Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
                   |Facing death|

Miststar padded around with Cloverswipe at her heels. She lifted her head and sniffed the air, a strange smell hung in the air, and it was burning her nose, being curious, Miststar padded in the direction of the smell.

She looked up in the sky, grey clouds loomed over them the smell was growing stronger and it was becoming hard to breath but she padded onward she went low into a hunters crouch the air above them was a musky grey smell and she hated it, Miststar stopped as the twoleg houses loomed over them.

Orange flames were bursting out of the top, reaching for the sky and clawing at the clouds. Miststar shrunk back, her ears back as she hissed at the fire. Then bolted back the way of the camp, looking back every so often to make sure Cloverswipe was still following.

She Leaped on the rocks in the river, quickly crossing it, but suddenly she heard a large splash as Cloverswipe fell into the rushing water.

Miststar bolted back, and without thinking she leaped into the river, her fur getting soaked immediately. The cold water sent a shiver down her body as she hit the water.

She looked around frantically until she saw Cloverswipe's head bobbing above the rapids. Miststar padded faster, the small webbing between her claws not helping at all in the cold black water that was lapping at her pelt.

The water suddenly dragged her down water covered her face and burned her nose she swiped at the water hoping to hit a rock and propel her upward, the rippling tide pulled her deeper into the river her head now fully submerged, Miststar yowled water began to fill her lungs so she quickly closed her mouth her nose stinging as a rock hit her side and her right hind leg became lodged between two boulders.

She thrashed rapidly and finally got free then swam slowly upward, she could hear other cats thundering through the forest in their direction.

She let out a ear-splitting yowl before getting dragged back under, she twist and turned but as she did, she only got deeper her muscles ached and she was just about ready to give up and let the rippling tide take her away, but a cat grabbed her by the scruff their teeth pricing her skin making it bleed lightly. They pulled her onto the shore her fur soaking the ground beneath her.

she looked over at another body laying on the shore "Cloverswipe" Miststar Rasped slowly clawing over to her dear friends side she licked cloverswipe, her breathing was shallow but she was still alive. "Get her back to camp" she rasped "and give her to Foxpaw so she could be treated." She said laying on the pebbles next to Cloverswipe, Miststar got up her hind leg screaming at her, Silvertuft a black and white she-cat padded over and helped Miststar walk. Bramblescar on her other side Redwing padded behind them he and Stormstep carrying Cloverswipe on their back.

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