Chapter 3

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Half a moon passed since then. The Medicine cat apprentice, Graypaw, got her full name as Graybloom. Rabbitpaw was still being mentored by Cloudheart, much to her dismay. However, things have changed, and Cloudheart has softened up. Other than that, Rabbitpaw continually had the same dream. She decided that she'd had enough. She needed to talk to Goldenshadow. He'll know....he can explain it to me, right? Maybe tell me that is was just dream. Perhaps this isn't a prophecy, and it isn't a vision. I'm just being paranoid! But she couldn't shake the feeling away. She swished her tail as she padded quietly out of the apprentices den. She looked up at the sky. The moon was high up, so she had a lot of time. She slipped silently into the Medicine cat den, past Grayblooms nest, and padded over to the sleeping form of Goldenshadow. She reached out a paw and pressed it to his shoulder. "Goldenshadow...." She whispered, dipping her head down. "Wake up" The Tom stirred, groaning a bit as he blinked opened his eyes. "What do you want"?! He hissed quietly, before realizing it was Rabbitpaw. His eyes softened as he stood up, gazing down at her. "Yes, Rabbitpaw"? He asked. "I....I need to talk to you. About a dream I've been having...." She answered hesitantly, shifting her paws. Goldenshadow nodded, twitching his tail. "Follow me" He stepped out of the den, and Rabbitpaw followed. They padded around and behind the den, where it was more darker. He gestured to her to come forward as he sat, curling his tail around his paws, Rabbitpaw doing the same. "So, tell me about this dream" He finally said, leaning a little closer.
Rabbitpaw launched into explaining her dream. When she was done, Goldenshadow looked a little surprise, and even a flash of alarm was visible in his eyes. This made her anxious, and she twitched her tail. "Goldenshadow...."? She asked quietly, a little hesitant.
He blinked once and looked down at her. "It may have been a prophecy...but I'm not sure" He finally answered. "But I thought only Medicine cats were supposed to get prophecy's! Does....does that mean I have to be a Medicine cat"? Rabbitpaw asked. Goldenshadow shook his head. "You don't have to be a Medicine cat to receive a prophecy...." He murmured. Rabbitpaw felt unsure still, looking at the ground. "This won't stop you from becoming a Warrior, Rabbitpaw. I promise" He reassured her.
She let out a sigh. "Okay" She reluctantly stood up, turning to walk off. "Wait- Rabbitpaw"! She twitched an ear, looking over shoulder at the Medicine cat. "Has...had my sister been nicer to you"? Goldenshadow asked. "Yeah...I guess. Cloudheart isn't as mean as she used to be" Rabbitpaw admitted. Goldenshadow sighed with relief. "I'm glad to hear that. Go on back to your den and get some sleep. And...try not to worry so much about this dream, ok"? Rabbitpaw nodded. "Thank you" She dipped her head, trudging back to the apprentices den, carefully stepping around nests, and settled down in her own between Breezepaw and Ashpaw. Curling up, she rested her head on her paws. She heard Breezepaw shifting around beside her, mumbling. She chuckles quietly, closing her eyes, as she feel into a deep sleep.

They were howling. It was a terrifying sound that pierced her heart with horror. Rabbitpaw spun around to see a wolf stalk towards her, snarling. She slowly backed up, her eyes widening with fear. "A Wolf will destroy the clan unless the rabbit becomes the predator" She heard. "No, not that retched phrase again! I don't know what you mean"! She called. She looked back at the wolf, who opened its jaws. "Know your destiny, Rabbitpaw" It spoke. "What destiny?! I don't understand! Please, tell me what this means"! Then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted something. A dark gray mottled cat hovered above her, but his pelt has stars. "You will learn when the times comes, young one" He spoke. "W-who are you"? She stuttered, stepping back. But the floating figure of the Tom faded away, leaving her confused and scared. She shut her eyes as she heard the snarling of the wolf behind her. And then, there was darkness....

