Chapter One

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     Nightpaw shouldered his way over to the freshkill pile where his denmates were already waiting. Tonight they would be attending their first gathering, so strength was a must. It was, in fact, quite a ways to get to the sacred island on which it takes place. Ashpaw and Goldenpaw were hastily sharing a rabbit, while Nightpaw chose a magpie to much on. He carefully plucked away at it's feathers, intending to save them for his nest. The flesh was still warm and juicy, and he savored every bite while giving thanks to StarClan.

     "Nightpaw! You think I could snag a few of those feathers for the nursery? I'm sure Wolfnose would appreciate it." A brown warrior called. The queen had recently kitted, so Nightpaw couldn't refuse. 

     He collected the feather in his mouth and followed Reedwing towards the bramble bush that was the nursery. Pushing his head inside, the soft scent of milk hit his nose. Inside, the three queens nursing kits were still huddled asleep in their nests. Not wanting to disturb them, Nightpaw gingerly placed the feathers among their nests and slipped out. The sun was high in the sky now, and soon the cats going to the gathering would have to leave. 

     Sedgestorm, Nightpaw's mentor was sharing tongues with the deputy near the fallen trees. They seemed to be deep in conversation. Goldenpaw and Ashpaw were nowhere to be seen. Nightpaw decided that there was enough time to hunt before travelling, so he set out of the camp towards squirrel trees. At the top of the hollow that was the FireClan camp, he paused to scent the air. The forest was definetly brimming with prey at the height of new leaf. 

     Nightpaw finally saw his catch, a russet squirrel nibbling on a seed at the base of a tree. Instantly, he fell into a hunter's crouch. Trying to remember what Sedgestorm had taught him, he let his tail fall a bit, not quite touching the soil. Then he crept forward slowly, eyes on the prize. At the last moment, he pounced and the squirrel flew upward, but not fast enough. Proud of his catch, he started to head home.

     By the time Nightpaw reached the camp, it was nearly time to leave. He set his squirrel on the freshkill pile and joined the group of cats at the entrance. 

     In a few moments, Mothstar joined her clan at the head of the group, ready to lead them to the gathering island. Thistletooth joined her at the front of the crowd and Sedgestorm found herself in step behind Nightpaw. Ashpaw and Goldenpaw had caught up with their mentors, and then they were off.

    Nightpaw was so excited. Ashpaw could barely hide his antsyness as he scuffed the earth with his racing feet to go ahead of everybody. Briarsky called after him and he came sulking back to the group. Nightpaw could barely stifle the laugh in his throat at his brother getting reprimanded.

     "Remember Nightpaw, this is your first gathering, don't go making fights, and remember there is a truce tonight." Sedgestorm mewed.

     Nightpaw noded in acknowledgement before falling beside Goldenpaw and Ryebrook. The older warrior sniffed at his arrival, clearly disliking the young apprentice. Goldenpaw didn't seem to notice and nuzzled Nightpaw's shoulder in greeting. "I can't wait to meet the other apprentices, can't you?"

     The black apprentice merely shrugged, "I'm more interested in what the leaders have to say." The group of cats had made it to the shore, and now their paws sunk in the warm sand. Goldenpaw screwed up her face, "I hate this sand, I'll be picking sand from my toes for days."

     "Oh don't be such a grumpypuss," a new voice chimed in: Ashpaw.

     "Oh yeah?" Goldenpaw retorted with a pawful of sand in her brother's direction. Ashpaw yowled and jumped out the way. He reared up on his hind legs and hissed playfully. Ryebrook glared at Ashpaw, and he fell in line. The cats were coming up on the twoleg bridge used to reach the island. The moon was climbing in the sky by now.

     Mothstar paused at the edge of the water. "Remember, the wood is slick here, so be careful not to slip." With that, she leaped onto the single plank of wood and gingerly set her paws one in front of the other and made her way across the bridge. Thistletooth went next, followed by all three apprentices, then the other warriors. 

     At the other side of the water, lay land Nightpaw hadn't ever been on. It was sandy, just like the shore on his territory, but colder. Many scents invaded the black tom's nose and he wanted desperately to explore. The circle of cats came upon the circle where gatherings were held. Five large stones, taller than any tree in the forest, served as a gate to the sandy hollow filled with cats from every clan. Nightpaw's fur stood on end and it felt as though electricity was flowing withing him. His eyes were focused on his leader standing on the lip of earth seperating them from the gathering. With a flick of her tail, she signaled to her clan to join and they all crashed into the pool of fur.

     Excitement flooded Nightpaw and he rammed headfirst into a soft white pelt. The scent invading his nostrils was of SandClan. The she-cat whipped around with a scowl, "Hey! Watch where you're going, you fleabag!"

     The black apprentice apologized quickly, licking his chest fur nervously at the sight of the pretty cat.

     "I'm Nightpaw, who're you?"

    The white she-cat purred in amusement. "I'm Cloudfeather, the newest warrior of SandClan."

     The white tom nearest her interrupted with a snort, "Second newest warrior, you mean."

     "Oh shut up Splashtail, " She turned back to Nightpaw. "Don't mind my brother, he's a bit of a fish-brain."

     Nightpaw chuckled awkwardly. Before any more wqords could be exchanged, a howl came from atop the Star stone. The gathering had begun. Mothstar was sitting in front of the other leaders, mentioning talk of new kits and new apprentices. The deputies and medicine cats of all clans were supposed to be gathered beneath their leaders, but one was missing: Sandface.

    Soon, she emerged from behind one of the Star stones, shaking on her paws. Mothstar turned her attention to her medicine cat, "What is it Sandface?"

     Sandface collapsed in a heap, fear-scent wafting from her body. "My sister! Somebody kiled my sister!"


I loved writing this chapter! Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know what y'all think

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