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(Cat above is Fallowstar)

Stormpaw maneuvered a long tendril of bramble through the tunnel into the stone hollow. He began to drag it across the clearing, stumbling as it suddenly stop moving with him.

He dropped his end and glanced back to see Barkkit. The brown tom had sunk his teeth into the other end of the tendril and was battering it with his paws.

"ShadowClan are trespassing!" Petalkit squealed, dashing up beside her brother and leaping onto the bramble. "Get out of our territory!"

Lightflame, the kits' mother, came padding over to them. Her other kits, Poppykit and Brightkit were trailing behind her.

"Come on you two." Lightflame mewed. "Stormpaw needs this to patch the elders' den."

"Can we help?" Petalkit asked.

"Yes,can we?" Barkkit agreed, letting go of the bramble.

"Okay, but be careful you don't get thorns in your pads."Stormpaw meowed.

The two kits tried to help him tug it along, but instead they got under his paws and made the task harder. When they drew closer to the elders' den, Barkkit and Petalkit dashed across to Willowleaf and Lichenfrost, who were sunning themselves at the entrance to the den.

So much for helping.

"Can you tell us a story?" Barkkit asked.

Willowleaf smiled. "You tell them something," she mewed to Lichenfrost. "You're better at it."

"What do you want to hear?" Lichenfrost asked.

Barkkit and Petalkit looked at each other for a moment. Stormpaw turned his ear to listen. Even though he was an apprentice on the verge of getting his warrior name, he still enjoyed the elders' stories.

"Tell them about how Fallowstar became leader." He mewed. He turned to the kits. "It's my favorite story. I'm sure you two will like it."

Lichenfrost smiled, stretching his back legs out behind him. He turned his gaze from Stormpaw toward the kits. "Is that what you want to hear?"

"Yes!" Both kits squealed.

"Well, believe it or not, Fallowstar was never deputy." Lichenfrost began.

"He wasn't?" Barkkit asked.

"No." Lichenfrost continued. "It happened many moons ago. At the time he was known as Fallowdrift. Our leader at the time, Emberstar, was killed in battle."

"Who was the deputy? What happened to him?" Petalkit squeaked.

"Our deputy was a tom named Smokecloud. He had died of his battle wounds that following night. He was never able to make the journey to get his nine lives." Lichenfrost answered.

"How did you know Fallowstar was supposed to be leader?" Barkkit asked.

"Whitepool's mentore received a message from StarClan telling her that it was Fallowstar who was destined to be ThunderClan's leader." Lichenfrost mewed, wrapping his tail around himself. "His mentor was a she cat named, Juniperleaf. She was one of the wisest medicine cats at the time."

Stormpaw twitched his ears at the medicine cat's name. She had died before he was born. Whitepool never spoke of her and when someone else did he would turn and leave. Stormpaw always wondered why the medicine cat never spoke of his mentor but he chose not to bother him with it.

He finished the last of the nest and went and took care of the remains of the old nests. When he retuned, he spotted Barkkit and Petalkit outside the nursery telling the story to Poppykit and Brightkit. He smiled at the four kits. He always made it seem like the kits annoyed him and that he would be too busy for them, but Stormpaw knew he would want kits if his own.

But with who? He wondered to himself. Cloudpaw? No. She couldn't possibly like me in that way. Why would she?

He turned and headed across the clearing toward the fresh kill pile, wincing slightly on his sore paws. He had been on the dawn patrol, training with Branchtail, and now cleaning the elders' nest. He reached the pile and picked out a plump shrew. He padded to the apprentice den and ate the shrew in a few hungry bites.

Once he was done eating, he looked up and gazed around the camp. Everything was calm which made his pelt prickle. Why could he feel like something was wrong?

As if answering his question, Fireclaw burst through the thorn tunnel, his ginger fur sticking out and his blue eyes were wide.

"Fireclaw, what's wrong?" Oakflame called from the warriors' den.

Stormpaw felt his heart speed up as Fireclaw called out, his voice clear and loud.

"ShadowClan have invaded our territory!"

Short chapter, I know.

Chapter 5 will be better and longer. I promise!!

See ya!!

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