Chapter 4

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Eaglestar leapt at the kit, as if she assumed it would spring away like the first one. The kit squealed as Eaglestar sprung at it. Instead of landing on it, Eaglestar pounced at its tail, pinning it down so it couldn't leave.

The kit froze in panic "Y-you better stay back...or I-I'll, I'll..."

Pepperstar couldn't help but laugh at the tiny kits attempt to scare his sister. Eaglestar chuckled as well.

"Hey!" He kit squealed, as he batted at Eaglestars paw. "You better not mess with me! My Clan will get you in big trouble! I'm going to be the next leader!" He meowed.

Pepperstar sniffles another laugh. "You have to earn that place as leader." Pepperstar told him.

The kit tilted his head. "What are you talking about?"

That was when they attacked. Three of SaberClan cats jumped out of the bushes.

The kit wailed. "What's going on!?" He cried. "Who are you cats?!" The kit stumbled to the ground, managing to pull his tail out from under Eaglestars paw, and covered his ears with his paws.

The clan cats froze. "He's not yours?" Eaglestar asked Longtooth, who as next to her.

"I thought he was yours." He growled back.

Suddenly, the kit leapt up, and ran into the trees. He wasn't as fast as the last it, so Eaglestar and Pepperstar could keep up with it. The two siblings leapt after it.

After a few minutes of running after the kit, the two leaders found themselves weaving through a maze of trees. The trees were thick, and it was nearly impossible to see.

Eaglestar stopped in front of Pepperstar, sending him flailing to the ground. "This is the territory I saw in my dream." She said.

Pepperstar nodded as he got up. "Same here." He replied.

Eaglestar looked up at the sky, not that she could see it very well. "We should get back to out Clans." She told him. "Let's meet back here tomorrow." Pepperstar agreed, and headed back into the maze of trees, back to his Clan.

Walking back, the two strutted into TreeClan territory.

They smelt something strange, though. "I smell a rouge." Eaglestar breathed, crouching down.

They then saw it. A beige kit, newly born, mewling silently. A wave of sympathy for the young kit washed over the two leaders, and Eaglestar picked the kit up by the scruff. She trotted away with the kit in her jaws.

"What are you doing with that rouge kit?!" Pepperstar hissed.

Eaglestar looked at him before mumbling something that sounded like. "Wll i ned a hom, dosn i?"

When Pepperstar stared at her, she dropped the kit between her paws and meowed, "Well it needs a home, doesn't it?"

Pepperstar said nothing.

Upon arriving at the SpaceClan border, Eaglestar motioned with her tail for him to follow her through the blackened SpaceClan territory.

She padded into the Warriors den, waking her mate, Cometblaze, with a few shoves. "Cometblaze, wake up! Lazy furball." She hissed.

Cometblaze sat up in surprise, eyes wide open and looking around. "Huh?! What?!" He yowled.

Eaglestar motioned to the kit. "I found her. She needs a home, and I thought we should take her in." She mewed.

Cometblaze looked uneasy, meowing, "I dunno..."

"Would you leave a SpaceClan kit to die?" Eaglestar asked.

"No, of course not." Cometblaze replied immediately.

"This is no different, Cometblaze." Eaglestar meowed softly.

The tom sighed. "Fine." He mumbled, placing his head back onto his paws, and closing his eyes.

Eaglestar turned back to Pepperstar. "Meet me at the boarder tomorrow at sunset. We can go explore that territory."

Pepperstar dipped his head in respect. "Of course. I'll see you then." Then turned around, and walked out of the camp.

*     *     *     *     *

"Squidkit!" Wolfstrike yowled. "What are you thinking, you mouse-brained kit!" The blue kit lowered his head. "Sorry." He meowed. "I wasn't thinking. I wanted to explore." Wolfstrike sighed. "You should have at least kept Fishtail with you. He could have taught you something."

The small kit groaned. "I don't want to learn things! That's all I ever do! I want to have fun!" Squidkit began to pace the extremely large den, walking back and forth from wall to wall. "What's going on?" Moonskull asked, walking in. Her black and white fur was soaked from the clear, blue water outside. Her eyes glowed in the dark cave.

When she saw Squidkit pacing, she sighed. "What did he do this time?" She asked. Wolfstrike could tell that she was trying to stay optimistic about the situation, but there was no doubt that there was disappointment and embarrassment in her eyes.

"He snuck out if camp by himself, and nearly got himself killed. He also-"

"Objection!" Squidkit yelled, making Moonskull chuckle. Wolfstrike looked at her, and she silenced. "Swiftkit came with me! Blame him! Not me! It was his idea." Wolfstrike groaned. "Squidkit, as future leader of the Clan, you must take charge, and responsibility. You can't blame others for everything."

"And you should have known it was the wrong thing to do!" Moonskull piped in.

"Technically, as future leader, I can blame whoever I want." Squidkit snarled.

Wolfstrike sighed. His obnoxious son just didn't understand. He shook his head, and tried to say something else, but Squidkit's pelt immediately bristled and he sprinted out of the den.

"Oh...." Moonskull muttered quietly.

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