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Whitecloud watched happily as her kits played. Darkfire watched them as well.
The sun set over the hills on the horizon, making the bright Leaf Fall leaves even more beautiful. The farm was glowing with shades of red and orange.

Whitecloud was from RiverClan, and Darkfire, ThunderClan. Once they had kits, they had no choice but to abandon their Clans, and become rogues, to make sure their kits are safe. It was a very different life then the one of a Clan cat, but it would have to work.

They had two litters of kits. The first litter, with Eagle, and Pepper. Then the second litter, with the one remaining kit, Moon. Eagle, is a beautiful she-kit, with an orange pelt, a white under belly, and blue eyes. Pepper, is a large tabby Tom, with a white under belly, and the same blue eyes as his sister. Moon, is a black and white she-cat, with moon-eyes. One green eye, and one blue eye.

Eagle and Pepper were the only kits of their litter, but Moon had two others as well. Sadly, they didn't survive the cold Leaf Bare temperatures. Surprisingly, Moon was the runt of her litter, yet she was the only one to survive.

Whitecloud watched as Eagle leapt onto Pepper, and tumbled off. Moon watched excitedly. She sighed, knowing that they would be great cats some day. She smiled, Everything's going to be perfect. She thought.

.     .     .     .     .

"Kits!" Whitecloud called. "Time to sleep!"

She heard the kits groan as they walked into the barn.

"Do we have to sleep?" Eagle asked stubbornly.

"Yes." Darkfire replied from behind them. "You have to get some sleep, so that you can play tomorrow."

Moon jumped up and down. "I wanna play tomorrow!" She quickly stumbled over to her nest, lied down, and touched her tail to her nose.

Whitecloud smiled. "Good Moon," she turned to Eagle and Pepper. "Now, both of you, sleep."

The two kits slowly stomped over to their nested, and sat down. Suddenly, a low, angry growl came from outside.

Whitecloud turned to Darkfire, who nodded, and ran outside. "What's going on Whitecloud?" Moon asked fearfully.

"Ya," Eagle added. "Why did Darkfire run outside?" Eagle acted tough, but Whitecloud could clearly see fear in her gaze.

"Stay here kits." She ordered, and ran out of the barn.


Whitecloud gasped when she saw Darkfire's shadow grappling with was looked like the shadow of a monster. Whitecloud knew without a doubt, they were doomed. She quickly ran into the barn. "Run." She whispered to her kits.

Moon tilted her head in confusion. "Why Whitecloud? I wanna stay with you." The smallest kit walked up to her, and rubbed her soft black fur against her. Whitecloud stepped back, sending Moon face-first into the hay. The small kit jumped up, and swatted at her playfully. Whitecloud smiled sadly. "Kits, run into the woods, now."

Eagle jumped at the tone in her voice. "I wanna help you fight what's out there!" She complained.
Whitecloud growled, making the kits jump. "I said, RUN!" The three kits, along with Whitecloud, ran out of the barn to see flames everywhere. "Goodbye my sweet kits." She said to them softly, before charging towards the monster.

.     .     .     .      .

"Come on Pepper!" Eagle ordered. "Let's go!" Pepper stumbled towards her. "What about Moon?" He asked.
Eagle looked around, seeing nothing but flames. Even if we get into the woods, away from the fire, She thought. We still won't be able to see her dark, black fur in the night. Eagle hissed in annoyance. "There's no time!" She growled.
Together, the two kits charged towards the under-brush, trying to avoid the massive flames.

"I hope Moons ok." Pepper said sadly, once they finally reached the forest. Eagle licked his forehead.
"Me to Pepper. Me to..."

OMG!!! The Three Chosen book is finally back!!!!!!! 😆😆😆 And it now has a prologue!!! Sorry it was kinda short. Don't worry though. The actual chapters will be at least 1000 words. This was only around 700. Who was the monster?? Where's Moon!?! What is going to happen to their parents?!?! Guess you'll have to keep reading to find out!!😋 I hope you like it!!!

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