fallowstar snarled.

"What wrong Fallowstar?" Wolfstar taunted. "Too good of a leader to admit when you've broken the warrior code?"

Fallowstar and Whitepool broke the warrior code?!


Every cats' eyes turned to see that Whitepool had risen to his paws. His eyes shone with dread but slight courage.

"This secret has eaten at me for too long, Fallowstar." He mewed. "I have to tell them."

The medicine cat lowered his head for a moment before looking up and looking at Deerspot then, to Stormspot's surprise, at Cloudwing.

He closed his eys then lifted his head high.

"I am Deerspot's mate and the father of Cloudwing!"

Several shocked and angered gasped rippled through the island. Stormspot looked at Cloudwing, who sat beside him. His mate's eye were filled with betrayal and hurt. She looked at Deerspot, who had risen to her paws.

"Cloudwing, I-" the brown amd white she cat began.

Without giving her mother a chance to explain, Cloudwing scrambled to her paws and races across the tree bridge and off the island. Stormspot felt his heart break for the young she cat.

"That's not the only secret ShadowClan has!" A voice ranged about the commotion.

Flarewind, a ginger ShadowClan warrior, had risen to his paws. "While hunting a few days ago, I happened upon something interesting. I found Neetlesplash's body in the lake, his skull broken amd his neck slashed. A bloody trail of paw prints lead out of ShadowClan territory and into ThunderClan. Alongside their end of the lake, I discovered a small tuft of gray fur with a dark end, belonging to a speckled gray cat."

"And there's only one cat in ThunderClan who is a speckled gray cat." Wolfstar added. He pointed with his tail to Stormspot. "My warriors were murdered by that manging tom!"

Stormspot felt all the eyes on the island on him. Fallowstar has risen to his paws, rage in his eyes. Stormspot looked around frantically. His had been caught and exposed.

I have to get out of here!

He rose to his paws and took off across the tree bridge. He leapt to the other side and began sprinting back to canp. He figured his clan would be behind him shortly, but before whatever happened next...he had to make sure Cloudwing was alright.

He finally made it to back, and slipped through the thorn tunnel. He head to the warriors' den and found Cloudwing curled up tightly in her nest.

"Cloudwing, are you alright?" He asked, laying his tail over her back.

"She could've told me!" Cloudwing spat. "She could've told me he was my father! I could've kept the secret too!"


Stormspot's pelt prickled. The rest of ThunderClan was back. He bent down and licked Cloudwing's head before padding out. All of ThunderClan had gathered. Stormspot's kits sat by the apprentices' den, their eyeing shining with confusion and sadness. Stormspot glanced at Branchpelt and expected his old mentor's face to show disappointment, but instead the brown tabby looked depressed. Poppycloud, Stormspot's first apprentice, was beside him, the same sadness plastered on his face.

"Is it true?!" Fallowstar demanded, as he filed into the clearing.

Stormspot sighed. "Yes. It's true."

His clanmates who were not present at the gathering let out shocked gasps and began murmuring to one another.

"You have broken the warrior code." Fallowstar meowed. "There's only one suitable punishment for a crime such as murder."

Stormspot looked around at his shocked, angry, and saddened clan and them back to Fallowstar. He had disappointed them. His leader's next words caused he ground beneath his paws to grumble.

"Stormspot, you are banished from ThunderClan!"

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