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(Cat above is Bramble)

"I wanna be the warrior, Bramble! You were the warrior last time."

"No, I wasn't! Stone was." The small brown tabby kit retorted.

Stone looked up from where he had been practicing his pouncing on a leaf. "I was the leader last time. Violet, you were the warrior last."

Stormspot watched his kits bicker and play, slight pride swelled in his heart knowing they took so much intrest into the clans. His life as loner was better than he imagined. He had Bailey and now their litter of four kits.

There was Bramble, the oldest. He was a brown tabby just like his mother, except for the white tints. Then their was Stone, who looked like his father. Stormspot had named him after Stonehaze, knowing his family still watched over him. The third born was Violet, his daughter. She had gray tabby fur bright blue eyes. The last and smallest of the litter was Owl, who was sitting with Bailey. She matched her mother's appearance perfectly, as well as her warm and sweet personality.

Each day they reminded him of his other kits. Bramble was much like Snowpaw: he was strong for his size and determined but kind. Stone was like Rainpaw: quiet at times but strong and smart whem he needs to be. Violet reminded him of Hazelpaw: she was snarky but sweet and always ready to help. Owl was her own. She was sweet, caring, comforting.

With every passing moment, Stormspot missed Cloudwing and their kits. He wasn't there to watch his kits grow or sleep next to Cloudwing every night. He missed them terribly.

But I can't go back.


A tiny shriek snapped Stormspot out of his thoughts. He looked down to find Violet with and aggravated look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Violet." He mewed. "What did you say?"

"Tell Bramble to let me be the warrior!" Violet complained. "Make him the ShadowClan leader."

Stormspot turned to his eldest kit. "Bramble, would it really be that bad if you let your sister be the warrior?"

"Yes." Bramble simply answered.

Stone rolled his eyes and stepped between his siblings. "Okay. I'll be the ShadowClan leader. Bramble, you be the WindClan reinforcement and Violet, you'll be the ThunderClan warrior."

"Okay." Bramble meowed. He turned to his youngest sibling. "Are you playing too, Owl?"

Owl sat up and shuffled nervously on her tiny paws. " don't know." She mumbled.

"Come on." Violet encouraged her timid sister. "You can be a RiverClan warrior."

Owl looked down at her paws and wrapped her tail tightly around herself. Bailey bent down and gently licked her between the ears. "You don't have to play if you don't want to. You can stay with me if you'd like."

"I'm gonna stay here." Owl mewed, turning back to her siblings. "I'll watch."

"Alright." Stone meowed. He turned and leapt at Violet, pinning her to the ground. "This land belongs to ShadowClan! Surrender!"

Violet wiggled underneath her brother's weight. "ThunderClan will never surrender!"

The two rolled on the ground, playfully swiping and attacking each other. After a couple of moments, Bramble joined in, throwing himself at Stone.

"Get out ShadowClan!" He declared. "ThunderClan will not give up their terriorty."

Stone separated himself from his brother, pretending he was rounding up warriors. Violet bounded over to Bramble.

"Thank StarClan you're here, Bramblestar." She meowed. "Stonestar amd his warriors showed up and attacked us."

"You're welcome, Violetheart." Bramble mewed, puffing out his chest. "My warriors and I are here to help."

Stone leapt at Bramble again, playfully batting his sides. Bramble batted back and pretended to scratch his belly repeatedly. Stone staggered back and fell to ground pretending to go limp.

"Stonestar's dead!" Violet cheered. "ThunderClan and WindClan win!"

Bramble joined in her cheering as Stone rose to his paws and shook the dust from his fur. "Good job." He mewed.

Stormspot purred at his kits. He enjoyed that they had wven given each other leader and warrior names. Whent they weren't playing as leaders they were Brambleclaw, Stonewind and Violetheart. Even though she didn't usually play with them, they gave Owl a name- Owlwing.

Bailey rose from her spot and gather her kits. "Come on, you four. It's time to sleep."

"But we're not tired." Bramble complained. "Can we stay up a little bit longer?"

"No, come on." Stormspot meowed. "The sun's setting."

The four kits bounded after their parents. Stormspot and Bailey curled up beside each other, while their kits curled up besdie Bailey's side.

Stormspot wrapped his tail around his family and let a wave of sleep wash over him.



A tiny sigh just loud enough for him to hear, made Stormspot crack an eye open. At the entrance of the nest, he spotted Stone sitting by himself. Stormspot rose to his paws, carefully as not to wake up his sleeping mate and other kits. He padded over and sat by his son.

"Stone, what wrong?" He asked. Then he noticed that the gray speckled kit was looking up at the sky.

"Is that StarClan?" Stone asked.

Stormspot looked up. The stats of Silverpelt were overhead. Three of the bright stars were close together and Stormspot hoped they were who he thought they were.

"Yes." He answered. "That's Silverpelt. All those stars are StarClan warriors. Past clan cats." He pointed with his tail the three close together stars. "You see those three?"

"Yes." Stone answered.

"I think those three are my family." Stormspot meowed. "You're named after one of them."

Stone pricked his ears. "I am?"

Stormspot nodded. "You're named after my father, Stonehaze. He was a silver tabby and one of the best warriors in ThunderClan."

"Wow." Stone awed, looking back up at Silverpelt. "What about your mother?"

"My mother's name was Rainflight. She was a gray tabby and one of the most caring cats." Stormspot answered.

"And who's the third one?"

Stormspot was silent for a moment. "The third is my sister, Fernshade. She was the sweetest and most spirited cat in the forest."

Stone looked at his father, noticing the sadness that had clouded his eyes. He looked back up at the stars, focusing on the three.

Stormspot looked down at his son and wrapped his tail around him, pulling him close. "You have cousins in ThunderClan."

Stone whipped his head up to look at his father. "I do?"

Stormspot nodded. "Three of them. Sparkpaw, Dewpaw, and Willowpaw."

Stone smiled. "Do you think you'll ever see them again?"

Stormspot bent down and licked his son between the ears then turned to look at Silverpelt.

"I know I will. One day."

A/N: Ok sweet little chapter but ya know what else is sweet? This book just hit 3k reads!!!! That's insane!! Thank you guys so much!! This means alot considering I never thought it'd be this popular!!

I love you guys!

Look forward to more chapters!

See ya!

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