Chapter 3- Future Warriors to Remember

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Honeypaw and Rockpaw looked excited. Today, it was their warrior assessments, and if they passed, they would be warriors.

Froststar smiled fondly at her enthusiastic apprentice. She remembered when she was a tiny kit, begging for her to be her mentor.

Rockpaw was as reckless as he is now. His training didn't change his mindset, but his fighting skills are great, and would serve the clan good for generations to come.

"Are you ready?" Stormleaf asked. Both apprentices nodded their heads eagerly. "Bring back at least three pieces of prey by sundown, and we will do your battle training accessment," Froststar instructed.

They mewed in agreement. "Go!" she yowled.

Honeypaw immediately bounced off, sniffing for prey. Rockpaw went in the other direction, staring at the trees as if the prey is mocking him from there.

Froststar jumped onto a branch and climbed a tree, hopping from branches to branches without falling.

She spotted Honeypaw sneaking up on a rabbit. She smiled in approval that her apprentice remembered to check the wind direction.

She pounced with her claws out, taking the rabbit's life with a snap on its neck. She smiled proudly and buried it, looking for more prey.

Froststar jumped onto another tree and spotted Rockpaw. He was staring hard at a bird that took no notice of him. The bird was on the tree, puffing out its chest to show that it is its territory.

Rockpaw tensed as the bird flew on a lower branch. He let out a triumphant yowl as he pounced and clawed down the bird.

He sink his teeth into the prey and it stopped struggling. He looked proud and buried the prey by a bunch of bushes.

Both apprentices are doing well, Froststar thought with pride.


By the time it is sundown, Honeypaw and Rockpaw have returned, carrying plenty of prey. Stormleaf nodded in approval and mewed, "It is time for your battle training accessment."

They went to the Training hollow and Froststar mewed, "First, you will fight your mentors. It may be tricky but with your training, you will do well. Next, fight each other. Remember, sheathed paws."

Both apprentices mewed in agreement as Froststar faced Honeypaw. Her eyes darted from side to side nervously. "Go!" she yowled, and at the same time she pounced.

Honeypaw looked surprised but dodged quickly. Froststar twisted to face her, knocking the apprentice down with a kick. Honeypaw grunted in pain but bounced back up.

She jumped towards her and ducked quickly. Froststar dodged a blow that was aiming for her head and Honeypaw managed to rolled away when she fell.

She pounced again, this time, at the last moment she moved to the other side by twisting quickly and landed beside Froststar.

Honeypaw jumped onto her and pinned her down with a paw. "I win!" she mewed, but her victory didn't last long as Froststar broke from her grip.

"You did great," she mewed when she signaled for the fight to stop. Honeypaw's eyes shone with pride while Rockpaw got up, shaking dust off his pelt.

"Now, for the final match," Stormleaf announced. "Go!"

Both apprentices pounced towards each other. Honeypaw grabbed Rockpaw's tail and yanked it hard with her paw. Rockpaw yowled angrily and batted at her with powerful paws.

Honeypaw slid under him as he jumped, causing him to land onto empty ground. Rockpaw crashed into her swiftly, cuffing her ears.

Honeypaw landed a blow on his nose that distracted him briefly. She then kicked his paws under him, and he fell with a thud.

Rockpaw didn't give up. He got back up and swiped at her with both paws, causing Honeypaw a hard time to defend herself.

She eventually fell and Rockpaw quickly pinned her down. Honeypaw didn't get back up, puffing tiredly.

"I give up," she panted. Rockpaw let her go and mewed proudly, "I won!"

"Good job you too," Froststar mewed. "I will hold your ceremonies around moonhigh."


"Let all cats who are old enough to catch their own prey to gather at Highledge for a clan meeting!" Froststar yowled.

Goldenfeather was busily grooming Honeypaw and Rockpaw, who protested in annoyance.

"Today, the clan become stronger with new apprentices," she mewed. "Honeypaw and Rockpaw, step forward."
They stepped forward, eagerness reflected in her gaze.

"I, Froststar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warrior in their turn," the words she spoke couldn't show how proud she was of the apprentices.

"Honeypaw, Rockpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" she asked.

"I do," Honeypaw replied solemnly.

"I do!" Rockpaw mewed excitedly.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names: Honeypaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Honeyfrost. StarClan honours your commitment and honesty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

"Rockpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Rockpelt. StarClan honours your bravery and courage, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan," Froststar finished.

"Honeyfrost! Rockpelt!" the clan yowled in welcome. Goldenfeather and Grassheart yowled their kits new names the loudest, pride evident in their mew.

"Finally, a warrior at last!" Rockpelt exclaimed. Honeyfrost nodded happily as their former denmate, Lilypaw congratulated them.

"Don't forget that new warriors have to sit vigil," Froststar purred, as Honeyfrost touched noses with her.

"Thank you for everything," she purred back, heading off to start her vigil with Rockpelt.

Little did they notice a strange tom watching them outside the camp...

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