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(Cat above is Marshtail)

The sun was already above the trees by the time Stormspot awoke. A couple of days had passed since his warrior ceremony. He looked over at Fernshade, who was still sound asleep.

He stifled a purr of amusement before ducking out of the den. Cats were gathered around Oakflame for patrols. Stormspot weaved among them, hoping he would get picked for a patrol.

"Brackenear, take Spottedflare, Mudpelt and Fireclaw and patrol near WindClan's border." Oakflame ordered.

Brackenear nodded then went and assembled his cats. Stormspot made his way past the patrol and up to Oakflame.

"Do you need me in a patrol?" He asked, a little too eagerly.

"Unfortunately, I've already sent out two patrols," Oakflame mewed. "but you can go hunting."

Stormspot's tail dropped with disappointment. "Alright."

"Hunt near our edge of the lake." Oakflame meowed. "Marshtail's hunting near the ShadowClan border."

Stormspot nodded and headed for the thorn tunnle. He ran at a steady pace through the trees until he reached his destination. The many scents of prey filled his nose. Soon he spotted a vole scurrying around trying to find its own food.

Stormspot crouched low to the ground and crept toward the vole that was now scuffling under a leaf. He darted forward and trapped the vole under his paws. He killed the vole with a swift bite to the neck.

He burried his catch then contined on. After a while of hunting, Stormspot turned to retrace his pawsteps and dig up his catches when suddenly an loud shriek erupted in the forest.

Stormspot's ears twitched. Who was that? He wondered. Then he realized where the cry had come from. It had come from the ShadowClan border. Marshtail!

Stormspot turned and took of running towrad the ShadowClan border. He didn't care about hunting anymore. If Marshtail was in trouble he needed to help him.

By the time Stormspot teached the border, he felt to tired to fight. He skidded to a halt and looked around. There were no ShadowClan warriors in sight. But there was a scrap of brown and black fur lying at the base of a tree.

Stormspot padded over. It was Marshtail. The warrior's pelt was stained with blood. His stomach had been sliced and a pool of blood had formed.

He was dead.

Stormspot sniffed at Marshtail's body and around the base of the tree. He couldn't pick up any trace of and ShadowClan warrior's scent.

He closed his eyes and gave a small prayer to StarClan before he positioned Marshtail on his back and began to head back to ThunderClan.

As he neared the thorn tunnel, he spotted Brackenear's patrol. He spotted Fireclaw at the rear of the group.

"Fireclaw!" Stormspot called to the ginger warrior.

Fireclaw's eyes widened when he noticed Marshtail on Stormspot's back. He raced over and he looked to shocked to speak.

"Marshtail! What happened?" He asked.

"I found him dead by the ShadowClan border." Stormspot answered. "I couldn't find any traces of ShadowClan scent on him but who else would have killed him?"

Fireclaw nodded sadly then helped carry Marshtail into camp. When the two padded through they were immediately swarmed by their clanmates. A mix of sad and angry mews could be heard throughout the camp.

Fallowstar weaved his way through the crowd of cats with Oakflame behind him. He gazed down and Marshtail's body.

"I shouldn't have sent him hunting near the ShadowClan border." Oakflame's mew was sorrowful. "I knew we were having conflicts with ShadowClan."

Fallowstar laid his tail on his deputy's shoulder. "It's not your fault. No cat here can prevent what ShadowClan has planned."

Oakflame didn't reply. Fallowstar pressed his nose into the dead warrior's fur, several clanmates following suit. Stormspot slipped into the warriors' den and curled in his nest.

"StarClan will welcome such a loyal warrior." He heard Dapplespot mewed, mournfully.

If I had gotten there quicker, Marshtail might still be alive.

Fernshade padded into the den and over to his nest. "Are you alright?"

"Marshtail would probably still be alive if I had reached him quicker." Stormspot answered.

Fernshade sat down and ran her tail along her brother's back. "You can't prevent every cat's death. You heard his cry and reached him to bring his body back to camp so that we could remember him and give him a proper burial." She licked Stormspot between the ears. "If you hadn't heard him it could have been days until we found him."

Stormspot didn't reply. He simply wrapped his tail around himself and rested his head on his paws. Fernshade gave him on last lick between the ears then slipped back out of the den.

Stormspot sighed and closed his eyes.

I'm sorry, Marshtail.




Stormspot sighed as he layed outside the warriors' den. That morning the clan had awakened early to hold the burial for Marshtail.

He looked around the camp for someone to talk with, hoping that would make him feel better. He spotted Fernshade but decided not to talk with her right now, as she was in a conversation with she was everyday.

Instead he spotted Stonehaze sitting alone near the fresh kill pile. He slowly made his way to join his father.

"Hi." He mewed, glumly.

"Hi, son." Stonhaze meowed. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright, I guess." Stormspot answered.

Stonehaze moved closer and ran his tail along Stormspot's back. " Your mother and I are proud of you. Fallowstar and Oakflmae are too. Fernshade and Fireclaw mentioned that it was you who heard Marshtail's cry."

"But I didn't get there in time." Stormspot mewed.

"You rushed to his aid and brought his body back to his clan." Stonhaze continueed. "You were ready to fight if needed and carried his body. As his clanmate your did your part."

Stonehaze rose to his paws. "Rainflight and I are proud to have a loyal warrior like you as our son."

He turned and padded to the warriors' den. Stormspot watched his father leave, his words echoing in his mind. He looked up at the sky.

I couldn't save you, Marshtail. But I'm glad I found you and brought you home.

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