Chapter One

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Wolf chased his brother, Thorn, across the cave inside a mountain that they called their den. His sister, Snow, sat in the corner of the den watching Wolf and Thorn run around the cave.

The kits were about four moons old now, and they were already up and running around. Except Snow. She would always sit there while her brothers played. Whenever Wolf asked her to come and join him and Thorn, Snow always had exuses like that she didn't like the games her brothers played, or that she was too tired.

Wolf always wished to go outside the cave and beyond the mountains, but Mother always said it was too dangerous. He also always wondered what sort of "dangers" were out there. Father was almost never at the den, either.

He always pictured what outside the cave would look like. All he'd seen of it was the view from the entrance to the cave, but nothing else.

A gentle swat of a paw on his ear brought him out of his daydreaming. He turned around to see Thorn, who was staring at him playfully. For the first time, he didn't feel like running around and chasing his older brother all day. Snow was still sitting in the corner. She had her tail wrapped around her body, and her blue eyes stared at them. She muttered something to herself, but Wolf couldn't make out what she said.

"Come on, Wolf! You haven't been paying attention to anyone today! Why?" Thorn asked, then he glanced at Snow. "And Snow of course is just a l--" He stopped talking when he saw Mother looking at him as if saying 'you shouldn't talk to your sister like that!'.

Wolf sighed. "We've been doing this all day." He looked at the entrance to the cave. "Mother, when can we go outside?" He added with quick glance at Thorn.

Mother got up and walked toward her two sons. They'd been over this before; they weren't ready to go outside because it was "too dangerous". "Not until a while," she meowed. "You never been out there. You don't know how dangerous it is."

Wolf rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, we know. Just outside the cave?" He asked pleadingly. He already knew the answer. Its not even worth it, he thought.

Mother sighed. "Just outside the cave," she agreed. "But I have to go with you guys." Wolf stared at Mother in excitement. Never before had she agreed to let them go outside, or anywhere away from the heart of the cave.

He bounded to the cave entrance, but stopped as he looked at the steep way down to the grassy ground from the high cave inside the mountain. Thorn walked up next to him. To both of their surprise, Snow followed too. Mother led the way down the steep rocky "pathway" down to the field.

Wolf heard a small cry from Snow. He looked behind him. "Are you okay?" He asked, walking up to his sister.

"Yeah, I just stepped on a sharp rock," Snow responded. Mother also walked up to Snow. Mother started studying the injured paw. Before Mother could say anything, Snow said, "I'm fine, it just hurts a bit." Then she started limping down the hill.

"If you insist," Mother muttered and followed Snow. They reached the end of the hill and emerged into a endless field of tall grass.

"Wow," Wolf said in admiration. He sunk his claws into the soft but wet ground. Taking a minute to get used to the strange surroundings, he sniffed and took in all the new scents that came from all around him.

"Hey Mother, can we go to that place with a lot of trees?" Snow asked, staring beyond the long field and into the forest.

"That's the forest, and no. We have to stay in the field. Out there, in the forest, is too dangerous. I'm serious, kits," Mother responded.

"Your no fun!" Wolf complained. He didn't care if it was dangerous; he knew that he could face the dangers, even if he was a four-moon old kit outside for the first time in his life.

"Yeah," Thorn piped in, "What are we supposed to do in a huge boring field of grass?" He let out a soft hiss as a unsturdy piece of grass fell on his snout.

"Oh and a small boring cave is funner than a huge open field full of lots of surprises?" Wolf spat. He took a few steps forward carefully, and kept his ears alert for any signs of "dangers".

Thorn rolled his eyes but said nothing. Snow watched Wolf and Thorn argue, then she started sniffing around herself.

Mother turned her head toward the sound of pawsteps. Wolf did too. Was there another animal coming to attack them? He wondered. A huge brown tom appeared. My father? Wolf felt a bit disapointed but relieved at the same time.

Father stared at the three kits. "What are they doing outside the cave? I told you to keep them inside!" He spat.

Mother looked as if she was about to protest, but she didn't. "T-the kits wanted to come outside so badly...and you know....they need to learn about the outside world around them sooner or later. Besides, its just right outside of the cave."

"Rain, remember what I told you. You can't let them out like this! Something could happen. And believe me, I know a thing or two about that," Father hissed. "Take them back to the cave. Now." Mother just nodded and started leading her kits back to the den.

Wolf looked at Thorn. He looked behind him. Where's Snow? He stopped. "Snow is missing," he pointed out.

Then there was a yowl. It was Snow, he realized with a jolt.


How is the story so far? Sorry its not that good, I kinda wrote it in a hurry for some reason.I left a cliffhanger :P What do you guys think is gonna happen?

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