Who will win??

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The clans stood opposite each other as the evening sun hung high in the pale blue sky. Darkclan were lined up on their side of the valley. Meadowclan were also stood on there side. Then Bluepaw shouted," let the battle commence!" The clans changed at each other, warriors leading and medicine cat behind. This was going to be a historic moment for meadowclan and darkclan.

After hours of fighting, darkclan gave up and returned to the safety of their territory. Meadowclan had won! Bluepaw purred and nuzzled willowstripe. He started to cry tears of joy until he noticed iceclaw laid in a tight ball in the middle of the battle field, surrounded by blood. Her white coat was no longer white and her beautiful green eyes were lifeless. "We need to carry iceclaw home, and quick," demanded Bluepaw as he helped his sister to her feet.

After 45 minutes, the clan reached the safety of the woods. Bluepaw lay iceclaw down in the medicine cat den. Ne licked his sister's neck and then returned to his den and collapsed on his moss bed. It had been a long day. But are they still safe?

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