She padded alongside her mentor, returning to camp , holding a squirrel and two mice, while Cloudheart had a rabbit. "Nice job today, Rabbitpaw. You did well with learning new battle moves and hunting. You will become a strong Warrior one day" She praised. Rabbitpaw twitched an ear at this. Her mentor was nice now, but the apprentice was still quite bitter from how she had been previously treated. The older she-cat seemed to notice this, and paused. She set down the prey and turned to her. "Rabbitpaw, can I tell you something"? She asked. Rabbitpaw set down the prey she caught and looked up at her curiously. "Erm...I guess" She answered hesitantly. Cloudheart sighed, sitting down. "You know, when I was your age, me and your father...we were really close. We hunted together, trained together, raced into battle to together! We were the best of friends. It wasn't long after we became Warriors that I started to like him. But...I eventually realized how close he was with Sparrowfall" She hesitated. Rabbitpaw nodded. "Go on" She said. "And I told him how I felt. But Drizzlestar...he didn't feel the same way. I became jealous of Sparrowfall, and your father saw that. As an apology, he made me the Deputy. But it didn't change the way I felt. Then, you and your littermates were born. I felt so angry....but now, I understand that I can't let my emotions get the best of me. I shouldn't have been so unfair to you, Rabbitpaw. You deserve much more. I can't apologize enough for how I treated you in the past" She finished. Rabbitpaw was quiet for a moment as she thought.
That's why? What a stupid reason.....I don't know if I'll ever forgive her....but perhaps I shouldn't hold a grudge.
"I suppose I can forgive you....." She finally replied. Cloudheart blinked gratefully and stood up. " lets get back to camp" They both grabbed the prey and started off towards camp.

Later that evening, Rabbitpaw was speaking to Wolfpaw. They were laughing and joking around. "And then remember when Breezepaw ran face first into that tree"? Wolfpaw asked. Rabbitpaw snorted. "Yeah, how could I not remember that"? They both chuckled for a while. Wolfpaw paused in his laughing, and his face grew serious. " did training go today"? He asked. Rabbitpaw perked up. "It was great! My hunting skills are improving, and I'm doing well with battle training"! She replied cheerfully. Wolfpaw nodded. "That's great! And.....Cloudheart"? Should I tell him about the conversation we had earlier? It really isn't any of his business.......but he's my friend. I won't lie to him.
Rabbitpaw sighed. "Well, she apologized earlier about how she treated me in the past. She used to have a crush on my father, and was jealous when she saw he liked Sparrowfall......" She answered. Wolfpaw tilted his head. "And you forgave her"? He asked. Rabbitpaw nodded. "Yes....I did. Is there something wrong with that"?
Wolfpaw snorted. "I wouldn't have forgiven her, even with that lame excuse. She shouldn't have treated you like that! Cloudheart is not worthy of your forgiveness"! He hissed. Rabbitpaw felt a growl in her throat. "So what, I'm supposed to hold a grudge against her forever"?! She growled, standing up. "Exactly! And keep your fur on, it's just my opinion. You shouldn't have accepted her apology" Wolfpaw sat up. Is he serious? He can't just tell me what to do! Rabbitpaw lashed her tail. "I'll do what I want, and you can't control what I do"! And before Wolfpaw could reply, she whirled around and stalked off, going to join her littermates. They looked up at her in surprise, but said nothing. Rabbitpaw layed down between Ashpaw and Breezepaw. She glanced over at Wolfpaw, who stared at her with a hurt look. Her gaze turned to a glare, and she looked away. If he wants to be like, he can be like that. I guess he wasn't the cat I thought he was.....

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. This year has seriously been......awful. I lost motivation and had writers block for a while. Things have not been entirely great. I
haven't updated since April.....
Recently, a new friend on Wattpad gave me the encouragement I needed.
Thank you all for being so patient. I will try to update as often as I can from now on. Put I won't force myself if I really can't.
And that's it for Chapter 3! Hope you enjoyed reading it! :D

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