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(cat above is Mousekit)

The bright light of silverpelt shone over the forest. A small Gray and white kit trudged through the trees, shivering at the cold leaf-bare wind. The kit looked up and wondered how far he was from his camp. Stay strong Mousekit, he told himself.

"Hello! Troutstar!"Mousekit called, even though he knew his clan couldn't hear him."Stupid storm."he grumbled. He opened his mouth and called again. "Sandslash! Roseberry!

What's the use. I'm too far away for them to hear me.

Mousekit trudged on and felt his stomach start to growl. It can't be that hard to hunt, right? He sniffed the air in search of prey, but all he could smell was the unfamiliar forest area. He let out a small sigh them padded on before he spotted something in front of him.

It was a large, red wooden twoleg nest. Mousekit shrugged and continued onward to the wooden nest, the cold leaf-bare wind blowing against his face. Hopefully it's warm in that thing, he thought to himself.

Mousekit finally reached the structure after what to him felt like moons. He sniffed the air and picked up the scent of rat. He also picked up an unfamiliar cat scent. But something in the barn smelled familiar to him.

"Hello!" He called. "Any one here? I'm lost. I'm cold and hungry."

Mousekit walked around, his eyes darting back and forth. He pelt prickled with uneasiness. Surely if a cat lived here, they wouldn't attack him, right? I'm just a kit. What mousebranied cat attacks a helpless kit.

"Who are you?"

Mousekit nearly leapt out of his pelt. He turned around and was met with the eyes of a young tom cat. Mousekit looked him up and down. He looked around the size of the older apprentices in his clan. But he was strange looking. His fur was gone.

"I'm Mousekit." Mousekit replied.

"My names's Oscar." The furless tom mewed, cheerfully. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from ThunderClan." Mousekit answered. "I got lost in the storm and now I don't know how to get back."  Mousekit eyed Oscar's hairless form. "How come you don't have fur?"

"I was born this way" Oscar replied.

Mousekit turned his head to one side and smiled. That's weird. How can a cat be born without fur? He suddenly caught a wiff of the familiar scent. Where was it coming from?

Oscar pointed with his tail to a corner of the barn. Another hairless cat was curled up and his eyes were closed. He looked bigger and older than Oscar.

"That's my brother, Bruce." Oscar mewed. "Bruce, say hi to our new denmate."

Bruce looked up from his spot. He glared at Mousekit and let our a grunt then went back to sleep.

"Just ignore him. He's not a social cat." Oscar meowed.

Mousekit smiled and stiffled a small laugh. Oscar lead Mousekit away from the nest entrance.

"So, you said you're lost and from the clans?" He asked.

"Yes." Mousekit mewed.

Oscar laughed. "Funny enough, we got another cat here with the same problem."

Oscar flicked his tail to another corner of the barn. A tom sat in front of a rat, his red brown fur surprisingly smooth after storm. He looked up and his eyes widened when his saw Mousekit.

"Who are you?"Mousekit asked.

The red brown tom looked down at his paws. "I'm Weaslepaw, from WindClan. Looks like we're both pretty lost."

Mousekit's stomach growled again and Weaslepaw looked Mousekit up and down.
"Can you eat fresh kill?"

"Yes. I'm four moons old." Mousekit answered.

Weaslepaw ran into a corner of the barn and came back instantly with a small mouse. Mousekit's eyes wided. He wasn't even gone that long! He must be an experienced hunter. Weaslepaw dropped the mouse in front of Mousekit, who ate it in three swift bites. "Thanks." He mewed.

"So, how are you two clan cats gonna get home?" Oscar asked.

"I don't even know how far away home
is." Weaslepaw meowed, stretching himself out on the barn floor.

"Well leave soon."Bruce snarled. "It's too noisy here with extra cats especially annoying kits."

Mousekit's ears dropped at the older cats words.

"Don't worry about him. He's old and grumpy."Oscar remind him.

Mousekit turned and looked at the forest, his eyes full of sadness. Was Troutstar sending someone to look for him? Mousekit didn't want to stay at this strange twoleg nest, even if there were other cats there. He missed his clan;He missed playing with his littermates, Berrykit and Honeykit; He missed feeling his mother's fur against his at night. I hope they're alright.

Weaslepaw padded over and sat next to him.
"I miss my clan too."he mewed, as if he read Mousekit's mind. "My friends, my family, my mentor."

The red apprentice wrapped his tail around his paws and gently nudge the small kit. "Don't worry. We'll get home."he meowed.

Mousekit smiled. I sure hope so.

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