Bye Thornfire.....Not?

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Silverbreeze: Welco-

Thornfire: Wait! I have to say something.

Tigerkit: Say something I'm giving up on you!

Owlwhisker: Don't you dare sing that song!

Mosspaw: It's too late! She already started the ritual for unleashing Scourge!

Tigerkit: It's too late! Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Thornfire: CAN I JUST SAY IT!!!

*crickets crickets crickets*

Thornfire: *clears throat* I'm quitting the truth or dare show.

Everyone: *gasps*

Owlwhisker: *secretly pumps his paw in the air*

Thornfire: I'm gonna live with my best bud Scourge

Tigerkit: Yay I can finish the ritual! *does the worm*

*Lightning crashes onto the stage and Scourge appears*

Scourge: Sup

Twolegs who are for some reason in love with Scourge: YASSS SCOURGE!!!!


Scourge: Get a collar. Put teeth in it. Get dog teeth. Put them on your claws. And be awesome.

Silverbreeze: OMG!!!

Owlwhisker: *narrows eyes* I don't like him

Scourge: *narrows eyes* Why do you look familiar?

Mosspaw: Break it up people

Annoying Little Tigerclaw Spirit: He looks like me a little bit

Annoying Little Firestar Spirit: Eww it's Annoying Little Tigerclaw Spirit *sticks tongue out at him*

Annoying Little Tigerclaw Spirit: *sticks out tongue back*

Scourge: I will kill you Owlwhisker cause you look like Tigerstar! *attacks Owlwhisker*

Owlwhisker: *kills Scourge with the most epic move of all Warriors*

Scourge: XoX

Everyone: SO EPIC!!!!!!

She-cats: GO OWLWHISKER!!!! *have pompoms*

Owlwhisker: SHUT UP!!!!

Thornfire: Looks like I'll be staying in Warriors Truth or Dare forever because Scourge is dead

Owlwhisker: Wait! No! *shakes Scorge's dead body* Wake up you flea bag!

Annoying Little Scourge Spirit: No*sticks out tongue*

Everyone: Yay! Thornfire is staying!

Owlwhisker: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! WHY YOU *very bad multiple words* CAT!!!!

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